[pepper]PEP Book4 (上)Unit 6 Meet My Family A Let's Talk

小学四年级英语教案 2021-05-16 网络整理 晴天


 一、教学内容:pepbook 4 (上)unit 6 meet my family
a let’s talk
       1、 能听懂、会本课对话,并能在实际情景中运用。
       2、 能听、说、认读本课句型:how many people are there in your family ?并能用其他词语替换练习。
       三、教学重点:使学生熟练把握how many… are there 句型的用法.
       教学难点:my family has 7 members。who are they? but that’s only 6. 这些句子是第一次出现。
       step 1、热身、复习(warm-up and revision)
       1. 课前唱歌:what would you like?
       2. 唱歌谣:book 4(a)unit 2、a let’s chant---how many …do you have?
       3. 问候学生。复习unit6 a let’s learn 部分的三会单词:family,baby brother,uncle,aunt,parents。然后说:hello,boys and girls。come and meet my family 。my family has…members。look,they are my …and me。how about your family?让几学说说自己的家庭情况。
4. 把书或笔等放在不同的地方问:what’s this ? where is it ?(it’s in / on /under /near the …..)复习介词:in,on,under,near。
       5. listen and do。给学生指令,如:put your books on/in /under/near your desk。show me your hands。put your hands on your head。put your hands on/in under/near your desk等。
       1. 把一些东西放在讲台上问:w hat are these?where are they?how many …s are there on the teacher’s desk? 解释这个句型并帮助学生回答:there are …..
       2. watch tv. look at the pictures. how many apples/birds are there on the plate /in the tree?
       3. 谈论教室里的物品问:look at your classroom. how many fans are there in your classroom? 看谁能用这个句型问更多的问题 。然后看课本71页let’s count部分的图问答.
       4. 看课件,一棵树上有五个人的图片问:how many people are there in the tree?学生回答后说:this is a family. so we can also say:how many people are there in the family?who are they?
       5. 问几个学生:my family has three members。 how many people are there in your family? who are they?然后做chain drill.
       6. do an interesting practice. 蒙上一个学生的眼睛,请几个学生到某个地方站好后,拍手、跺脚或敲课桌后问:how many people are there? who are they?12
       7. 课件出示潇亚轩的全家福问:who is this young woman? do you know ? how many members are there in her family?
       (1)、假如学生回答“5”,问:only 5?really? that’s only five? no, six. her family has six members. who are they? look, they are her grandma, her mother, her father, her brother ,xiao yaxuan and her little puppy.
       (2)、假如学生回答“6”,问:six? but that’s only five。 look,they are her … and xiao yaxuan .gee,and her little puppy!
      教单词和句子:puppy=dog gee but that’s only five.
       8. 看电视,听对话,然后回答问题: how many people are there in chen jie’s family? how many members are there in amy’s family? who are they?
       9. 听音,跟读对话。
       11. 用动作提示学生试背对话。
       step3、巩固与扩展(consolidation and extension)
       my family has ----members.
      who are they? they are ----.
      how many …s are there in/on /under/near the ….?
      how many people are there in your family?
      there are ….
       onlygee puppy = dog12


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