
小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-16 网络整理 晴天


 lesson6 what are they doing?
理解并灵活运用下列句型 : what is __ doing? -- he/she is __ing …
                         what are you doing? -- i’m __ing …
                         what are they doing? – they’re __ing …
2.过程与方法: 情景交流及对话表演
3.情感态度教育: 学会细心观察,与他人合作和关心他人.
what is __ doing? -- he/she is __ing …
   what are you doing? -- i’m __ing …
   what are they doing? – they’re __ing …
step1. greetings and review
 可以做动作,让学生猜词语,如hungry, thirsty, sleep,draw 等。然后出示卡片,复习这些词。
step2. leading-in and listen
show some pictures to the class by ppt.(幻灯片)and present the sentences:
what is he doing? he is running./ what is she doing? she is singing./ what are they doing? they’re playing.

(to the class) what are you doing?
c: we’re looking and listening.
t: good! then do you know “ what are jenny,li ming and danny doing on the train?” what are they doing?
( write the question on the blackboard)领学生多读几遍。
 ok, let’s listen and find the answer. what are jenny,li ming and danny doing on the train?”
播放录音,第一遍听,第二遍跟读,之后让学生回答问题。what are jenny,li ming and danny doing on the train?”
step3.  reading comprehension
read the text and fill the chart
who               what is he/she doing?
the baby
the woman
the three men
step4. practice
do “ask and answer” in pairs like this:(利用书中的图画。)
what’s the baby doing? – he is___ing.

step5: homework
画一幅人物图,并写出句子what’s the ____ doing? – he/she
ⅴ. 板书设计
lesson6 what are they doing?
what is __ doing? -- he/she is __ing …
          what are you doing? -- i’m __ing …/ we’re __ing …
          what are they doing? – they’re __ing …
lesson 7:are you ready for a song?
一、 教学目标:
1、完成本正课的句型问答,并通过句型练习,能正确地运用句型:can you_____?及其答语,描述能在火车上做什么。
2、 复习现在进行时并学习本课的歌曲。
3、 完成本单元的故事和活动手册。
4、 复习单词∶loud,quiet


1、能正确运用单词“loud,quiet 和句型“can you____?”及其答语。
1、 greeting
t: hello! boys and girls. how are you today?
ss: i’m fine.
t: how’s the weather today?
ss: the weather/it’s ___,
t: how do you go to school?
s: i walk to go to school./i go to school by bus.
t: what can you see on a bus?
t: i see___.
t:what can you do on a bus?
ss: i can ___.
t:how do you go to beijing?
ss: i go to beijing by bus/train/car.
t: what can you do on a train?
ss: i can ___.
t: can you look out of the window? can you read a picture?
2、 let’s sing a song
t: today, danny is on the train, too.what happened? let’s listen to the song.
3、 story book
t: today baby becky doesn’t go to school. he goes for a walk with her mother. what can do? let’s look at the story.
  再次听故事,跟读,并思考老师提出的问题。what can baby becky do?
  师生讨论故事,可以互相提问,也可以自由讨论。老师可以给出一些有关的问题,如:do you like baby becky?why or why not?
4、 class closing
activity book
          lesson 7: are you ready for a song? 
what can you see on a bus? i can see___.

  what can you do on a bus? i can ___.

 what can you do on a train? i can___.

can you look out of the window? yes, i can.

can you read a picture? no, i can read a book.

lesson 8 again, please
一、 教学目标:
1、掌握本单元的四会单词和句型“who is ____? it’s ___.
1、本单元的单词、句型“who is ___? it’s ___.”
二、 教具、学具
1、greeting and review.
表演唱歌曲who’s drawing? 把学生带入课堂学习的氛围之中。
2、教师发指令,做游戏simon says. 重点复习本单元所学过的词汇draw,look,point,see,sleep,quick,slow,loud,quiet,等。
教师将学生分成小组, play “simon says”,继续复习本单元的单词:baby, man, woman, draw, look, point, see, sleep” 同时教师提问“ are you loud/quiet?”
(当学生做动作时,比如说教师发出指令,please point to the blackboard后,可继续问“who is quick? it’s ___.”并把最快小组的分数写到黑板上,这样既复习了单词,又复习了本课的句型,还培养学生的合作意识,调动所有学生的学习积极性。)
(3)play“go fish.” 把学生分成二人组或四人组,每人一沓词汇卡片,类似纸牌的钓鱼游戏,相同的词汇卡片可以配成一对,看谁配成堆的卡片多,谁就赢。
(6)、t: i am very happy. are you happy?” 123456789101112
     ss: i am happy, too.
     t: now ,let’s go to beijing.(教师边说边做出开车的动作),
“what can you see on the train?
what can you hear on the train?
what can you do on the train?”
五、class closing
    activity book
                    lesson 8 :again, please!
     group 1:
     group 2:
     group 3:
     group 4:
            what can you see on the train?
            what can you hear on the train? 
          what can you do on the train?
lesson 9: arriving in beijing
一、 教学目标:
1. 掌握本课四会单词:men, women, children, people, many
2. 能够正确运用四会单词:men, women, children, people, many
3. 培养学生较好的文化意识与英语语感。教育学生在社会中做到尊老爱幼、遵守社会公共秩序。小组合作,互相帮助。
掌握与运用men, women, children, people
录音机、磁带、cai(or poster):第9课第二部分的图片
1. greeting:
2. chant: what do you see?
1. show cai (or poster)about many people in the train station.
2. let class discuss and answer: what do you see in this cai.
3. learn men, women, children and people.
4. listen and follow
5. let’s chant: leave arrive chant
6. look at the cai again, then answer these questions:
1) what are the women doing?
2) what are the children doing?
3) what are the men doing?
7. listen the tape carefully, then answer my question:
who is tired and hungry?
8. open your book and look at the second part,and then follow the tape.
9. show the poster to practice
10. homework
class closing
man ———— men
woman ———— women
child ———— children
lesson 10 a walk in beijing
    (1)掌握四会单词slow, slowly, quick, quickly.
    (2) 能正确使用slow, slowly; quick, quickly并且造句。
  2、能力目标:tell a funny story of your trip to the class.
1. 形容词变副词的方法及用法。
2. 能力的提升,对话表演
三、教具准备:单词卡片 录音机 磁带 图片 幻灯片
一 greetings:
    teacher: hello, boys and girls. how are you today? how do you feel?
     students: i feel happy!
     t: there are many teachers. do you feel scared?
      now, look, there’re many apples. if you answer a question, you can choose one apple.
 二 复习新授
      t: ok. now i know everyone likes to sing a song first. let’s sing a song, ok?
       ss: ok.
       t: stand up and follow me.
         (sing the song of 《stop, look, listen, think》)
        t: what do you listen? what can you see?
        s: there are many cars, buses, a policeman, children, a road……
        t: yes. there is a street. now, look at blackboard.
        here is a street in beijing. can you guess : what does the street has?
        s: yes. it has a restaurant, many cars and buses.
        s: it has many trucks, bicycles, children and people on the street.
        s: ……
        t: now, look at the picture. can you make a sentence with quick or  slow?
        s: the cars and bicycles are quick.
        s:the people are quick.
        s:the children are slow.
        s:the buses and trucks are slow. ……
        t:good. the cars are quick.(板书)
         the children are slow.(板书)
         (复习slow, quick)
        t: what are the children doing?
        s: they are walking (down the street).
        t: yes. they’re walking.
        the children walk slowly. (板书)
        the cars are slow. the cars go quickly. (板书)
         (领读slowly, quickly, 学生一个个的读,并且背着拼读,并且造句,可以是黑板上的例句)
         t: now, look me! i am jumping. am i jumping slowly or quickly?
         ss: you’re jumping slowly.
         t: can you jump?
         ss: yes, i can.
         t: please jump quickly—run slowly—fly quickly……(带学生做动作,边说边坐)
         very good! boys and girls, what do you find? when do we say quickly or slowly?
         (三) 练习:
          t: now, let’s play a game and
           t: great! everyone does a good job. who has an apple, come here please.
          (连词组句,将苹果背面单词的排列好成为一句话,在带大家重温一遍今天的重点句型;然后按照他们站的位置,把苹果正面翻过来,师问:does everyone have a happy apple? does everyone have a sad apple? does everyone have a scared apple? (复习everyone, 为下节课打好基础。)123456789101112
 三 阅读课文,对话表演
         t: now, i feel happy. are you happy?
         ss: yes, i feel happy, too.
         t: do you know,how does danny and jenny feel? let’s listen and answer!
         make up a dialogue :(you can choose one )
         要求: use “slowly”and “quickly” in it
         (一)人物:family members and salesclerk
          地点: at the zoo
          内容: watch animals:panda, tiger, rabbit,
            lion, fish, bird, monkey and so on.
         (二)人物:an old woman and young children
          地点: near our school
          内容: go to school and cross a street
五、 布置作业:
      1. write down what do you know, when you cross the street.
      2. write down your funny story with pictures.
slow ———— slowly              scared
quick ———— quickly
          lesson 11:  tian’anmen square
a) 能听懂、会读、会说:loudly, quietly, easy, hard, hurt ,fly a kite .
b) 能听懂、会读、会说句型:1they are laughing loudly ./he is standing quietly .2this is easy/hard .
a) 使学生能把所学的单词运用到所学过的句子中去。
使学生争取掌握(包括正确地说、读、写、用)单词:loudly, quietly, easy, hard, hurt ,fly a kite
step 1: 师生问候
t:hello, boys and girls.(唱歌问候how are you, how are you ,how are you today?
ss:(唱歌回答)i am fine,thanks, i am fine,thanks, how a lovely day!
step 2: revision:
1.t:are you happy today ? let’play a game: do the action follow my order .boys stand up /girls sit down /boys laugh /gils walk/ children talk/sing/cry...
  ss:ok.(listen and do the action and )
(采用游戏来缓解学生的紧张情绪,并复习了boy, girl, children, laugh ,talk, play . 等单词,为进一步学习奠定了良好的基础) 
step 3 :  新课呈现: (在游戏中不知不觉引入新知,衔接自然,让学生在玩中学,学中玩)
1. loudly   they are laughing loudly
t: we can see some children .what are they doing ? they are laughing loudly (动作)教loudly在教读过程中让学生read loudly .
让学生sing loudly / laugh loudly 并引导学生说i am singing/laughing loudly . 
2. quietly
t(动作)quietly please. look .i am a cat now . i am walking quietly .教读quietly并通过音量让学生明白loudly\ quietly.
3 . easy, hard this is easy. this is hard.
  通过一根小木棒很容易折断和一小扎小木棒很难折断来演示单词easy和hard。边做边说:this is easy. this is hard.(学生通过拿椅子\桌子以及算式1+1=2 和123x456=?来体验this is easy. this is hard)
4 fly a kite (实物教学)
t.look!what`s this .this is kite . 出示短语fly a kite,教读(小组比赛读).几生上台演示.let`s  fly a kite .
5 hurt
t : (师放风筝时不小心碰对头) oh ,no ,i hurt my head .
(教读全部) loudly, quietly, easy, hard, hurt ,fly a kite . 1they are laughing loudly ./he is standing quietly .2this is easy/hard .
step 4 : 游戏巩固(知识的输出)
   1. 起立\坐下
 t:let’s play a game. ok? group1 are “loudly,” , group2 are “quietly”….when i say “loudly” group1 站着,.其他组坐下.(先单词后句子,逐步增加难度.此活动要求练习学生的听力和对所学单词的迅速反应能力。
step 5 :
1.t :well done!  our friend danny and jenny are playing on tian`anmen square . they are flying a kite .can danny fly a kite? let`s watch the vedio and  read loudly .
2 say the sentences that you can .123456789101112
step 6 : task –fulfilling(语言的输出,综合能力的运用)
describe what can you see/hear /do on tian`anmen square (学生上台边贴图边用所学知识描述).
lesson11: tian’anmen square
loudly         they are laughing loudly
quietly         they are standing quietly.
easy           this is easy/ hard.
hard           it’s easy/ hard.
fly a kite        let`s  fly a kite .
hurt            i hurt my head.
lesson12:the palace museum
( 1 )掌握词汇camera, picture, help, hurt,并能读、写、说出和听懂这些词汇。
(2)可以说出和听懂film, take a picture, may i take your picture? i hurt my ......。dont worry. i can help you.等用语。
(1)在学习运用dont worry . i can help you.等用语的过程中学会关心他人,与他人进行友好的交际。
(1)掌握词汇camare, picture, help, hurt.
一、class  opening   and   review
hello! are you happy? whats your name? nice to meet you.
2、唱“head, should, knees, toes”.
3、show me......学生按指令拿出实物并说this is a ......。
4、how oid are you?/i am _years old.
二、new concepts
(一)呈现新知camera, film, take a pictrue, picture及要帮别人照相的用语。
(1)教师假装去公园玩,对学生说:i am going to the park today. i want to take my camera.what a camera ? look! i can show you!接着呈现实物camera, 板书单词,教读练说camera.123456789101112
(2)呈现实物film,教读练说film,this is film.
(3)边说边演示film goes in the camera. now i’m putting film in my camera. 让学生理解。
(4)t:ok! let’s take a picture.边说边演示take a picture.让学生边说边做出照相动作。
t: may i take your picture ?
s: sure./ no, thanks.lian
(7)实物呈现 picture. 板书单词,教读练说。
(三)呈现新知 hurt, help , 及受伤后求救和安慰别人的用语:i hurt my .....  dont worry! i can help you .
( 1 )露出贴有创可贴的手臂,引出单词 hurt, 板书单词,教读练说,让学生口头造句。
(2)教师剪纸,装作伤着了手指向学生求救,让学生帮包扎。t: help! i hurt my finger. 引出help, 板书单词,教读练说单词及句子。
(3)当最后一名说完i hurt my ......时,教师拿出创可贴边安慰边帮他包扎。t: dont worry ! i can help you. 教说句子。
(五)利用教科书 no.1
(六)利用教科书 no.2
(1)各小组试读课文,自学讨论how old is the palace musuem ? danny 发生了什么事?他说了什么?
四、class  closing.
lesson12:the palace museum
camera    i want to take my camera
film      this is film.
picture    take a pictrue
help     i can help you
lesson13: taking pictures
(1)帮助学生掌握四会词语:hurt help
(2)学生能够熟练掌握和运用一下短语:take a picture ,be careful.
二、教学重点难点:hurt help.123456789101112
三、教具学具:camera 、film 、 audiotape
step one:
1 、greeting.
2、play “spell it” or “letters” to review any vocabulary from this unit.(camera, picture)
3、play the “semen says” to review parts of the body.

step two:
take a picture
demonstrate:“ take a picture” with my camera and film.
play” stop! go!” with the phrase
2、may i take your picture?” each time the students stop, they take turns saying:” hi! may i take your picture?” they listen to the answer and only act out taking a picture if their partners say yes.

step three:
1. review the story so far. last time, they were at the palace museum. danny hurt his nose, how about the camera and the film?
2. where are they now? and what happed? let students look at the pictures then guess.
3. introduce the passage.
4. use the students ’book and audiotape. listen and read.
divide the class into small groups.
ask each group to make up a dialogue about taking pictures.
encourage the students to use as much vocabulary from this unit as possible. (camera, picture, easy, hard, help, hurt, loudly, quietly, many, everyone, men, women, children, people, quickly, slowly ).
step four:
have a practice of the word“ hurt”.teacher acts some parts of her body hurt let students say them out. such as my ears hurt. my head hurts. and so on.
step five:
use the activity book. check for understanding.
lesson13: taking pictures
may i take your picture? sure.
no, thanks, my nose hurts. it has a bandage on it .
help! i am falling! be careful!
lesson14 :shopping in beijing
一, 教学目标
能力目标: review the phrase: let’s go to the — to —.
知识目标:review the phrase: let’s go to the — to —.
情感目标:encourage the students to make their own observations about the pictures and the story.
三,教具、学具:same real photographs.
class opening and review 
hello, everyone!
2、play “charades” to review the phrase : let’s go to the  — to —.
let’s go to the  shop to buy     .
let’s go to the  restaurant to eat     .
let’s go to the   library  to read a book.
let’s go to the  gym  to play     .
demonstrate: everyone with volunteers .
ask for a series of volunteers to come to the front of class. ask each to perform an action loudly or quietly.
teacher: (point to each volunteer in turn.) 123456789101112
what is he /she doing?
class: he/she is _____ing.
teacher: is he/she ____ing loudly or quietly?
class: loudly/quietly. 
teacher: (to all t is he/she ____ing loudly or quietly?he volunteers. ) stop!
please —loudly / quietly now! (to the class.)
look! everyone is ____ing loudly/quietly.
 use the student book and audiotape.
review the story so far 、last time, jenny, danny and li ming were at the palace museum. what happened? look at pictures. what are they doing now? (shopping ) why ? tell them to continue the action until i give a command.  
they must listen carefully! then lead a dialogue. 
divide the class into small groups. ask each group to make up a dialogue about shopping for gifts on a trip.
 play: mother, may i ? to review adverbs from this unit. (quickly, slowly, loudly and quietly).
use the activity book.
check for understanding.  
class closing activity book lesson 14 no.1 
lesson14 :shopping in beijing
let’s go to the — to —.
what is he /she doing?
he/she is _____ing.
is he/she ____ing loudly or quietly?
is he/she ____ing loudly or quietly?



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