【南师附小和游府西街小学哪个好】南师附小最新牛津小学5B Unit7表格教案

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-07 网络整理 晴天


(40)unit 7 after school (第一教时)  may.14一 教学内容  b look, read and learn; c ask and answer; d work in pairs二 教学目标1 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词和词组:half,past, a quarter, on duty, a face, wash, brush2 能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语及句型:what time is it? it’s time for ….  i want to…. do you want to …?三 教学重点和难点 对于时间的正确说法及写法。四 课前准备教具准备:录音机,磁带和一只钟。五 教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动a  free  talkwho’s on duty today? (用中文解释一下)are we all here? what lessons do you have in the morning?what subject do you like?i am. yes, we are./ no, … is not here.we have …. i like ….bpresentation and practise1 teach: on duty2 what’s the time now? yes, it’s …(用今天所要学得新的表达时间方法说一下)3(出示一只钟)7:05what time is it ? it’s five past seven.teach: what time is it?   past出示:3:10 、4:02、6:154 (6:15) it’s a quarter past six.teach: a quarter出示:8:15  3:15  5:18  4:305 (4:30) it’s half past four.出示:1:30  8:30  5:35 5 (5:35)it’s twenty-five to six.讲解规则及规律。出示: 9:49  11:50  12: 58 6 (10:45) it’s a quarter to eleven.出示:12:45  6:45  8:45齐读it’s ….  跟读,齐读。   学生同桌操练跟读、齐读。 同桌操练跟读、齐读。同桌操练跟读、齐读。 同桌操练跟读、齐读。同桌操练cdrill(出示时间并让学生说出该时间该干什么了)6:10 , 6:30 , 6:50 , 7:10 , 8:00 , 11:30, 2:45 , 4:50 , 6:00, 7:15, 8:48小组练说,并回答(可进行比赛,看哪组说的又快又准确)dpresentation1当学生说到6:30时,教师可以说:it’s time to wash my face and brush my teeth.teach: wash ; face ; brush2 当学生说it’s time to ….时,教师可根据学生所说适时得教授: it’s time for  ….teach: it’s time for正确理解并使用:it’s time to 和 it’s time for跟读、齐读。   跟读、齐读。elook,read and learn1 放录音2 领读3评价听并跟读跟读讲一讲如何正确地用英语表达时间,并找一找其中的规律。fask and answer1 指导2 评价3 听同桌练说个别说齐读gwork in pairs1 指导2 评价3 听同桌练说个别说齐读六 板书设计what time is it?  it’s time to ….          it’s time for …..6:10 ,          get up                         /6:30 ,          wash my face and brush my teeth   /6:50 ,          have breakfast                breakfast7:10 ,          go to school                  school8:00 ,          have classes                  classes11:30,         have lunch                    lunch2:45 ,          clean our classroom            /4:50 ,          go home                     home6:00,           have supper                  supper7:15,           do my homework             homework8:48           go to bed                    bed七 作业设计1 抄写四会单词及词组。2 正确练说一天的时间表格八 课后反思时间的表达法在以前就学过了,学的比较简单,在这堂课中,渗透了past,  half, quarter, to 等表达法,如2:45可以说a quarter to three,并让学生自己找规律,来总结这几个单词的用法,比老师直接告诉他更有效。  (41)unit 7  after school    (第二教时)  may.15一 教学内容a read and say二 教学目标1 能听懂、会读、会说和会拼写单词:begin, game, night, quick, ready,really,yet2能听懂、会读、会说和会拼写日常交际用语和句型:are you ready for breakfast? let’s hurry. i’m on duty today. be quick. i’m coming.3能正确朗读并表演课文内容。三 教学重点和难点1 能听懂、会读、会说和会拼写日常交际用语和句型:are you ready for breakfast? let’s hurry. i’m on duty today. be quick. i’m coming.2能正确朗读并表演课文内容。四 课前准备教具准备:录音机、磁带五 教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动a  free  talkwho’s on duty today?are we all here?what day is it today?what lessons do you have in the morning?what subject do you like?i am.yes.\no.it’s ….we have …. we like ….brevisionwhat time is it now?(6:35  4:56  9:15  4:45  ….) it’s ….it’s time to ….it’s time for….cpresentation and practise1 what’s the time? (6:15)  are you ready for breakfast?(教学生回答) not yet.teach: yet    not yet.2 放录音,让学生听课文录音第一段。questions: what’s the time?is david ready for breakfast? why?what can david do then? teach: take some bread with me 3 (方法同上)听第二段课文录音questions:what time is it? who’s on duty today?what do they do? teach: let’s hurry.  quick    be quick.4 听课文录音第三段。questions: what is david doing? t: he’s really busy.teach: reallyit’s a quarter past six.it’s time to get up.no. 齐读、跟读。仔细听并回答问题。  it’s half past six.no, he isn’t.he’s …he can take some bread with him.跟读,齐读并翻译中文。  it’s a quarter to twelve.mike and david.they need to clean the library.齐读,跟读。   he’s doing his homework. 齐读,跟读。c drill1 放录音2 放录音3 领读4 指导5 评价听课文录音跟读跟读齐读、比赛读表演六 板书设计a busy day      from seven in the morning to ten at night6:30           get up6:50           go to school11:45          have lunch七 作业设计朗读并表演本课内容。八 课后反思通过让学生听录音来学习课文内容,一方面锻炼学生的听力,一方面让学生初步了解课文内容,再通过老师提问,使学生进一步加深对课文的了解,而且学习了新句型。 (42)unit 7 after school    (第三教时)  may.16一 教学内容  e  look and read 二 教学目标1 复习巩固第七单元的单词和词组。2 复习巩固课文。3 继续学习并掌握一般现在时的正确用法。三 教学重点和难点学习并掌握一般现在时的正确用法。四 课前准备教学准备:录音机,磁带及表格五 教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动a  free  talkwho’s on duty today?what’s the time?……i am.it’s ….……b revision1 出示时间:6:45  8:00  8:30  11:40  5:50  9:002 指导3 评价个别回答集体回答集体朗读课文小组表演clook and read1 指导学生看图阅读2 出示表格,一半是时间,另一半让学生根据课文内容填入具体活动内容。3 校对4 逐一出示图片,让学生操练一般现在时遇到第三人称单数时的具体用法。what time is it?what does sam do at a quarter past seven?…仔细看图给学生5分钟填入  齐读   it’s a quarter to seven.he gets up at a quarter to seven.…六 板书设计time                       what?6:45                    sam gets up.8:00                    sam goes to school.8:30                    classes begin.11:40                   sam has lunch.5:50                    sam comes home.9:00                    sam goes to bed.七 作业设计回家继续操练一般现在时遇到第三人称单数时的具体用法。八 课后反思时间表达法是本单元的重点,这个部分一方面巩固了时间表达法,一方面练习了一般现在时的用法。通过表格,让学生自己完成填空,并且让学生进行问答操练,进一步巩固语法。  (43)unit7 after school    (第四教时)  may.17一 教学内容   f look and guess; g listen and repeat; h say a rhyme二 教学目标1 继续复习巩固第七单元的单词、词组和课文。2 了解字母组合ar在单词中的读音。3 能诵读歌谣 a clock三 教学重点和难点了解字母组合ar在单词中的读音。四 课前准备教学准备:录音机和磁带。五 教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动a  free  talkwho’s on duty today?what lessons do you have in the morning?what subject do you like ?……i am.we have…. i like ….……brevision1 出示时间ask and answer in pairs. 2 评价背诵课文。clook and guess1 讲解如何进行这个游戏。2 指导 集体进行这个游戏。glisten and repeat1出示单词卡片:car, park , party, star2评价3 指导齐读,找出ar 在单词中的发音。举例齐读hsay a rhyme1 teach: a shower, tick, tock2 放录音3 放录音4 指导并评价齐读,跟读。听跟读齐读六 板书设计car  park  party  starlet’s to to the party at star park by car.七 作业设计完成练习册上本单元的练习。八 课后反思游戏是学生很喜欢的一种活动,在教学中加入游戏,使学生学的非常有兴趣,在这个游戏中,学生在玩中既获得了乐趣,又复习了所学知识,一举两得。  (44)unit7 after school    (第五教时) may.21一 教学内容1 完成练习册上本单元的听力2 讲解练习册上本单元的题目。3 默写本单元的四会单词和词组。  (45)unit7  after school    (第六教时)may.22一 教学内容1 进行本单元的单元测试(拓展练习册上)


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