6a充电线和5a的区别|6A Unit 7 At Christmas

小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-06 网络整理 晴天


    6a unit 7 at christmas parta
2.能听懂、会说、会读单词a calculator, a hairdryer, a wallet, a skateboard, a watch, a teapot.
3.能听得懂、会说、会读、会写句型whose…is it/are they? it’s/they’re mine/yours/his/hers/ours.
4.能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语this one is from grandpa. open it for me, please. who are they from? they’re from grandpa and grandma. you’re welcome.
5. 使学生对西方国家文化与礼仪有一个初步的了解,培养学生中西方文化交际的能力。
2.能听得懂、会说、会读、会写句型whose…is it/are they? it’s/they’re mine/yours/his/hers/ours.
step1 free talk:
what holiday is coming?
when’s christmas?
what do you usually do at christmas? did you…last christmas?

step2 presentation and practice
1.teach: father christmas\merry christmas.
t: today father christmas brings a song for you. now let’s sing a song.
<we wish you merry christmas.>
2.teach: watch\mine
t: i’ve got a nice watch. look at this watch. it’s my watch. it’s mine. can you make the sentences like this: it’s my…it’s mine.
s: …
t: today father christmas also brings some presents for you. can you guess: what is it?
a. it’s a toy. boys like to play with it. if you stand on it, you can skate quickly.
b. the other present is you can put your money in it.
teach: skateboard\wallet
t: i think you’ve got a lot of presents, too. right? can i have a look? who is it from? is it from…?
teach: who is it /are they from?
3.play a game:
击鼓传物,介绍自己的生日礼物。the…is from…
step3 learn to say
1.t:on christmas. jim and his family also got some christmas presents.
let’s listen and have a look: what did they get? first, let’s listen the first paragraph and answer my questions.
a. 听前言,回答问题。
where were they?
b. 听第一段,回答问题。
what presents did jim’s grandparents get?
teach teapot.
c. 听第二段,回答问题。
what presents did jim get? how about jim’s parents?
teach calculator/hairdryer.
2.fill in the table.
3.use the form to make the sentences like this.
the… is/are from…. it’s/they are for…. it’s/they’re….
4.read and repeat.
5.fill in the blanks.
step4 consolidation
happy time!
a. whose…is it/are they?
b. who is it/are they from?
c. the…is/are xx ’s. it’s….
d. the…is/are from…
step5. homework
1. listen and repeat part a three times.12
2. act the dialogue in fifth after class.
3. complete 《评价手册》period one.
unit7 at christmas
whose …is it/are they?
it’s/ they’re mine/yours/his/hers/ours.
who is it/are they from?
it’s/they’re from….
1. 设计问题要言简意赅。
2. 提前进入课文。
3. 注意留白。


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