[《牛津小学英语》4A介绍]《牛津小学英语》Unit 6 Doing housework

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-02 网络整理 晴天


the first period一、teaching contentsi. words:housework, ring, morning, home, help, maths, at home, sweep the floor, clean the windows, do housework, do homework, come and help…with…,ii. sentences what are you doing? i’m…    what is he/she doing? he/she is…is that…?    can you come and help..with…?二、teaching steps step1: greetings t: ok! it’s time for class. today i’m your english teacher. i’m miss feng.     hello! boys and girls!   ss: hello, miss feng! t: nice to meet you.   ss: nice to meet you, too.step2: free talk (1) t: you know, i’m new here. so i want to know something about you. excuse me, may i have your name?   s: i’m / my name is …   t: nice to meet you.   s: nice to meet you, too.   t: oh, i am writing down your name.(教师记下该学生的名字,并且给他看)(2)t: excuse me, may i have your name?s: i’m /my name is… t: what is your telephone number? s:… t: i am writing down your telephone number.(3) t: excuse me, may i have your name?    s: my name is…    t: do you like english?    s: yes, i do./ no, i don’t.    t: do you like maths?s: yes, i do./ no, i don’t.t: look! this is a maths book. (教师出示一本数学书,拿出单词卡片maths,学生跟读单词) do you like maths? how about you? (复习已学句型)step3: presentation(1) t: now, i know something about you. do you want to know something zbout me? it can help you.(课件出现两个“风车”,风叶上写有关于教师的一些个人信息,学生根据这个向老师提问)s: what is your telephone number?    what animals do you like? …    what can you so?t: i can dance. look! i am dancing now. (教师一边做动作,一边说)(2) 学习新句型what are you doing? i’m…t: i can play baketball. (教师打篮球)can you play basketball?   s: yes.   t: can you show me ? ( 学生打篮球)   s: oh, you are playing basketball.(3) t: can you play basketball? s: no, i can’t. t: what can you do?s: i can…s:学生做相应的动作(动作要有持久性)   (4) t: what are you doing?   s: i am sitting./ i’m having an english leaaon. (教师注意提醒学生动词后要加ing,并纠正读音)(5) t: what are you doing, boys and girls?   s: we are having an english lesson.     t: but where is my english book? i can’t find it. who can come and help me?(学生帮助老师找书) oh, there are some pictures here. you can choose one picture and do the action. (教师英语书里夹有一些图片,学生抽出一张并做相应的动作)t: what are you doing?s: i’m…(教师与学生示范对话→学生与学生示范→)(6) students use the pictures and make some dialogues with their partners.  (7) 学习新句型 what is he/ she doing? he/she is…t: now, let’s have a rest and sing a song ‘what are you doing?’ then tell me what mike is doing? (学生看课件齐唱)(8) t: what is mike doing? what is he doing? (从歌曲中获知信息)   s: he is sleeping.   t: is he sleeping? (教师指向一个做得不端正的学生)   s: no.   t: what is he doing? s: he is sitting. t: how about that girl? what is she doing? s: she is… (教师呈现句子卡片what is he/she doing? he/she is…,学生跟读)(9) t: what is she doing? (教师在一个学生耳边说,单词,让该生做动作)s: she is… (学生问学生答)(10) look! it is saturday afternoon. what are my friends doing? what is wang fang doing? what is qianqiang doing? do you know? (让学生猜猜老师的朋友在做什么事,设置一定的悬念)  s: no.t: i don"t know either. but s1 knows. why? because there is a piece of paper in her hand. the answers are on the paper. let me call her. (教师拿出一个玩具电话,与该生打电话,教师与学生之间的对话为下面学生之间的交流,起到一个很好的示范作用)( 教师呈现打电话用语hello! is that…? yes, this is …speaking.)(11) t: let’s count the numbers and pass the paper. if miss feng says stop. you can call the student who gets the paper. (学生传递着有答案的那张纸,教师喊停,其他学生可以打电话给拿到该纸的学生,这个活动既有效巩固了句型what is he/she doing?又操练了电话用语)(12) t: oh, i know my friends are doing different things. how about su yang and su hai? what is su yang doing? (课件呈现苏扬在做什么的模糊图片)    s: she is cleaning the windows. (学习词组clean the windows)    t: clean the chair? can you make somne phrases?s: yes. clean the desk/ door…t: can you spell the word’door’? can you read this word?(课件呈现单词floor)同法教授新词组sweep the floort: su yang is cleaning the windows. su hai is sweeping the floor. what are they doing?(13) t: su yang and su hai are doing housework. suddenly, the telephine is ringing.(课件里有电话声音) listen! what are they talking about? let’s look, listen and judge. (14)多媒体呈现课文引言部分,学生跟着老师读(15) what is nancy doing? let’s listen againnames            what is she doing?su hai  is  su yang nancy (16) 多媒体呈现课文左半边对话,学生跟着老师读,教师讲解新句子can you come and help me with my maths? (17) 学生自由读对话→学生表演对话(把全班学生分成两大组,分别扮演两个角色,背对背表演)step4: consolidationstep5: homework


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