【5a景区】5A Unit 6 Doing housework

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-03 网络整理 晴天


本课选自《牛津小学英语5a 》中的unit 6. 这套教材从视听入手,注重听说训练,着重培养学生的语感和初步运用英语进行简单日常交流的能力,通过听、说、读、写、唱、游、演、画、做等活动激发学生的学习兴趣,帮助学生养成良好的学习习惯。形成有效的学习方法,发展自主学习的能力,为进一步学习打下基础,书中的各单元内容贴近学生的生活和学习实际,unit 6的核心教学内容是“做家务和做功课”,重点介绍了what is/are…doing?he’s/she’s/i’m/we’re…句型。这一句型主要用于描述当前正在发生的事件或正在进行的动作。在教学过程中,教师要创设各种真实的情景来呈现,练习和巩固该句型。结合这一语言点,本单元继unit 3之后,再次介绍了一批动词,从而进一步拓宽了学生的语言交际面,基于此,本课选择b,c,d部分内容进行学习。
说教法: 结合本课的句型特点和重点,在本课的教学中,我主要选用“合作学习”和“独立学习”的教学方式,采用创设情境法、和直观教学的方法,运用“任务型”教学途径,引导学生学习,使之成为学习的主人。重在为学生营造一个民主、生动、活泼的学习环境,使学生主动参与到自主学习过程当中,培养学生的创新意识和自学能力。
说学法: 根据教材和学生的认知水平,使学生在不断的参与竞争、团结合作的互动环节中渗透“学生是学习的主人”的意识,培养学生自主学习的能力和意识,使学生学到的是学习的方法而提高的是学习的能力。

1.free talk.
t:good morning,×× .glad to see you.
s1: glad to see you, miss zhou.
t: i like singing. what do you like?
s1: i like swimming.
t: what day is today?
s2: today is monday.
t: how are you?    s2:i’m fine.    
t: how about your father?   s2: he’s fine
t: are you free now?
s2: yes, i am. / no, i’m not.
t: where are you now, class?
ss: we’re in the classroom.
2sing a song “ we can sing and dance”
step2. presentation
1.make a call.提示课题。
t: hello, ××what day is today?  s1: today is monday.
t: it’s a nice day, isn’t it?   s2: yes, it is .
t: hello, ××it’s a nice day. do you like this morning?
s3: yes.
t: are you free now?  shall we go to hongmei zoo?
s4: all right / great!
t: this class we’ll learn to make a call.
揭示课题:t: look at this. say after me. “make a call”.
ss: make a call.
t: now here is a telephone. let’s make a call.
t: hello, this is miss zhou.
s1:hello, this is s1.…
t: hello, this is miss zhou .is that ××?
s4: yes, this is s4.     t: are you free now?
s4: no, i’m not.
t: are you free this afternoon?    s4: yes, i’m free.
t: shall we go to hongmei zoo?
s4: great!
ss:(working pairs)s1:hello.  123
s2:hello, is that ××?
s1:yes, this is ××.        
s2: are you free this afternoon?
s1: yes, i am.                
s2: shall we go to hongmei z00?
s1: great
3.sing a song  “what are you doing?”
t: now, let’s have a rest. do you like singing?
   now let’s listen a song
t: look! i am drawing. can you draw a bird?  s1: yes, i can.
t: excuse me××。 what are you doing?
s: i’m…(引出i am drawing.) 板书:what are you doing?
t: look at me, class. i can swim. look! i am swimming.
   who can act swim? (教师游泳动作)s1(act).
t: what are you doing?  
s1:i am swimming. 
t: now,look! i am cleaning the window. what am i doing?
s2:you are cleaning the window.
(板书:clean   clean the window)
t: now follow me, clean the window.  ss: clean the window.
t: hello, ××. can you clean the window?
s1: yes, i can. look!         t: what are you doing?
s1:i’m cleaning the window.
t: me too. and i can sweep the floor. look! (教师作扫地动作)(引:sweep the floor) ss: sweep the floor.
t: what are you doing? s2:i’m sweeping the floor.
 t: me too.(教师也做扫地动作)
5、游戏引stand  和  sit.
t: do you like games, class?      ss: yes, i do.
t: stand up boys.                 sb: all right.
t: what are you doing, boys?   sb: we’re standing. (引:stand.)
t: stand, follow me.           ss: stand.
t: what are you doing?         sb: we’re standing.
t: sit down, please. what are you doing? sb: we’re standing.
t: sit down, please. (教师分批提问站立男孩,而后示意其坐下(待全体男孩坐下,提问集体)
t: what are you dong, ××? (引:sit.) i’m sitting. we’re sitting.
step 3.play a game
t:(悄声告诉s1)draw a picture.
t: what is she / he doing guess?
s: guess, she’s /he’s drawing a picture.
t: what are you doing?
s1:i’m drawing a picture.
t: yes, you’re right / no, you’re wrong.
分别让学生read the book, sweep the floor, watch tv, sleep等
step 4 look and act
t:hello! this is miss zhou.  is this xxx?
s: yes, this is xxx.
t: are you free now?123
s: sorry, i’m not free.
t: what are you doing?
s: i’m reading a book.
t: are you free this afternoon?
s: yes.
t: shall we go swimming this afternoon?
s: ok.   
t: see you this afternoon!
s: see you!
now ,please find your good friend make a dialogue, and invite him to do something at this afternoon.
3.act the dialogue
please some pairs come here and cat your dialogue to the other students.
4.can you write your dialogue?
step 5 homework

板书:5a unit 6 doing housework
what is/are…doing?

5a unit 6 doing housework 来自。 123


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