牛津小学英语3A|牛津小学英语3A Unit 7 It’s nice

小学三年级英语教案 2020-05-22 网络整理 晴天


教学课题: unit 7   it’s nice
1、teach and learn new words : a shirt , a blouse , a sweater , a jacket
2 、teach and learn new dialogues:
look at my / her / his … )
how nice. / pretty . / smart.
it’s nice . / pretty. / smart .
look at my / her / his …
how nice. / pretty . / smart.
it’s nice . / pretty. / smart . 教学具准备:
1、课件;  2、板书字条。
教学过程: 4
一、exchange greetings:
二、warming up:
step 1
1、good morning ! what’s your name ?     my name is …
2、hello, …! this is my …   nice to meet you !     nice to meet you , too!
3、good morning! this is …   nice to meet you !     nice to meet you , too.
4、how are you ?   fine , thank you .
5、go to school / go home , …   ok . / all right . goodbye . / see you .
三、presenta tions:
 step 1
learn new phrases and sentences:
new words: a blouse , a sweater
new dialogues :
look at my … how nice. / pretty . / smart.   it’s nice . / pretty. / smart
  1、(课件)show a picture : a pencil
(1) make a dialogue : what’s this ?
it’s a pencil .
(2) show a pencil : look at my pencil.
    is it nice ?
(3) teach word : nice
(4) teach sentence : how nice ! (多么好看啊!)
  ask ss to read : now , how , how
(5) make dialogues: 
  look at my …
  how nice !
teach phrase : look at …   (看…)
  2、(课件)show a picture: a blouse
    (1) teach word : a blouse (女士衬衫)
    (2) show me your blouse
    (3) make dialogues :
look at my blouse .
is it pretty ?
    (4) teach the word : pretty (漂亮)
(5) ask ss to make dialogues in pairs :
  look at my blouse .
  how pretty ! / it’s pretty .


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