【3a大作是什么意思】3A unit 4 Goodbye 教案

小学三年级英语教案 2020-05-21 网络整理 晴天


本单元a learn to say主要是围绕四个祈使句进行教学的,要求学生在生活中灵活、自觉地运用“get up , go to school ,go home,go to bed ”;
b look and learn主要是教学八个家具类单词 “a bookcase ,a fridge ,a desk ,a chair ,a bed ,a sofa ,a table , a telephone ”;
c look and say主要是用“this is a /an ...” 介绍物品,并了解该句型与介绍人物句型 :“this is ……”的区别;
d fun house 对本单元所学句型、词汇进行系统地复习检测,会用句型“here’a …….”, 会唱:“goodbye !”.
祈使语句:听得懂、会说、会读get up.
   go to school.
 go home.
go to bed.
告别用语:听得懂、会说、会读goodbye. see you. good night.
词汇:听得懂、会说、会读a desk,a chair,a bed,a sofa, a table, a fridge, a telephone, a bookcase.
句型:听得懂、会说、会读this is a/ an…和here’s a …

the first period
听得懂、会说、会读a desk,a chair,a bed,a sofa, a table, a fridge, a telephone, a bookcase.
听得懂、会说、能用look,this is / that’s…介绍所学服装。
1. t: hi, i’m miss deng. what’s your name?
s1: i’m…
t: hello, …
s1: hello, …
2. t: can you introduce your deskmate to me?(指向该生同桌)
s1: miss deng, this is …
t: nice to meet you, …
s2: nice to meet you, too.
1. (出示单个水果的图片)
t: what’s this?
s: this is a/an …(apple, pear, banana, watermelon…)
2. (实物投影p23的图)
t: i can see a… /some… what can you see?
s1: i can see a pineapple.
s2: i can see some mangoes.

c.presentation and practice.
1.t: i can see a table. can you see the table?
s: yes.
drill: table. (做吃饭动作表示) 齐读,小组开火车,鼓励打星。
t: let me see. where’s the table?
 is this a table?(指别的物品)s: no.
t: this is a table.(指餐桌)
s: yes.
t: look!this is a table,too.(指书桌)
s: yes./ no.
t: oh no, this is a desk.
drill: desk. (做写作业动作表示)齐读,小组开火车。
t: what’s near the desk?(指椅子)
 it’s a chair.(做坐姿表示)
drill: chair. 齐读,小组开火车。
t: this is a chair. and is this a chair?
s: no.
t: this isn’t a chair. this is a sofa.(做靠姿表示)
drill: sofa. 齐读,小组开火车。
  3.have a rest.
listen and act. 听单词,做动作。
listen and stand up. 各小组代表一件物品,听单词迅速起立。
look and say.在熟悉单词发音的基础上,看老师动作,迅速说单词。
t: look, what’s this? this is a bed.(做睡觉动作表示)
drill: bed.
并由幻灯图片中的直观物品导出fridge, bookcase, telephone.
用this is … 的句型
1. listen and act. look and say.
2. 各小组轻声传词。
3. 看房间图片,用句型对话。
t: what’s this ?
s: this is a …
work in pairs.同桌之间练习问答。两分钟后反馈。
unit 4 goodbye
what’s this? this is …
  table bed
listen to the tape.
read the eight things.
find other things in the room.
recite the words.

the second period
1.the ss can understand and say the communion parlance :“get up ,go to school ,go home,go to bed ,goodbye , see you, good night.”
2.to encourage the ss to talk in english .
难点:good night 的发音。
tape, recorder, masks (david ,nancy , mrs black , mr black ,miss li )
a. warm-up :
1.sing two  songs :“hello !hi,nancy!” 边唱边交际表演。
2.greetings: hello!hi!good morning /afternoon /nice to meet you.
3.free talk :
a.t:  hi /hello ,i’ m  miss deng,what ‘s your name?
s:  hi/hello,miss deng,i’m ××
t:  good morning/good afternoon ,××,this is ××
s1: nice to meet you ,××.
s2: nice to meet you ,too .
b. s1:good morning /good afternoon ,××,this is ××.
s2: nice to meet you ,××,s3:nice to meet you , too .
c.s1:hi, i’m nancy,this is my father /mother /brother/sister .
s2: nice to meet you …
s3: nict to meet you ,too .
b. presentation and practice .
1.  learn to say :“get up ,××”,“all right ”
a.利用课件:一面钟:指针指向six;太阳慢慢升起,背景为野外的花香鸟语声。t: oh, it’s six . the sun  rises .“get up ,li li ”
 s1:“all right .”(  say “all right ” ,do “get up ”)
b. read after the t.“get up ”“all right ”.
c. sing “get up ,get up ”  “all right,all right ”
d. practice :t—s,s—s  , group work .work in pairs .
e. check.
 2.  learn to say :“go to school now ,××”.“ok ,××,goodbye ”
a.   t: lili,look at the clock ,it’s  seven ,put up your schoolbag ,go to school now ,lili.(帮助学生背好书包,并作出手势,让学生意会该去上学了)
   s1:ok,miss deng ,goodbye.
b.   read after the t. “go to school ,now ”“ok ”
c.practice .(开火车练习:s1:go to school, ××.s2: ok,go to school,××. s3:ok.…….  )此时播放合适的音乐,渲染气氛。
d.   check.
3.  boys and girls,i’m tired ,let’s have a rest .
   play a game :listen and do .
   (one student say “get up ”, the others act it )
4. learn :“go home,now ,××,all right,see you ,××”1234
 a.  t: lili ,it’s five o’clock,school is over ,go home,now,lili.
  s1:all right.see you,miss deng.边说边背书包出教室,准备回家)
 b.  read after the t  “go home .” “see you ”
 c. practice要(练习时,把see you 和goodbye 交换使用。)
 d. check. play a game :guess:
 (teacher act “get up。 what am i doing ?” student guess .)
5. learn :“go to bed now ,××,ok ,good night,××”
  t :“…,it’s nine,the moon rises ,go to bed ,now .”
引导学生说:“ok, good night.”(边说边打着哈欠)
b.read after the t:good night.
c.   practice and check.(同桌之间自由练说,再进行评比。)
c. consolidation.
1.  listen to the tape and repeat .(first only listen ,the second time repeat ).
2.  act the part a.(引入竞争制,使学生的注意力更为集中)
3.  read in pairs.
unit 4 goodbye
now  all right.
get up.   = ok.
   go to school.goodbye.
   go home.   = see you.
   go to bed.good night.
   listen to the tape and repeat about part a three times .
   sing“goodbye !”

the third period
1. to understand what’s the difference between “this is a /an … ” and “this is …”
2. the ss can talk in english  .they like to speak in english.
重点:this is…(介绍人和介绍物的区别)
a.warm up :
1. greetings.
2. free talk :围绕本单元句型及人初次见面相互介绍,问候之类的交际用语。
3. sing“good morning to you ”
b.presentation .
1. revision.
a. read part a and recite it. (纠音、正音)
b. show a picture about the room.
this is a desk/ bed/ chair/ telephong/ fridge…
c. play a game: guess (e.g one student acts monkey ,the others guess ,“a brown monkey”).
read the animal words.
d. play a game: passing a secret (复习水果、家具类单词)
read it . 抛魔盒:具体为在魔盒的每个面上写上单词,进行抛掷,接到魔盒者应尽快读出与他对面的单词,然后便传递下去。
2. c  look and say .
a. t: boys and girls ,look at the picture and say one by one ,who’s fast?
b. read “this is a /an …….”
c. work in pairs.
 书上listenand number.补充习题.
d. sing a song.
goodbye !
unit 4 goodbye
this is a/ an… 
listen to the tape about part a and part b then recite.
draw some pictures about things in a room.

the fourth period
1. the ss can understand and say “here’s a …….”
2. go on learning the new words and the new sentences .1234
3. to encourage the ss to learn english and use it .
 重点:here’s a …
a. warm-up
1. sing two songs :《hello!》《hi,nancy!》
2. greetings:简单自我介绍及将你的同学介绍给别人。
3. free talk :get up ,boys and girls /go to school now /…
b. presentation .
1. listen and number .
a. t: look at the picture , boys and girls ,who are they? what are they talking about?
b. listen to the tape and do it .
c. key :  a 4b 2   c 1d 3
2. think and place
a. read after the t.
“here’s a ……”
b. play a game : think and place (teacher’s book page 20)
 here’s a … 
c.do the workbook.(评价手册)
d. sing the song.goodbye!
a. ho read after the t.
“half past nine time”, “it’s time to say ….”
b. listen to the tape .
c. learn to sing (sing and dance )
unit 4 goodbye
  here’s a…
practice in three students ,act it about this unit .
listen to the tape and sing about goodbye!

祈使语句:听得懂、会说、会读get up.
   go to school.
 go home.
go to bed.
告别用语:听得懂、会说、会读goodbye. see you. good night.
词汇:听得懂、会说、会读a desk,a chair,a bed,a sofa, a table, a fridge, a telephone, a bookcase.
句型:听得懂、会说、会读this is a/ an…和here’s a …
bookcase是装book的家具。book表示 书。
音译词,如:sofa, mango,…



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