五 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案
课题:unit 8 a camping trip本课初备
共5 课时,本课第 1课时
教学目标: 1. 能听说读写单词 a pot , a towel 2. 能运用以上词汇,并能听懂会说,会读句子:you have … and i have … we have … and they have …. i have …he/she has … 3. 能听懂会读单词: a telescope , a tin-opener, a stove, some matches, a blanket, a pillow重点难点: 1. 能四会掌握单词 a pot , a towel 2. 能听懂会说,会读,会写句子:i have …and you have … we have … and they have …. i have …he/she has … 3. 理解第三人称单数形式的用法。课前准备: 录音机,单词图片,句型卡片,实物教学过程: a:preparation 1. 示图复习句型:what"s he/she doing? ss:he"s/she"s running/dancing/sing/… 2.sing a song: are you sleeping? b:presentation 1. 学习单词。 就刚刚唱歌的图片提问。 t: what"s this? it"s a pillow. it"s a blanket. it"s a towel. 学习这三个单词。并拼读: towel 2. 出示其他图片: a telescope , a tin-opener, a stove, some matches ,pot 并学习这些单词。 3.guessing game: 把图的背面对者学生让学生猜: what"s in the picture? 借以巩固所学单词。 4. 用实物说: i have a towel . 让学生用i have 造句。 同理: you have … we have …. they have …. 5. look and say ( 新授第一人称和第二人称) 1) 出示句型:i have …and you have … we have … and they have …. 同桌两人看图练习。 然后两两会话。 2)看图说话 书p 63 (1) you have a pillow and i have a towel. (2) you have a watch and i have a clock. (3) we have a telescope and they have a tape recorder. …… 6. look and say: ( 新授第三人称) 1).出示图片教新句型:i have …he/she has … 领读has. 强调第三人称单数形式的用法。 2).让学生看图进行同桌操练。板书设计: what"s he/she doing? ss:he"s/she"s running/dancing/sing/… i have …he/she has … has. 强调第三人称单数形式的用法。练习设计: 1.听录音,模仿学说,熟练朗读并会表演本单元会话内容。 2.用新句型造句。教后记:参加备课人员
五 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案
课题:unit 8 a camping trip本课初备
共 5课时,本课第 2课时
教学目标: 1. 听说读写单词 a tent, a hill, a tin of , children , show 2. 能熟练运用句子:i have …and you have … we have … and they have …. i have …he/she has … 3. 能听懂会说,会读,会写句子i have …what does he/she have? he/she has … we have … what do they have …? they have …重点难点: 1. 能四会掌握单词a tent, a hill, a tin of , children , show 2. 能听懂会说,会读,会写句子: i have …what does he/she have? he/she has … we have … what do they have …? they have … 3、能运用第三人称单数形式的用法。课前准备: 录音机,单词图片,句型卡片,实物。教学过程: 一、warm up: 1.sing a song. 2.师生问好。what"s the weather like today? 二、review: t: it"s a fine day. let"s go to a camping trip. 教师领读课题camp trip when having a camping trip, we need …? ss: a telescope , a tin-opener, a stove, some matches ,pot … 复习上节课所学内容,导入新课。 三、presentation: 1.句型学习 1)运用学生所带的物品运用句型:i have …what does he/she have? he/she has … we have … what do they have …? they have … 进行同桌操练。强调第三人称单数形式的用法。 2)ask and answer 让学生看图进行同桌操练。 2.课文学习 1)t: look. i have a camera.see? 学生用此句子模仿说。 强调升调。 2)出示课文挂图; t: look . where are they? they"re at a camping site. they are near a hill. learn to say : hill and site. t: now they"re showing their things to each other. learn to say : show and each other. 3)what are the students saying?let"s listen to the tape ,then answer some questions. where are they? what are they doing? what do we need when we have a camping trip? 4)listen again.and answer some questions: what does liu tao have ? what does nancy have? what does miss li have? ... 5)出示课文第一部分。 跟读、齐读,理解意思。 6)出示课文第二部分。跟读录音并理解意思。 同理课文的第三和第四部分。 7)齐读课文。 四、practise: 完成一道连线题。把人物和他们带的东西连起来。 david some fruit liu tao a box of chocolate helen two blankets and a telescope yang ling a pot and some matches su hai and su yang a tin opener miss li a chair mr green a big tent板书设计: i have …and you have … we have … and they have …. i have …he/she has …练习设计: 1. 熟读会话至少五遍。 2. 抄写本课的四会单词和句型并能默写教后记:123参加备课人员
五 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案
课题:unit 8 a camping trip本课初备
共 5课时,本课第 3课时
教学目标: 1.进一步巩固句型i have …and you have … we have … and they have …. i have …what does he/she have? he/she has … we have … what do they have …? they have … 2.正确运用第三人称单数形式熟读对话,并初步改编或扩充本单元所学的对话。重点难点: 1. 能听懂会说,会读,会写句子:i have …and you have … we have … and they have …. i have …he/she has … 2. 理解第三人称单数形式的用法。课前准备: 录音机,单词图片,句型卡片,实物教学过程: 一.warm up: free talk: what do you have? what does she/he have? 二.review 1.利用图片和情景反复练习句型: 2.齐读课文: 1)老师示范用所学的内容组织对话。 2)学生可以离开位置,用所学的句型和学生自由会话,交流他们go camping 所携带的物品。 3)几组学生表演会话。 三.read the passage: 1)复习have, has 的用法, 强调has 用于第三人称 2) 看书自读,听音,跟读 3) 分角色读,表演。 四.make and say: 1、讲解指示语的意思。 2、按要求完成制作。 五.sing a song. 1.朗读歌词,理解意思。 2.学唱歌曲。板书设计: i have …what does he/she have? he/she has … we have … what do they have …? they have …练习设计: 1. 完成小制作。 2.默写本单元的四会单词和句型。教后记:参加备课人员
五 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案
课题:unit 8 a camping trip本课初备
共5 课时,本课第 4课时
教学目标: 1、进一步巩固本单元句型what do you / they have? i/ we/ they/ have what does he/ she have? he/ she has … 2、能正确地听、说、读、写词汇fat, thin。 3、能初步了解字母i在单词中的读音。 4、能根椐图示语完成面具的制作。 5、能较熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。重点难点: 1、能综合运用本单元所学过的单词、句型和日常交际用语。 2、能初步了解字母i在单词中的读音。课前准备: 1、录音机和短文录音磁带。 2、学生准备纸、水彩笔和剪刀、线。 3、单词、音标卡片。 4、学生准备同学或父母、朋友的照片教学过程: a、warm up 老师与学生谈论天气和提议出去游玩:what day is today? what’s the weather like today? let’s have a trip. it’s great. boys and girls. what do you have? 学生四人一组表演对话,复习句型:i / we/ you / they have … what do you / they have? b、revision 1、老师出示幻灯片:其他一位老师的照片 t: who’s the woman? s: she’s miss *、she’s our chinese teacher. t: good. look, she has big eyes and small mouth. she has long hair. 2、请学生拿出自己准备的照片,介绍同学、老师、父母或朋友的特征,来操练has的用法,并与have进行区别。 其中引出生词:fat, thin 3、选出最佳介绍者,予以表扬。 c、make and say 1、让学生拿出纸、笔、剪刀和线,先请学生看图和指示语,理解面具的制作过程。 2、个别学生读出对面具制作的描述。 3、老师说指令,学生进行制作。 4、比一比,赛一赛,哪一组学生制作好的面具多。(限定时间) 5、请学生简短地描述一下自己制作好的面具。 d、read the passage 1、听课文录音,初步理解短文内容。 2、学生跟读录音,并回答问题:what do they have? (a lot of toys.) what does the girl have? (a bear.) what does her brother have? (a panda.) what does her sister have? (an elephant、生词操练elephant) what does tom have? (a monkey.) what does his brothers have? (six dogs.) 3、小组活动,学生展示自己带来的玩具或其他物品,通过句型操练描述这些物品的特征。 4、学生交流。 e、listen and repeat 1、出示幻灯片:一只大冰箱 t: what can you see in the picture? (a fridge.) t: what’s in the fridge? (a box of milk.) t: can you spell “milk”? s: yes, i can. m-i-l-k. 学生说出fish, chicken … 2、学生听录音后跟说单词和句子。在说的过程中让学生体会元音字母i在单词中的发 音[ i ]。 3、再让学生说出一些单词中i发[ i ]词。如:is, it, sing, big, picture, swim, sit, with …板书设计: what do you / they have? i/ we/ they/ have what does he/ she have? he/ she has …练习设计: 1。默写本单元四会要求的句子和单词。 2。完成练习册e、f部分内容。教后记:123参加备课人员
五 年级 英语 科目集体备课教案
课题:unit 8 a camping trip本课初备
共 5课时,本课第 5课时
教学目标: 1.能熟练运用i have …and you have … we have … and they have …. i have …what does he/she have? he/she has … we have … what do they have …? they have …进行对话。 2.正确运用第三人称单数形式熟读对话,并初步改编或扩充本单元所学的对话。重点难点: 能听懂会说,会读,会写句子: i have …what does he/she have? he/she has …课前准备: 录音机,单词图片,句型卡片,实物。教学过程: 一.warm up: free talk: what do you have? what does she/he have? 二.sing a song. 三.new: 了解元音字母i在单词中的读音。让学生自己总结,并能熟练朗读。板书设计: i have …what does he/she have? he/she has …练习设计: 完成练习册上的题目 1.听力部分 2.笔试部分教后记:参加备课人员
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