[3aunit1hello教案]3A Unit 8 Let's go to the park

小学三年级英语教案 2020-05-19 网络整理 晴天


the first period
ⅰ.teaching aims:
1. words: zoo, park ,cinema
2. everyday english:
  let’s go to…
  all right./ok, let’s go.
  good,/great, but how?
ⅱ.teaching materials.
1. cai
2. word and sentence cards.
3. head ornaments of vehicles
4. flags.
ⅲ. teaching steps.
step 1 pre-task preparation
1. greeting.
2. listen to the sounds and guess the animals.
  t: today, we are having an english lesson here. some animals want to join us. listen! which animal is coming?
step2 while-task procedure
1.present “ a zoo”, “let’s go to…” “all right”
t: all the animals are in the zoo.
1) read “zoo”
2) t: boys and girls, do you like animals?
  ss: yes.
  t: now, let’s go to the zoo.
3) chant  let’s, let’s , let’s go to the zoo.
          all right, all right, go go go
(while chanting, ask some ss to follow me)
4) t: now, let’s go to the zoo, but how?
     let me think. di di, oh, let’s go to the zoo by car.
(do it like travelling by car around the classroom)
2. “a park”
1) t: we have visited the zoo. now let’s go to another place.
2) show “ park” and compare word “car”
3) read with claps.
  park, park, park (slow)
  pask, park, park(quick)
  let’s go to the park. (quick)
3. “ok, let’s go.”
1) t: let’s go to the park. we also can say “ok, let’s go.”
2) read with gesture.
3) t: let’s go the park/zoo.
   g1: ok, let’s go.
4. review vehicles.
1) t; let’s go the park now. but how? i don’t know. now let’s look at the vehicles. (cai)
2) guess the vehicles.
3) t: now, who can tell me, let’s go to the park, but how?
  s1: by car.
   t: good! (showing word cards)
   any other ideas?
5. “ cinema”
1)t: now, we have visited zoo and park , any other places shall we go, let’s see.
2) (cai) read after t, compare the words “ this is” and read in groups together. (gestures)
6. t: today, we have visited zoo , park and cinema . now it’s my turn to test you. can you distinguish them?
1) guess the places and read in low and high voice.
  praise them “ great”
2) t: just now, all of you did very well. i think all of you can be guides now.
3) group work. “ to be guides” (with flags)
7. 1)t: just now , we went to the places in our city , now, would you like to go to other cities? follow me , please.
2) eg. t: let’s go to nanjing. s1: let’s go to…
3) pair work.
  let’s go to…
  good/great, but how?
8. 1) t: now , let’s open our books and read.12
  2) read after cai.
  3) read after teacher.
  4) read together.
  5) compare the sentences with “ the” and without “ the”.
step 3 practice
1. try to fill in the blanks orally.
2. 1) magic eyes.
  2) work in pairs. ( with rock , paper, scissors)
  3) act out the pictures one by one.
3. talk about the picture freely in pairs.
4. 1)t: our class will be over. before that, let’s see who will be the luckiest boys and girls today. now, boys and girls who has something under your chair will be the luckiest.
  2) put the head ornaments of vehicles on their heads and others discuss how to go to shanghai in pairs.
   t: i’ll tell you a good news. we are going to shanghai. please discuss with your partner how to go to shanghai.
  3) if they want to go to shanghai by bus , they should follow the student with bus head ornament, others like that.
  4) all the students are in order and try to sing a song while walking around the classroom.
   eg. “ riding in my car car, riding in my car car, riding in my car car, riding in my car.”
step 4 homework.
1.read and recite parta.
2.discuss how to go to beijing.
blackboard designing.
unit 8 let’s go to the park
let’s go to the…
let’s go to…
all right. / ok, let’s go.
good/ great, but how?

3a unit 8 教后思
有的小学英语课在进行教学时用人或图片实在很难体现出气氛,所以我就采用多媒体来帮助完成课堂教学。在复习animals时,利用课件发出鸟、狗、猫、猴子、老虎、大象等动物的声音,让学生有声有色地模仿这些动物的叫声,并且根据声音来猜出动物,从而很自然的引出单词zoo以及句型let’s go to the zoo.起到了很好的效果。
情景表演能让学生有身临其境、触景生情的感觉,使他们在浓厚的英语氛围中乐于参与,乐于开口,乐于用英语表达自己的思想。因此,我在操练句型“let’s go to the zoo.”时采用了“争做小导游”的游戏,让想去动物园的同学一起上来。这样一来,学生完全把自己投入到情景对话之中,既培养了学生用英语思维的能力,又锻炼了学生的胆识,在娱乐中掌握了知识,在真实的生活背景下学习并运用了语言。
另外,为了避免课堂教学中出现反复地操练、单调地重复,我根据教学内容与学生的特性,及时、准确地把游戏引入了课堂,充分调动了学生的学习热情,发挥学生学习的自觉性和积极性,增长其参与意识和竞争意识。我设计了magic eyes,让学生们比一比谁的眼力好,又用“石头,剪刀,布”的游戏来呈现work in pairs的环节,有趣,气氛也好,学生在玩中也学得扎实!



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