[unit]Unit 8 Let’s go to the park

小学三年级英语教案 2020-05-23 网络整理 晴天


unit 8  let’s go to the park常州市新北区新桥中心小学   徐艳琴教学内容:译林出版社《牛津小学英语3a》 第八单元: let’s go to the park教学目标:1、通过学习能熟练掌握以下单词: park, cinema, zoo, bike, bus, car, plane . 日常交际用语: let’s go to the …….. great!/ good! but how?  by ……2、通过操练,提高学生的口语交际水平,结合生活实际,掌握和利用生活常识的能力和社会实践能力,增强学生用英语进行交际的胆识,培养学生用英语进行思维的习惯。3、通过课堂操练提高学生的听力水平,养成学生上课认真倾听的好习惯,培养学生的创新精神和求异思维能力。4、通过设计情景操练,培养学生间的互助合作能力,增强学生的竞争意识和集体荣誉感。教学重难点:1、通过学习能熟练掌握以下单词: park, cinema, zoo, bike, bus, car, plane . 日常交际用语: let’s go to the …….. great!/ good! but how?  by ……2、通过操练,提高学生的口语交际水平,结合生活实际,掌握和利用生活常识的能力和社会实践能力,增强学生用英语进行交际的胆识,培养学生用英语进行思维的习惯。课前准备:自制图片、录音机、课文磁带和自制磁带、多媒体课件、公园门票等。教学过程:step 1. sing a song.boys and girls. first, let’s sing a song, ok?ok.step 2. free talk and motivation (2’)1. how are you?2. look at the clock. 将钟拨到6:30。  say to the students: let’s get up.(做起床动作)repeat.students answer:  ok./ all right.practice: let’s将钟拨到7:10。ask: can you say :  let’s go ……praise the student.say: let’s go to school, xxx.ask students to say: let’s go to school, miss xu.answer: ok, let’s go./ all right./ good./ great!将钟拨到4:15。ask students to say: let’s go home, miss xu.answer: ok, let’s go./ all right./ good./ great!(多媒体出示这部分用语)将钟拨到8:30。 work in pairs.  let’s go to school./ go home. / go to bed.  all right./ ok. let’s go./ good./ great!step 3. presentation:1. (多媒体出示公园图片。)  接着学生表演的对话教学。  practise: park, a big park, let’s go to the park.  pair works:  model: let’s go to the park.  all right./ ok. let’s go./ good./ great!chant: park, park, go to the park, let’s go to the park.2. (多媒体出示动物园图片。)  zoo, a tiger, a zebra, a monkey. they are in the zoo.practice: zoo, go to the zoo, let’s go to the zoo.chant: zoo, zoo, go to the zoo, let’s go to the zoo.3. (多媒体出示电影院)  cinema, asia cinema.practice: cinema, go to the cinema, let’s go to the cinema.chant: cinema, cinema, go to the cinema, let’s go to the cinema.4. work in pairs:model: let’s go to the park/ zoo/ cinema.      all right./ ok. let’s go./ good./ great!5.12 say a rhyme:park, park, go to the park, let’s go to the park.zoo, zoo, go to the zoo, let’s go to the zoo.cinema, cinema, go to the cinema, let’s go to the cinema.  (注意节奏)  sing a song.(运用以上内容为歌词,唱歌曲)6. (多媒体出示北京、桂林、南京、西安等地)  teacher says: let’s go to beijing.  ask students to say: let’s go to …..miss xu.  respond: good, but how?practice: but how?  by bike/ bus, plane/ car/ train. (注意操练交通工具)7. say a rhyme:step 4. consolidation:1. listen to the tape recorder.  boys and girls, next you’ll hear some dialogues, please listen carefully. then i’ll ask you to look at the pictures and make some dialogues.  listen to the dialogue one by one.2. look and act.(一幅图一幅图听,在分别表演。)step 5. practice:   now you can some places. you can choose one to go with you friends, and you can invite the teachers to go together. please work in groups of two or three or four.(多媒体出示情景及交通工具,鼓励学生邀请听课教师)1.红梅公园2.新桥电影院3.动物园4.苏州5.自己想去的地方。12


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