[unit2useful expression]Unit2Useyourears!Playagame

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-21 网络整理 晴天


unit 2 use your ears!play a game
教学目标 知识与技能:using imperatives to give instructions
           asking questions to find out position
           using the simple present tense to describe habitual actions
e.g. the wheels on the bike go round and round.
过程与方法:identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stress.
locate specific information in response to simple instructions or questions.
             identify main ideas from a text with teacher support
教学重点和难点 asking questions to find out position
using the simple present tense to describe habitual actions
e.g. the wheels on the bike go round and round.

教学媒体 shaker, paper shadows

课前学生准备  read the text
教学流程 pre-task preparation
1. listen to the song.
2. recite some words.
3. review the game: hide the shadow.
4. play the cassette: play a game. the students listen and follow in their books.
5. play again. the students listen and repeat.
6. divide the students into groups of five. the groups read the dialogue.
7. invite different groups to read the dialogue in front of the class.
8. practise the model dialogue with the students.
while-task procedure
1. invite a student to shake the shaker. the rest of the students close their eyes while he hides the shaker somewhere in the classroom.
2. play the game a few times with the class, with several students taking turns to hide the shaker.
3. distribute a shaker to each group. working in groups, the students play the game, taking turns to hide the shaker.
4. invite one group to play the game in front of the class.
post-task activity
1. play the cassette: sing a song. the students listen and follow in their books.
2. play again. the students listen and sing along. encourage the students to do appropriate actions while they are singing.
 grammar practice book page 8,9

板书设计 where is the shaker?
is it…?  yes, it is.
          no, it isn’t.
sing a song
wheel  all  say  
本节课的内容在前面已经接触过,孩子们很容易接受。通过做游戏的方法巩固句型,学生们兴趣浓厚。但本课的歌曲速度较快,学生在课堂上不太会唱,要求同学们在家多听。学生对the ladies in the park says be quiet please正确书写错的很多。


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