[3a大作是什么意思]3A Unit5教学设计

小学三年级英语教案 2020-05-22 网络整理 晴天


the first period
  一.topic:unit 5 section a  it"s   a   monkey ..
  二.teaching aims:
  1.to listen speak read and perform the dialog on page 26.
  2.to listen speak and read five new words:
     3.can grasp two new snntences and use them freely in oral.
  三.teaching material analyses:
  dialog introduces want  to  see   animals,so  talk about some animals   with  wangdawei.five animals and two base sentences are
  teaching important points ,how to arouse the students’ studying
  inter estings is also the teaching important point.can use the base
  sentences to talk freely and try to perform the dialog is teaching
  difficult points .
  四.teaching methods :
  situational teachings , playing games to arouse the students’
  interesting ,practising.
  五.teaching procedures:
  (1) warming up exercises:
  1. sing an english song .
  (2) new teachings:
  1. learn five new words:
  1).mime the animals:
  ask one student to come to the front ,look at the animal pictures
  and then mime the animals,the others guess its name .
  2)teacher writes the anlmal names and stick its pictures on the
  blackboard and then teaches to read .
  3).check up on the reading .
  4).playing games to consolidate the new words :
  a:one student read the new word,the other one beat the word with a
  toy hammer.
  c: draw pictures.
  2. learn the base sentences:what’s? it’s a …,3. this is a。。。。
  1) t: close your eyes,please.
  2) teacher fold one of the animals on the blackboard with a big
  sheet black paper,then says:now open your eyes ,please.guess:what’s
  3)teacher writes the three new sentences on the blackboard and
  teaches to read。
  4)check up on the readings。
  5) playing games to consolidate the new words and two sentences:
  a: teacher fold one of the animal’s body with a box, then asks:
   what’s this?
  s: it’s a …,this is a…
  b:one student come to the front and face the class,teacher put the
  animal above the head,ask one student asks:what’s this?
  s:it’s a…,this is a…
  (if he is right ,ha can get a small present。 if he is wrong ,guess
  again 。 )
  4. learn:  i    want   to  see    animals. ok . let’s go to the zoo.1234
  1) t:now answer my questions together:
  t:what’s this?(point to the pictures)
  ss: it’s a…
  t:all these animals are in the zoo,draw a picture of a zoo and point
  to the zoo:let’s go to the zoo,ok?
  ss:ok,let’s go .
  2) read these two sentences.
  (3) summary:
  .what did you learn in this class?can you tell us?what do you know
  from this dialog.
  (4) exercises:
  1. now let’s chant
  what’s this?
  it’s a panda(elephant,dog,bird,tiger).
  all in the zoo,
  let’s go to the zoo.
  let’s go to the zoo,yeah!
  2. t: all we learned are from unit 5.at the zoo
  3. now open your books and read the dialog after the tape.
  4. ask students to practise performing the dialog in a group of four
  5. ask students to act it out.
  (5) homework for today:
  (6) blackboard design:
  unit 5    at the zoo
  what’s this ?
  it’s   apanda       elephant
  this is atiger        bird      dog
 i     want  to  see   animals.  ok. let’s go to the zoo.
  (7) the postscripts:
  在教what’s this?  it’s
  the second period
  一.topic: unit 5   section a and b
  二.teaching aims:
  1.t o consolidate the new words and base sentences of last period.
  2.to grasp the other five new words:lion, bear,
  3.to grasp two sentences:it’s cute.
  4.can perform the whole dialog.
  三.teaching material analyses:
  in this period,we’ll go on learning section a.in the meaning while
  ,we’ll complete section b :sing and play.five new words are teaching
  important points. can use it’s…freely in oral and sing the song
  fluently are teaching difficult points.
  四.teaching methods:
  consolidating ,situational teaching, sing and play
  五teaching procdures:
  (1) warming up exercises:
  1. sing a song that we learned in the last period.
  2. consolidating what we learned in last period:
  t:guess:what’s this?complete the exercises on page 35.
  (2) new teachings:
  1. learn “monkey,bear,lion”  “it’s …”1234
  1) t:guess,what’s this?use the method of page 35.
  ss: i t’s a …猴子
  t:very good.you are clever.it’s a monkey.it’s cute.
  2)write them on the blackboard and teach to read read .
  3)check up on reading .
  4)t:put the panda in a bag,what’s in my bag?
    ss: it’s a…
   t: are you sure? now open the bag and have a look.
   look!this is a panda.it’s cute.
  4) teach to read :it’s cute.
  5)do you know these two animals?now ,look !
  show the pictures of bear and lion .
  6)read these two new words.
  2. playing games to consolidate the new words and sentences:
  1) ask students to wear their headgears and come to the front .when
  they are walking,the other student says:look!this is a …it’s …
  3. sing and play:
  1) are you tired?now let’s have a rest:song and play ,ok?
  2) play the tape ,ask students to knoe about the contents of this
  3) read “animals,i love animals.”and then explain the meaning .
  4) sing this song sentence by sntence after the teacher.
  5) use the other animals to instead of tiger.
  6) play a game.”抢座位”
   在教室的讲台上划分五个区,命名为“tiger”,“panda”,“lion”,“ monkey”“,bear,”
  ,每区里摆好三张椅子,把学生分成五组,   放录音唱,当听到”this is a
  tiger.”时,tiger组的学生赶紧抢座位,没抢到座位的学生退出游戏,撤掉一把 椅子,继续玩.
  (3) summary:
  by now,we have completed section a .now let’s open your books and
  read the whole dialog after the tape.
  (4) exercises:
  1. listen to the tape and repeat the whole dialog after the tape.
  2. read the dialog after the teacher.
  3. try to perform the dialog in a group of four.
  (5) homework for today:
  (6) writing on the blackboard:
  unit 5     at the zoo.
  monkey       it’s cute.
  (7) the postscripts:
  the third period
  1. teaching aims:
  1. to consolidate sectiona and b.
  2. learn the new letters:oo pp qq.
  2. teaching important and difficult points:
  1. can use the base sentences to talk about a picture.
  2. can listen speak read and write three new letters.
  3. teaching methods:
   consolidatings  have a match1234
  四teaching procedures:
  (1) warming up exercises:
  sing a song :what"s    this?.(sing and play)
  (2) review section a.
  1. read the eight animals.
  2. read the dialog after the tape.
  3. ask students to act it out.
  4. have a match among the groups:talk about the picture.
  (三)complete the exercises on workbook
  1. complete the exercise a and c on workbook 21,23 in a group of
  2.  check up on the exercises
  3. complete b and then check up on it.
  (四)learn the new letters:
  1. recite the letters from aa to nn .
  2. t:show the letter card oo,teach to read.
  3. learn to write oo in the sky
  4. teach the other letters pp . qq with the same method.
  5. learn to write these two letters in the sky.
  6. play games to consolidate these three letters.
  7. write them in the workbook.
  (五) summary :
  in this period ,we reviewed section a and learned three
  letters,you’ve done a great job,i hope you’ll do better in next
  period.if you have any questions,you may ask me after class.
  (六)homework for today:
  (七) the postscripts:


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