【3a大作是什么意思】3A Unit 5 How are you?

小学三年级英语教案 2020-05-22 网络整理 晴天


3a  unit 5 how are you?(the first period)  
教学目标: 1. 能在情境中正确运用日常交际用语how are you?及其相应的回答:fine, thank you. / not so good.  
          2. 能听懂、会说、会读文具类单词  a pen, a pencil ,a rubber, a ruler.  
教学重点: 1. 能在情境中正确运用日常交际用语how are you?及其相应的回答:fine, thank you. / not so good.  
          2. 能听懂、会说、会读文具类单词  a pen, a pencil ,a rubber, a ruler.  
教学难点:能听懂、会说、会读文具类单词a pen, a pencil, a  rubber, a ruler.  
教学过程:step 1: warm up:  
1. t—s: greeting  
t puts a paper basket on the blackboard and introduce the rules of the race.  
2. sing some songs: show three circles of different colors, let the students choose to sing.  
3. free talk: review the sentences.  
step 2: revision  
    review the words of animals and colors by dialogues.  
step 3: presentation and practice  
1. new dialogues  
a. introduce two new friends to the students.  
s: nice to meet you, kitty (teddy).  
kitty (teddy): nice to meet you, too.  
t: how are you?  
kitty (teddy): fine, thank you.  
   show “how are you?你好吗?”“fine, thank you.很好,谢谢.” and teach.  
  b. practice: t—ss, t—groups, t--s  
  c. the chain game: t asks a question to the students of the first row “how are you?” he or she may say: “fine, thank you.” then he or she passes the question to the students in the second row: then the students in the second row answer: ”just do it one by one. the last one comes to the front and asks t: “how are you?” to see which group is the best.   
       d. another new sentence: when the last one asks t, t answers  
:“not so good.” with body language.  
show “not so good.不太好.” and teach.  
 e. play a game: t prepares two faces: smile and ill. if t takes smile face, ss ask and answer with “how are you? fine, thank you.” if t takes ill face, ss use “how are you? not so good.”to make dialogues. in thirty seconds, to see which group makes the most dialogues.  
  f. sing, sing, sing 《 hello, how are you? 》  
2. new words  
  a. draw and guess: t draws some simple pictures on the blackboard, such as: apple, pear, orange…, then ask with“what can you see? ”, ss answers with “i can see a/an…”  
  b. after reviewing the old words, t draws some pictures of stationeries.  12
     teach the new words: a pen, a pencil, a rubber, a ruler and their pl. form.  
  c. play a game: warm and cold  
  d. say a rhyme  
step 4: consolidation  
   are you a pleasure boy (girl)?         
step 5: homework  
   1. everyday english: listen to the tape 15 minutes.  
   2. read the new words after the tape three times.  
   3. make dialogues with new sentences in pairs.
3a unit 5 how are you? 来自。 12


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