[6a充电线和5a的区别]6A Unit1 知识汇总

小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-06 网络整理 晴天


unit1 public signs知识汇总 一、 单词四会单词 always 总是 question 问题 ask 问 mean 意思 must 应当,必须 should 应当,应该 pick 拾 三会单词: public 公共的 sign 标志 cousin 堂(表)兄弟(姐妹) danger 危险 away (离)开 grass 草,草地 bird 鸟 cage 笼子 quiet 安静的 smoke 吸烟 litter 乱丢杂物 park 停放(车辆等) suddenly 突然(地) sometimes 某事;某物 note 钞票 nearly 附近(的) quickly 快地 keeper 看守人 point 指 fine 罚款 二、 词组 take a walk 散步 mean different things 有不同的意思 make noise 发出(喧闹)声音 on the birds’ cage 在鸟笼上 pick up 捡起 a sign on the grass 草地上的标志 public sign 公共标志 only fours years old 只有四岁 his cousin 他的表兄弟 have a lot questions 有许多问题 talk about 谈论 ask ben some questions 问本一些问题 about them 关于他们 a lot of signs 许多标志 keep off (使)让开 a sign on the wall 墙上的标志 go in 进去 stay away from the building 远离这座大楼 come up 上来 walk on the grass 在草地上走 look around 环顾四周 give me ten yuan 给我10元 no smoking 禁止吸烟 no littering 禁止乱丢垃圾 no parking 禁止停车 do not touch 禁止触摸 danger 危险 no eating or drinking 禁止吃喝 be quiet 安静 keep off the grass 禁止踩踏草地 at jinling zoo 在金陵动物园 see something 看见某物 climb the tree 爬树 play computer games 玩电脑游戏 watch tv 看电视 go to the park 去公园 go to bed 去睡觉 read your books 读你的书 have supper 吃晚饭 have an ice-cream 吃冰淇淋 take photos 拍照 be back home from the zoo 从动物园回到家 go home 回家 ask and answer 问答 read a story 读个故事 see some public signs 看见一些公共标志 a ten-yuan note 一张10元钞票 no one nearby 附近没有人 walk to the note 走近钞票 come up to him 向他走上前来 a park keeper 一个公园管理者 point to a sign 指着一个标志 say to 对…说 shake his head 摇他的头 want bread for breakfast 想要早餐吃面包 the boy in the green sweater 一个穿绿毛衣的男孩 know a lot about public signs 知道许多关于公共标志的东西三、 句子 what does it/this/that sign mean? it means…. you shouldn’t make noise/park/eat and drink/... you should keep quiet/keep off the grass. can i …? no, you can’t. you should… now. can i go in? no, you can’t. you must stay from the building. they mean different things. you must stay away from the building. now i know a lot about public signs. 四、 语法 1. no+v-ing no parking no eating or drinking no littering no smoking no singing no climbing no cycling go+v-ing go swimming go fishing go climbing go skating go skiing go shopping 2. no smoking= shouldn’t smoke no littering=shouldn’t litter no parking=shouldn’t park do not touch=shouldn’t touch it danger!=should stay away from it no eating or drinking=shouldn’t eat or drink keep off the grass=should keep off the grass=shouldn’t walk on the grass be quiet=should keep quiet=shouldn’t make noise 3. should表示建议,命令,义务,责任的意思,常译作“应当”或“应该”,否定形式 should not (shouldn’t)。例如: you should go home now. you should brush your teeth every morning. you shouldn’t park your bike here. 4. must 必须,应当 语气比should 来的更强烈。例如: you must stay away from the building. (注:should , shouldn’t , must 后面都要跟动词原形) 5. ask sb. (人)sth.(事) give sb.sth.=give sth. to sb. 6. know a lot (副词) a lot of public signs (形容词) 6. 注意区分:take walk away quiet talk talk always quick


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