[牛津小学英语3A]牛津小学英语3A Unit 5 公开课教案

小学三年级英语教案 2020-05-22 网络整理 晴天


教学内容:牛津小学英语3a unit 5 a(1 2)  b( three words)
  1、能学会使用问候语“ how are you ?”及其回答:fine ,thank you . and you ?  i’m fine ,too .
  2、能会说以下三个学习用品单词:pencil ---pencils、 book---books、 rubber---rubbers初步了解单词的复数的读音。
  二、教学重、难点:目标 1、2
  三、教学用具:实物、图片、头饰、录像,投影 、布偶等。
  step 1  sing  a  song : hello !
  step 2   revision
  1 、free talk .
  2、 act out some dialogues .
  the way : a: t----ss ; b: t---s; :s----s ;
  step 3  presentation and drill
  一、teach the dialogues :
  1、ask and answer
  (1).teach :how are you ?fine ,thank you . (出示布偶)
  t (布偶1): hi,mr monkey. nice to meet you .
  t(布偶2): hello, miss duck. nice to meet you ,too.
  t1: how are you ?
  t2: fine ,thank you .   (重复几次 ,注意语气)
  (板书呈现)a .read after the teacher .
  b .drill the dialogue . ( t---ss ; ss---ss)
  (2). teach : and you ? i’m fine ,too (布偶对话) in the same way .
  2、watch tv
  3、read after the tape .(板书呈现)
  4、read after the teacher .(打开书本)
  5、read in some ways .( t---ss ; ss---ss; …
  二、teach three words :    (由ask and answer引入)
  (1) teach “pencil---pencils”   (头饰)
  the way : a : ask and answer :  (look and listen )
  t: hello, what’s your name ?
  s: i’ m ×× . what’s your name ?
  t: i’m mr pencil .(出示图片,单词)
  b: read after the teacher .
  c: show me ./ touch ./ put it/them on/in…
  (2) teach“book---books”、“ rubber---rubbers” in the same way .
  (3) play a game   “ touch and guess”
  step 5  consolidation
  make dialogues :
  (1) make a model .
  (2) act the dialogues . (出示情景)
  (3) sing a song : 《 hello , how are you 》
  step 6  homework
  1、read the words after class .
  2、say the dialogues to your parents or your friends


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