牛津小学英语5a电子课本|牛津小学英语5B Unit1 整理与练习

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-06 网络整理 晴天


moday 星期一 tuesday 星期二 wedesday星期三 thursday星期四
friday星期五 a week一星期(周) chiese 汉语、中文、中国人
sciece 科学、自然科学 computer studies 计算机课程 eglish 英语、英国的、英国人的 a subject 一门学科(科目) iterestig 有趣的
1在星期一上午 o moday morig
2 今天下午 this afteroo
3 三节数学课 three maths lessos
4 新学期 the ew term
5 第一节课 the first lesso
6 立刻、马上 at oce
7 10门学科 te subjects
8 一节有趣的课 a iterestig lesso
9 你呢? how about you?
10 在一周内 i a week
11 欢迎回来 welcome back
12 我的课程表 my timetable
13 在星期三 o wedesday
14 星期天晚上 suday eveig
15 这个学期 this term
16 上一堂艺术课 have a art lesso
17 每天 every day
18一个窍门 a trick
19 让我想想 let me see
20 非常 very much
 what lessos do you have i the morig/afteroo? 上午/下午你们有什么课程?
 what lessos do you have o moday/ wedesday?(注意:在星期几用o) 星期一/星期三你们有什么课程?
 what subject do you like? 你喜欢什么科目?
i like eglish. how about you? 我喜欢英语。那你呢?
i like sciece. 我喜欢科学。
-- what day is it today?
-- it’s moday.
-- what day is it?
-- today is wedesday.
词形转换 :
chia(形容词)—chiese here(同音词)—hear
lesso(同义词)—class good(反义词)—bad
iterest(形容词)—iterestig buy(同音词)—by/bye
mius(反义词)—plus she(宾格)—her
right(同音词)—write he(宾格)—him
right(反义词)—wrog ope(反义词)—close
一、complete the words i the dialogue accordig to the cotext ad the give alphabet 根据单词首字母和句子意思,将对话中的单词补充完整
a: welcome b________ to school, be.
b: ice to m________ you, mr gree.
a: there is a ________ subject i this t_______, do you kow?
b: yes. it’s s________ s________.
a: do you l________ it?
b: maybe. i t________ it will be i________.
a: of course. whe do you h________ this l________? o m________?
b: o. it’s o f________. w________ will teach us, mr gree?
a: mr zhag. he is a very good t________.
二、fill i the blaks with proper prepositios 填入适当的介词
1. how may art lessos do you have ________ a week?
2. we have a computer studies lesso ________ friday.
3. first draw some flowers ________ the paper.
4. she goes to school ________ half past seve.
5. ca you come ad help me ________ my maths?
6. here’s a ew copybook ________ acy.
7. take ________ your coat, please. it’s hot today.
8. boys ad girls, this is the first day ________ the ew term.
三、rewrite the seteces accordig to the istructios 按要求写出下列句子 12
1. he has chiese, maths, eglish ad art i the morig. (改为否定句)
2. there are four eglish lessos i a week.(改为一般疑问句)
3.. they are’t readig the books.(改为单数形式)
四、traslate the phrases 英汉互译
1、 星期一早上 __________ _ 2. a chiese book _____ ____
2、 在早上 ______ ___ 4. a iterestig subject ______ __
5、这学期 ______ ___ 6. welcome back to school ____ ___
7、一节英语课 ______ ___ 8. i a week _________ ___
9、她的学生们 ______ __ 10. the first lesso __ _____
11. 新学期的第一天 12.i this morig 12


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