[unit]Unit 4 Halloween 教案

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-16 网络整理 晴天


一、 教学要求
1、 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词 a family , things, a vase , a horse, a chicken, a duck , a pig , evenings, need, work.
2、 能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型 do you like …? yes, i do ./ no, i don’t. i like…
what do you like ? i like…
3、 能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语和句型 what do you need ? we need some …
what else do you need ? … , please . here’s your change.
4、 进一步掌握名词复数的词形和读音的变化。
5、 了解元音字母 e 在单词中的读音。
6、 能有表情地诵读歌谣 halloween.
二、 教学重点:
1、 1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词 a family , things, a vase , a horse, a chicken, a duck , a pig , evenings, need, work.
2、 能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型 do you like …? yes, i do ./ no, i don’t. i like…
what do you like ? i like…
3、 进一步掌握名词复数的词形和读音的变化。
三、 教学难点:
1、 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词 a family , things, a vase , a horse, a chicken, a duck , a pig , evenings, need, work.
2、 能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型 do you like …? yes, i do ./ no, i don’t. i like…
what do you like ? i like…
四、 教学过程:
1、 能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。
2、 能正确地听、说、读、词汇 a family , things, a vase .
3、 能正确地听、说、读词汇 halloween , tomorrow , mask , pumpkin, lantern , candles
4、 能正确地听、说、读、写句型 do you like … ?yes, i do ./ no, i don’t.
5、 能正确地运用对话中的日常交际用语和三会句型 what do you need ? we need some …
2、能正确地听、说、读、词汇 a family , things, a vase .
3、能正确地听、说、读、写句型 do you like … ?yes, i do ./ no, i don’t.
2、能正确地听、说、读句型 do you like … ?yes, i do ./ no, i don’t.
step 1free talk
step 2
presentation and practice
step 3
read and say :
step 4
step 5
assign homework t: good morning ,boys and girls.
t: what day is today ?
t: yes, tomorrow is friday.
(出示并领读:tomorrow )
1、t: halloween is near. do you know halloween ?(出示并领读:halloween )
t: 教师简单介绍万圣节。
oct. 31st is halloween .so at that day we’ll have a halloween party.
at first , i would like to buy things for a halloween party  ,ok?
  (出示并拼读:thing )
 for examples , just like food and drink .
2、t:i think we need some chocolate .(出示并拼读:need )
what do we need ?(出示并领读)
t: good idea. what do we need ?12345
.t: ok, let’s buy some masks. (出示并领读:mask )
  do you like masks , ×× ?
用以上方法相机学习词汇:a vase , pumpkin ,lanterns ,(出示并领读,其中 a vase 要拼读)
3、 t:next, you by talk about what do we need with your partners . then you can write down the things which you need.
t:then ,tell us what do we need for the halloween party ?
1、t: (出示课文挂图) now, look at the pictures. who are they ?
t: yes, we can say that’s ben’s family .(出示并拼读 :family )
  and where are they ?.
t: that’s right. they would like to buy things for a halloween party .what do they need ?
  let’s listen to the tape . and try to answer my question.
  t:what do we need for our halloween party ? next ,you can make dialogues with your partners .
   ss: make dialogues and act.
1、 listen to the tape ,read and act the text.
copy the new words and sentences. ss: good morning, miss ×× .
ss answer.
ss read after t.
ss read after t.
ss: ok, let’s go.
s1: we need some flowers .
s2: we need some masks.
s3: yes, i do ./ no , i don’t . (根据实际情况回答)
ss : 以小组为单位进行讨论。
ss : 学生以小组为单位进行汇报。
s1: they are ben and his parents, his brother.
s2:they are in the sitting – room。
ss: listen to the tape .
 review and warm up the students.
let ss know the background of this festival.
practice the daily sentences.
introduce the content of the text.
板书:unit 4 halloween
         family       pumpkin              what do we need ?
 thing        lanterm                do you like… ?
         need        candle
         mask        vase

2、能正确地听、说、读、词汇 a chicken , a duck , a horse, a pig
3、能正确地听、说、读词汇 else, change
4、能正确地听、说、读、写句型what do you like ? i like …
4、能正确地运用对话中的日常交际用语和三会句型 what else do you need ? … ,please . here’s your change.12345
2、能正确地听、说、读、词汇 a chicken , a duck , a horse, a pig
3、能正确地听、说、读、写句型what do you like ? i like …
2、能正确地听、说、读句型what do you like ? i like …
step 1free talk
step 2
presentation and practice
step 3
read and say
step 4
step 5
assign homework
 what do you like?
do you like…?
1、t: yesterday , we talked about the things for a halloween party .today ,let’s go to the supermarket and buy things ,ok?
2、 t:(创设购物情景,布置学生自制的面具和上节课学习的词汇图片,教师做营业员)
can i help you ? what do you need ?
 t: here you are . what else do you need ? (出示并领读句子;出示并领读 else) masks ?
 t: do you like rabbits ?
 t: here you are .
t: fifty – two yuan , please.
t: thank you . here’ s your change.(出示并领读:change )
t: can i help you ? what do you need ?
t: what else do you need ?
t: do you like horses ? (出示并拼读: horse 、horses)正音:horses .
t: do you like pigs ? (出示并拼读:pig )
t: what do you like ?(出示并领读)
t: thirty –seven yuan, please.
t: thank you . here’s your change.
1、listen to the tape ,read and act the text.
2、copy the new words and sentences. ss answer.
ss: ok, let’s go .
s1: i need some ….
s1: some masks , please.
s1: yes ,i do .
s1:thank you . how much are they ?
s1: here you are.
s2: some flowers .
s2: some masks, please.
s2: no ,i don’t
s2: no,i don’t.
s2:i like ducks. how much are they ?
s2: here you are .

review the key sentences of the text.
practice more times.
ss miss the pl. of nouns.
板书:                    unit 4 halloween
else        change               what else do you like?
horse      duck                   ….please.12345
chicken    pig                   what do you like ?

一、 教学要求:
1、进一步掌握句型do you like …? yes, i do ./ no, i don’t. i like…
what do you like ? i like…
2、 有表情地诵读歌谣halloween.
二、 教学重点:
能正确地听、说、读写句型do you like …? yes, i do ./ no, i don’t. i like…
what do you like ? i like…     
三、 教学难点:
能正确运用句型do you like …? yes, i do ./ no, i don’t. i like…what do you like ? i like…,并能在具体情景中以口、笔头形式进行交流
四、 教学准备:
step 1
free talk
step 2
step 3
look and say
step 4
ask and answer.
step 5
say a rhyme
step 6
assign homework t make a dialog with ss.
listen to a rhyme “halloween
1、t:(出示词汇图片)××,do you like horses?
 (出示do you like … ? )
t: do you like dogs ?
2、t: (出示 look and say 挂图) now, look at the pictures, then use “do you like … ? “to ask and answer. you can talk with your partners.
1、t: i like apples. (take out an apple )what do you like ? (出示句型)
4、t:(出示挂图)now, look at the pictures , then use the sentence to ask and answer.
1、listen to the tape ,then read follow it
2、read the rhyme freely.
3、read the rhyme in class.
1、complete the exercise book.
2、read the rhyme frequently . ss answer or ask t.
s1: yes ,i do .(出示)
s1:no, i don’t. (出示)
ss: 自由练习对话。
s1: i like pears.
s2: i like bananas.
s3: i like …
ss: practice in pairs.
ss practice and can find out the rule of such questions.
extend the content of dialogs.
板书:  unit 4
 what do you like?
 i like…..

1、能正确地听、说、读词汇work , saturday, sunday , evening
4、了解元音字母 e 在单词中的读音。
step 1
say a rhyme together
step 2
free talk.
step 3
read the passage.
step 4
do a survey
step 5
listen and repeat
step 6
assign homework t plays the tape.
t: what day is today?
t: yes, today is friday . tomorrow is saturday.
on saturdays i don’t work . i can go to the park.
(出示并领读:work )
a what’s helen’s father’s job?
b what’s helen’s mother’s job?
c what do they like ?
d what do helen and mike like ?
2、listen to the tape ,then find out the answer.
3、answer the questions.
4、listen to the tape again, and read follow it
5、read the passage by themselves.
1、t: do you like cats ?
t: do you like pigs?
t: what do you like ?
2、t:then you can use “what do you like ?” to ask your friends what they like ? then write down on the paper.
3 、ask a student to count out how many students like each animal .
1、t: (出示挂图) what can you see in the picture ?
t: can you spell the word “zebra “ ?
2、listen to the tape , read the words and sentences follow it.
3、t: can you tell me the pronunciation of “ e “ in these words ?
4、让学生再说出一些单词中的 e 发/  / 的单词。
5、ask the students to read the words and sentences loudly .
read the passage ss say the rhyme after the tape.
s1: it’s friday.
ask a student to read out these questions.
s1: yes ,i do .
s2: no, i don’t .
s3: i like….
ss: do the survey
s1: i can see some zebras.(出示 zebra )
s1: yes , i can . z- e-b-r-a.
ss know the word “worker”, so they can know the word quickly. notice the reading.
survey is a good way to practice the dialog.
板书:  unit 4
zebra these



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