pepper|PEP 第八册Unit 2 What's the matter, Mike? 第五课时

小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-01 网络整理 晴天


教学目标:1.能够掌握四会句子:how are you? you look so happy. you look sad today.
          2、能用句型i’m… you look so … 句型进行单词替换。
教学重点:句型:how are you? you look so happy / sad. i’m going on a big trip. i failed the math test. i’m sorry to hear that.
boys and girls, are you happy ?
if you are happy, let’s sing the song < if you are happy > together!
yes, you look so happy . i want you to be excited, let’s play a guessing game.
one of you should behind the mask, make different faces, such as: happy face, sad face ……others guess!
so many different faces, let’s chant together. clap your hands!
          happy happy happy     i feel happy
          sad sad sad           i feel sad
          bored bored bored     i feel bored
          angry angry angry     i feel angry
tired tired tired     i feel tired
excited   excited     i feel excited
wow, you look excited now. taday, we’ll talk more about our feelings.
look at the screen.
she past the english test, how does she feel? guess.
she looks so happy.
please pay attention to the word “so”, it means “very very”.
who can make sentences with “so”?
he failed the chinese test, how does he feel? guess.
he looks sad.
准备及格、不及格各科试卷若干张,让学生上台来随意抽取,根据抽到的试卷分别表现出“past the text”的喜悦和“failed the text”的难过,并引入let’ s talk 中的对话,让学生感知:
——how are you? you look so happy. / you look sad today.
——yes. i past/failed the english/chinese/math test.
——i’m glad/sorry to hear that.
4、导入let’s talk部分
who are they? (sarah and liu yun)
what are they talking about?
listen to the tape carefully and answer these questions:
     who looks happy? why?
     who looks sad? why?12
do you know “a big trip”? it’s means travelling.
if you are going on a big trip, how do you feel? (happy/excited)
1、let’s read together.
(放录音,跟读let’s talk部分;男女生分角色朗读)
2、now, we know sarah and liu yun’s feeling.
how to describe ourselves?please take out your photos.
pair work, talk about your photos:
a: how are you? you look so happy.
b: yes. i am in beijing. i visit the great wall. it’s very beautiful.
how are you? you look bored.
a: yes. i stay at home. it’s rainy. i can’t play.
五、consolidation and extension
    liu yun is excited,                    she failed the math test.
    sarah looks sad,                      she is going on a big trip.
    amy looks bored,                      the dog is eating his hamburger.
    mary is so happy,                     her mum sends her a new dress.
    mike looks angry,                     she has much homework today.

                                   unit 2  what’s the matter, mike?
you look so happy.
i’m going on a big trip.
you look sad today.
i failed the math test.
i’m sorry to hear.



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