3a大作是什么意思|3A Unit8 Let’s go to the park教学设计

小学三年级英语教案 2020-05-18 网络整理 晴天


一、            teaching aims:

1.      new words: a zoo  a cinema  a supermarket  the great wall  a park

2.      new phrases:by car/bike/plane/bus

3.      new sentences: let’s go to…

                 all right/ok/good/great,but how?


二、            teacheing difficulties and emphrases:

1.      the words’ reading and reciting.

2.      the sentences’ using.

三、            teacheing tools:

cards pictures some subjects  多媒体课件


step 1 organization

1 warm-up

(1)sing some songs


(3)free talk


a:hello,nacy. nice to meet you.

b: nice to meet you

a:good morning,ben.this is…

b: nice to meet you…

c: nice to meet you,too.

step 2 presentation

1.t:boys and girls.next let’s play a game,ok?


t:listen and guess,what’s this?


s: a cat /a bird/a zebra/a tiger…

t:good job.next let’s guess again.


新授→a car/a bike/a plane

→by car/bike/plane

t:last let’s listen to this sound.guess what is this?

s: this is a bike…

t: oh no ,it’s a clock.it’s 7 .let’s go to school now.

(2)t: let’s go to school now.

   s: ok, let’s go.


(3)t: who can invite me ?

  s1: miss dai, let’s go to school?

  t: ok, but how?

s1: by bike.

s2: miss dai, let’s go to school?

 t: ok, but how?

s2: by car..

→ but how

(4)t: boys and girls,today i will take all of you go traveling.are you happy?

   s: yes.

   t: now i’m your guide.ladies and gentlemen the place we will go is beijing.

      let’s go to beijing.

   s: ok,but how?

   t: by plane.


   s: miss dai,let’s go to beijing.

   t: good, but how?

   s: by plane.(问几组)

→good,but how?

(5)t: all right.now we are in beijing.let’s have a look at our travel form.




beihai park








t: oh, it’s eight thirty. first let’s go to the park.

  look, this is beihai park.


let’s go the park.

s: let’s go to the park.

t: good, but how?

s: by bus.


(6)t: guess,what is the secong place.看唇形不出声猜单词


t:please invite your good friend to go to the zoo.


(7)t: 好的不知不觉上半天的旅游行程已经结束了,i feel hungry now.are you hungry?


     t: let’s go to a good palce to buy some delicious things.wher shall we go?

     s: 超市



t: let’s go the supermarket.

s: good, but how?

t:by bus.


practise in pairs.

(8)oh, time is up.we should go to the third place.it is the cineme.



   →the great wall



t:那么我们可以这样回答。great but how?

  →great but how?


step3 practise

t: ok ,the traveling is over.do you remember the five places?

s: yes ,they are the park, the zoo, the supermarket, the cinema and the great wall.

t:good job,next ley’s play a game,what’s missing?


t: 通过一天的旅游我们除了学会用英文说五个地点外,还学会了四种交通工具。let’s chant.

next let’s open your books and read after the tape of part b.

at last let’s do some exercises.




step 4 homework

make a plan for your weekends



unit 8 let’s go the park

let’s go (the) …

ok/all right/good/great, but how?

by bike/car/bus/plane.



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