牛津小学英语5a电子课本|牛津小学英语5A unit6 Doing housework 教学案例

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-02 网络整理 晴天


一、教学内容《九年义务教育六年制小学教科书。牛津小学英语》5a第六单元教案第一教时二、 教学目标
1. 能听懂、会说、会读和会写单词sleep,jump,run,walk, what are you doing ?i’m……
2. 能听动、会说what is he/she doing ? he/she is ……
3. 能初步了解现在进行时的一些知识
四、 教学难点
五、 课前准备
1. 教具准备:课前准备好相应的图片,小黑板,录音机,投影。
2. 板书准备:黑板上预先写好unit 6
a. revision
1. sing a chant:we are always good friends
2. 复习: do you like ….. ? what do you like ?
b. prasentation
1. teach sweep, sleep, jump, run, wash clothes
(热身运动)t: look at me .
sing, sing, i’m singing .
dance, dance, i’m danceing.
swim, swim, i’m swiming.
jump, jump, i’m jumping.
stand, stand, i’m standing.
sit, sit, i’m siting.
walk, walk, i’m walking.
run, run, i’m runing.
sleep, sleep, i’m sleeping.
t: ok. let’s do together . (与学生一起做。)
2 t: look at the pictures. read after me .
stand,sit, walk, run, jump, sleep
ss: stand, sit, walk, run, jump, sleep
3 t: open your books. listen to the tape recorderand read after it .
ss: stand, sit …….
4 t: let’s play a game.
5. t: look at me . what am i doing ? i am standing / running/ jumping ……
边做边说,在说到的单词后面加上ing. 请学生说。
s1: i’m dancing.
s2: i’m jumping.
s3: i’m riding a horse .
t: what are you doing ?
s4: i’m wleeping .
t: what are you doing ?
s5: i’m sweeping the floor .
板书:what are you doing ?
t: look at the blackboard. read after me . what are you doing ?
ss: what are you doing ?
6. t: let’s play a game . you can ask your deskmate or your friend what are you doing ?
s1: i’m singing . what are you doing ?
s2: i’m playing the guitar. what are you doing /
s3: i’m swimming . what are you doing ?
s4: i’m riding a bike .what are you doing ?
7. t: who can tell me how to add ing ?
s1: 第一排直接加ing.
s2: ,…..
t: look at this word” dance”. how to add ing ?
t: (1.)一般直接加ing
8. t: look at the blackboard. read after me.
standing/ sitting/ jumping/ sleeping
ss: standing/ sitting/ jumping/ running……
c. consilidation
1. t: let’s say a chant.
what are you doing ? i am running.
running, running, i’m running.
what are you doing ? i am jumping .
jumping, jumping , i am jumping .
ss: what are you doing ?
i am jumping .
jumping, jumping, i am jumping .
what are you doing ?
i am running.
running, running, i am running.
s1: ……..
s2: ……..
2. 出示投影 what is he doing ? he is running/ jumping …..12
然后让学生一问一答 what is he/she doing?
s1:he is jumping/washing clothes/sleeping/ playing the piano……
ss: yes, you’re right. / no, you’re wrong .
3. t: listen to the tape. let’s leare a chant “ what are they doing ?”
twins, twins, they are dancing .
father, father, he is writing.
mother, mother, she is cooking .
grandpa , grandpa, he is smoking.
grandma,grandma, she is reading.
their life is very interesting.
ss : twins, twins, they are dancing.
d. homework
make a new chant.
unit 6
what are you doing ?
i am standing/sleeping /jumping/walking sitting/running
  英语歌曲是提高学生英语学习兴趣和学习效率的有效方法之一。"we are always dood friend"这首深情动听的歌曲既能感染学生,调动学生的情绪,歌词中的单词又能为新课学习作铺垫,自然导入新课。
  寓学于乐,让学生轻松、快乐、高效地学习,是我们的追求。游戏,是我们的好帮手之一。因此,我在本课设计了do as i do , find the word二个游戏。第一个旨在集中学生的注意力,养成静听、细看、敢说的良好学习习惯;第二个旨在考验学生的听力;最后让学生在游戏竞赛中熟练认读动词。
先师生之间进行句型操练,再由学生两两操练,自由操练。针对学生英语基础的差异性,不强求学生用what is he doing?i’m...会话,适当降低要求,可以用what are you doing?i’m…
最后学习新的儿歌”what are they dong?”并初步学会根据已有的儿歌编出富于自己个性的儿歌.
牛津小学英语5a unit6 doing housework 教学案例 来自。 12


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