6a充电线和5a的区别|6A Unit 2 第一课时公开课教案

小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-06 网络整理 晴天


一 教学内容
  《九年义务教育六年制小学教科书*牛津小学英语》6a 第二单  元第一教时(look, read and learn, look and say, sing a song)
二 教学目标
1能正确地听、说、读、写单词mean, danger, should, shouldn’t, litter,
   park, cycle和句型what does it/ this/ that mean? it means you should/ shouldn’t。
2能正确地听、说、读公共标志名称no smoking. no littering. no
      parking. no cycling. danger! no eating and drinking. keep off the
      grass. keep quiet. do not touch.
三 教学重点
1    能正确地听、说、读公共标志名称no smoking. no littering. no
      parking. no cycling. danger! no eating and drinking. keep off the
      grass. keep quiet. do not touch.
2能正确地听、说、读、写句型what does it/ this/ that mean? it means
      you should/ shouldn’t。
四 教学难点
1能正确地听、说、读、写句型what does it/ this/ that mean? it means
      you should/ shouldn’t …
五 课前准备
2板书准备:在黑板上预先写好课题unit 2 public signs
六 教学过程
a  free talk
1    通过交谈引出教学场景park。
      t: class begins, boys and girls. keep quiet, please. we have spent a
      happy holiday. can you tell me how do you spend your holidays?
      ss: i often …
      t: do you usually go to the park? shall we go to the park now? let’s go by bus.
2sing a song “the wheels on the bus”
b presentation and pratice
1介绍各种公共标志和句型what does it/ this/ that mean? it means
      you should/ shouldn’t …
a  t: look, boys and girls, this is the park. we can park our bus here. but look at this sign. what does it mean? it means “no parking.”
   t: so we can’t park here.
板书句型what does it mean? it means you can’t …
b  t: look at this sign. what does this mean? it means “danger!” so we should stay away from it.
板书句型what does this mean? it means you should …
c  t: let’s go into the park. should we play on the grass? no, look at that sign. what does it mean? it means “keep off the grass.” so we shouldn’t walk on the grass.12
   板书句型what does that mean? it means you shouldn’t …
d   同法教授no cycling. no littering. do not touch. keep quiet. no smoking. no eating and drinking.
a   read and match
   t: look at these signs. let’s read and match. what does it mean?
   s: it means …
b  listen and guess
   多媒体出示标志,让一学生背对标志,问“what does it mean?” 
 其他学生用“it means you shouldn’t …” 进行提示。
c consolidation
1look and guess
2place the signs
t: can you put the public signs in a correct place of our classroom?
ss: yes.
d   sing a song
1   t: boys and girls, we have learned so many public signs. there’s a song about the signs. let’s listen.
     t: do you like it? let’s sing together.
e    assign homework
1    t:   boys and girls, after class, you can draw the signs we learned
    today, then put them in a correct place of our school.
2  t:   look for the public signs and get to know the meaning of them.
3  t:   design some signs, then explain to us what’s the meaning of the sign.
七 板书设计12


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