
小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-03 网络整理 晴天



unit 1 the first day at school
 a toilet ,  a garden ,  a table tennis room ,  a reading room ,   a swing ,  a slide , 
 day ,  at school ,  all ,  a lot (of ),  room , any ,  house ,  flower
a: is there a …?     
b: yes, there is./ no, there isn’t .
例如:a: is there a swing in the garden?  花园里有个秋千吗?
      b: yes, there is.      是的,有呢。
a: are there any …?      
b: yes, there are./no, there aren’t .
例如:a: are there any pencils on the desk ?  桌上有些铅笔吗?
      b: no, there aren’t .    不,没有。
a : how many … are there …?
b: there is/there are ...
例如:a: how many cats are there under the tree?  树下有多少只猫?
b: there are two.        有两只。
i’m not sure . 我不确定。
let’s go and see. / let’s go and have a look.  让我们去看看。

unit 2 a new house
i words:
  a bed ,  a sofa,  a telephone,  a lamp,  on,  in,  under,  behind, 
  live ,  bedroom ,  study,  large ,  door
ii sentences:
 1. a: what’s in/on/under/behind…?
   b: there’s a …in/on/under/behind…
there are some …in/on/under/behind…
   例如:a : what’s behind the door ?    门后面有什么?
         b : there are some umbrellas .  有一些雨伞。
there isn’t a / aren’t any…
例如:there isn’t a lamp. 没有一盏台灯。
      there aren’t any chairs . 没有任何椅子。
here is a/an…for you . 例如:here’s a toy for you . 给你一个玩具。
here are some …for you. 例如:here are some crayons for you . 给你一些蜡笔。

unit 3 at a music lesson
i words:
  sing, song,  dance,  swim,  skate,  ski,  make a puppet,  make a model plane, 
play the guitar,  play the violin,  lesson,  learn,  put , him
ii sentences:
1. a :can you…?
  b: yes, i/we can./no, i/we can’t.
  例如:a: can you dance? 你/你们会跳舞吗?
        b: yes, i / we can.  是的,我/我们会。
2. a: i can…what can you do?
  b: i can…
  例如:a: i can ski. what can you do? 我会滑雪。你会干什么?
        b: i can skate.  我会溜冰。12
3. listen to the…,please. 例如:listen to the song , please. 请听歌。

unit 4 halloween
i words:
  a mask,  a vase,  a pumpkin,  a chicken,  a duck,  a horse,  a pig
  family,  hing ,  need,  work ,  with ,  evening
ii sentences:
a: do you like…?
b: yes, i do./no, i don’t .  i like…
例如:a: do you like pigs?  你喜欢猪吗?
      b: no, i don’t . i like horses . 不,我不喜欢。我喜欢马。
2.  a: what do you like?  你喜欢什么?
b: i like…  我喜欢… 。
a : what do you need? 你/你们需要什么?
b : i/we need …   我/我们需要… 。
what else do you need? 你/你们还需要什么?
here’s your change. 找你的零钱。

unit 6 doing housework
i words:
  stand,  sit,  sleep,  jump,  run,  walk,  sweep the floor,
  clean the window,  wash clothes,  in the morning,  at home,  help,  maths,
ii sentences:
a: what are you doing?  你/你们正在干什么?
b: i’m…/we’re…  我/我们正在…
a: what is he/she doing? 他/她正在干什么?
b: he’s/she’s…
例如:a: what is helen doing ?  海伦正在干什么?
b: she is doing her homework . 她正在做家庭作业。
where’s …?  …在哪儿?
a : are you free now ? 你现在有空吗?
b : yes, i am./ no, i’m not .
can you come and help me with…? 你能过来帮助我做/学…吗?
yes, you’re right.   是的,你是正确的。 
sorry, you are wrong. 抱歉,你错了。
unit 7 after school
i words:
  read a newspaper,  read a magazine,  read a picture book,  play chess,  play cards,
play with a yo-yo,  after , class,  look for,  join, study ,
ii sentences:
a: is he/she  playing cards/…?
b: yes, he/she is. no, he/she isn’t.
2,  a: are they reading in the library/…?
b: yes, they are./no, they aren’t.
unit 8 a camping trip
i words:
  telescope,  tin-opener,  pot,  stove,  match, blanket, pillow ,  towel




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