unit|unit 6 Doing housework(教案)

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-16 网络整理 晴天


一.教学内容:译林版牛津小学英语5a unit6 doing housework1.
词汇:stand, sit, sleep, jump, run, walk
2.句型:what are you doing? i’m\we’re ….
what are they doing? they’re ….
what is he\she doing? he’s\she’s ….
*认知目标:1能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写六个表示动作的单词stand, sit, sleep, jump, run, walk.
     2 初步掌握现在进行时态的概念、构成、用法等。
1.重点:能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写六个表示动作的单词stand, sit, sleep, jump, run, walk;掌握句型what are you doing? i’m\we’re ….what are they doing? they’re ….what is he\she doing? he’s\she’s ….
step 1 : warming up
t: class begins ! good morning, boys and girls .
s: good morning, miss liu .
t: how  are  you this morning?
s: fine , thanks .and you ?
t: i’m very well .because i have many new friends here, you make me very happy. thank you .sit  down ,please !
2.free talk
t: boys and girls, when i’m happy, i like singing. please listen. 师唱“you are my sun shine, my only sun shine …” i like singing. what do you like?
s1: i like swimming.
t: oh, a brave boy! i can’t swim.
t: do you like swimming?
s2: no, i don’t. i like dancing.
t: you like dancing!can you dance for us?
t: excellent ! (教师带领其他学生鼓掌)
t: what do you like?
s3:i like ….
t: by the way, do you like me?
s3:yes, i do.
t: thank you .
3. revision
a. 课件出示一组动词及其“+ing”形式:
look and read:
sing  singing   read
 reading  dodoing
write  writing  dance dancing  make making
 jog jogging  swim swimming  shop shopping
b. 引导认真读,体味“动词+ing形式”的正确发音;仔细看、找规律并总结。
i 直接在动词后加“ing”.  去词尾“e”加“ing”.  双写词末字母加“ing”.
(设计意图:教师以诙谐流畅的语言和学生就爱好方面进行“寒暄式”交流,贴近学生生活实际,避免强制、机械地操练。同时swimming, dancing, singing等单词的复现以及规律的总结,激活了与新知密切联系的已学知识,为这节课现在进行时态的教学“搭梯”。)1234
step 2:presentation & practice
photo1:a boy is reading a story book.
t: who’s he?
ss: he’s xxx.(学生兴奋地指向该同学)
t:hi, xxx. what are you doing?(反复两遍,张贴句子卡片至黑板)
s1:引导理解并回答“i’m reading a book.”板书领读此问答句。
photo2:a girl is dancing.
t: who’s she?
ss: she’s xxx.(学生兴奋地指向该同学)
t:hi, xxx. what are you doing?
s1:引导回答“i’m dancing.”
t:boys and girls. what is she doing?(反复两遍,张贴句子卡片至黑板)
ss:引导理解并回答“she’s dancing.”板书领读此问答句。
photo3:two boys are playing chess.
t: are they dancing\ reading ?
ss: no , they aren’t.
t:hi, the boy(照片中人). what are you doing?
s1:引导回答“we’re playing chess.”板书在i’m下面添上we’re… .
t:boys and girls. what are they doing?(反复两遍,张贴句子卡片至黑板)
ss:引导理解并回答“they’re playing chess.”板书领读此问答句。
i 动词都加了ing.  ii句子中有相应的be动词.  iii都表示正在做的事情.
there is a halloween party. the pandas_____ _________(eat) a very big cake on the bed. the pigs _____ _________(make)  pumpkin lanterns. the  rabbit ____ _______(cook) in the kitchen. look !  the bears_____ ________(dance) over there.
   they look so funny.
b. would you please help me to go on telling this funny story?(鼓励学生插上想象的翅膀续编这个故事。)
t: good  job! the story is so funny. how lovely the animals are!
5.t: do you like this story and these lovely animals?
t: do you like sports? pe lessons?
  shall we  see a movie about a pe lesson? and please listen to my questions carefully.“ what are they doing?”
t:教师适时暂停并问“what are they doing?”引导学生答they’re walking. they’re running. they’re jumping. they’re standing. they’re sitting.
t:播放完毕,画面定格在或坐或站的观众身上。what is she doing? she’s standing.
出示单词卡片教学stand  standing
t: what is miss liu doing?
s: you’re standing.
t:同法教学sit  sitting(发现双写)
 what are you doing?
 s: we’re sitting.
t: what are you doing?
s1:i’m sitting.
t: what are you doing?
s2:i’m sitting.
t&s: 同法配合体势语学习另外三个表示动作的单词“walk walking,  run running(发现双写),   jump jumping”.
t&s: good job! shall we play a game? now follow me, please.(学生跟随教师一起做动作并进行答问“what are you doing?”“we’re running\ walking\ jumping\sitting\standing.”
t: who wants to try?指名学生来当小老师继续这个游戏。
t: we did so many sports, so i’m very tired. i want to go to bed .do you want to go?
s: yes, we’re tired, too.
t: the boy is tired, too. what is he doing?
8.课件出示夜晚,一个小男孩睡觉的情景,引出 sleep sleeping的教学。
(设计意图:教师顺着上面一环节刚进行了剧烈运动的实际情况,巧妙设置累了想睡觉的情景,引入了新词sleep sleeping,he’s sleeping.的教学,衔接自然流畅.)
9.课件出示“say a chant”
doing, doing, what are you doing?
standing, sitting and sleeping.
doing, doing, what are they doing?
walking, running, and jumping.
step 3:consolidation
1.课件出示:look and guess
s:根据首字母猜测“what is the boy doing?(课件链接揭示答案,比谁最幸运)
t:ok! let’s do some exercises again.
now, we ______  _______ (have) an english class. the english lesson is so interesting (有趣的).
    look, our new english teacher miss gao ___________ (stand) over there . we __________  (play) a game. some students___________(sit). some students ___________(walk). some students ___________ (jump). and some students______________( run ) . no one __________(sleep) here.
     oh. we are really happy today .1234
t:shall we check the answer?(指名朗读核对答案)
let’s read it together.(学生齐读)
   它有两个缺一不可的条件:①助动词 be ( am / is / are ) ,②现在分词(动词+ing).
 如: i’m  reading  english.
su yang  is   dancing.
they ’re  playing  football.
step 3:goodbye & homework
t: the bell is ringing. class is over. “goodbye, boys and girls!”
s: goodbye ,miss liu!
1. 听录音,复习本节课所学单词、句子
2. 听录音,预习a部分课文。
3. 抄写b部分单词 。1234


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