
小学四年级英语教案 2021-05-15 网络整理 晴天


课题    lesson 15需用时间1 class hour 教学目的1. to learn the new words.2. to learn the new dialogue.3. let’s make and talk. 教学重点the new words教学难点the sentences 教学关键the new dialogue教具准备tape-recorder, cards 教学过程:(导入新课、教学内容、教学方法、课后小结、练习安排等)step 1 revision1.    review the numbers. count the numbers from 1 to 50 one by one.2.    ask a question: what classes do we have today? get the pupils to answer the question.step 2 the new lesson1. the pupils can say something like: english, maths, chinese,ect. so the teacher show the word cards to learn the new words one by one . and get the pupils to read them loudly.2. the teacher point to the schedule to practice the sentences.what class do we have on monday/tuesday/wednesday… . get the class to say the new words out. 3. questions: how many classes are there on monday/tuesday…?4. play the tape. listen and then repeat after the tape, at last read it in pairs.5. ask some groups to act it out.step 3 practice1.    let’s do together.show me your chinese/english/music….2. make a  class table.板书设计           lesson fifteen      revision    new words new dialogue  recite the dialogue课后作业必作:recite the dialogue and copy the new words时间:15 minutes课后小记 选作:prepare the next lesson 时间:10 minutes


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