6a充电线和5a的区别|6A Unit2 Ben’s birthday Part E教学案例

小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-07 网络整理 晴天


teaching procedures:
step1: lead in.
1.let’s enjoy. 《jingle bell》
2.show a bell.
t:boys and girls. what’s this?                      s: it’s a bell. read and spell.
t: listen! the bell’s ringing. it’s time for       .       s: it’s time for class.
t: we also can say “it’s time to          .”        ss read after t.
t:ok. let’s do some exercise. please look at the time. can you say sentences like this?
(cai: 8:00 a.m. 11:10a.m. 4:30p.m.)
step2: presentation
1. t: look, what date is it?                   s: it’s the twenty-fifth of october.
  t: do you like it?                              s: yes, i do.
  t: miss zhu like it, too. it’s christmas.             s: read after t.
  t: on christmas day, we can play and sing. we also can get many presents. yes? 
  s: yes.
2. t: boys and girls, listen! what is it? it’s a kind of bell.  s: doorbell.
  t: it’s a doorbell.                              ss read and learn.
  t: oh. what’s ringing?                          s: the doorbell’s ringing.
  t: the doorbell’s ringing. someone’s coming. let’s open the door, and see who is he? ok?
  t: oh, he’s father christmas. father christmas is here.    ss read and learn.
3. t: boys and girls, please look at the screen. there’s a photo. miss zhu is here, yes? s: yes.
t: the pretty girl is my friend.  her name is lily. she is 12 years old.
she likes christmas very much. do you know why?
 s: because it’s her birthday.
  t: yes, you’re so smart. boys and girls, can you tell me when’s your birthday?
s: my birthday’s on ….
 t: what would you like as your birthday present?    
 s: i’d like a … as a birthday present.1234
 t: you can work in pairs.                         ss work in pairs.
 t: ok. i’ll ask some of you to ask and answer.        some ss ask and answer.
4.t: good job! boys and girls, do you usually have a birthday party? s: yes.
  t: look, lily is having a birthday party. father christmas gives her two presents. a small present and a big present. can you guess what are they?
a.    a small present.
t: i can give you some hints. lily likes watching cartoons. can you guess?
   who can tell me?  s: some cartoons.
t: you’re so clever. father christmas gives her some cartoons.
  do you like watching cartoons?                   s: yes, i do.
  do you like watching aladdin?                    s: yes, i do.
aladdin   s read and learn.
t: this is aladdin’s costume.
  show two pictures of costume.                        s read.
(take out the costume of aladdin ) t: look, this is aladdin’s costume. who wants to be aladdin? you can put on the costume.
learn “put on the costume”                        s read and learn.
当学生穿上时,t: what is he doing?                s: he’s putting on his costume.
t: are you hot?                                  s: yes, i am.
t: ok. you can take off the costume.                 s: ok!
learn “take off the costume”                        s read and learn.
ask a girl to act.
t: en, good! now, miss zhu is very hot. what can i do?  s:you can take off your coat.
t: good! if i am very cold, what can i do?             s : you can put on your coat.1234
b.    a big present
t: let’s guess the second present. it’s very nice and delicious. what is it?    
s: it’s a big birthday cake.
t: yes. look, this is a big birthday cake.               ss read.
t: what else do we need?                           s:…
t: yes. candle. can, can, candle.                     ss read and learn.
t: let’s sing a song to lily. ok?                     ss sing a song together.
t: you sing very well. then after making a wish, what can we do? (做动作引导学生)
  teach “blow out the candles”                     ss read and learn.
t: good. then it’s time for?                      s: it’s time for some cakes.
  we also can say?                           s: it’s time to have some cake.
step3. practice and consolidation.
1. t: boys and girls, do you remember ben?             s: yes.
  when’s ben’s birthday?                       s: it’s on the 18th of october.
t: your memory is so good! today ben is having a birthday party at home. let’s go and see. open your books and turn to p19, read after the tape and answer my questions.                                  
s read after the tape and then answer the questions.
2. t: now read by yourselves and write the correct letters in the boxes.
                           s read and do the exercise.1234
   check the answers together.
3.    do exercise1 and 2.
     这节课的失败,我现在细细想来,是我在备课的过程中出现了极大的失误:没有注意到小学生的年龄特点与学习规律,更没考虑到他们已有的英语积累与对新知的理解消化,一味地以自己想象中“应该”的步骤去实现自己的教案。于是出现了课堂上对于新句型的“填鸭”式学习:我一个环节一个环节往下赶,学生的声音也越来越低。学习效果可想而知。我设计了father christmas这个人物,继而一步步地引出本课所要学的一个个知识点,但我在课堂上的处理上却显得很生硬,不知道如何很好地让学生接受这些。
这不是本单元的第一课时,对学生来说很多内容都不是新的,但学生对话的声音不是很多,举手回答的学生更是寥寥无几。原因在哪里?作为上课的老师我要从自己身上找原因,而不应该埋怨学生。我发现作为老师,我的示范性没有很好地发挥,在free talk时和学生的交谈不到位,在与学生进行复习it’s time for…/it’s time to ….时,所给的例子也不多,所以导致了学生不会说。在教授put on/ take off his costume时,和学生操练的次数不够,没有很好地利用做好的道具,有些浪费。
6a unit2 ben’s birthday part e教学案例 来自。 1234


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