【unit】Unit 12 Review and check

小学三年级英语教案 2020-05-18 网络整理 晴天


                       unit 12 review and check
一、 教学内容。
1、 词汇: clothing items:  a dress,  a skirt,  a t-shirt,  a jacket,  a sweater,  a coat,  a shirt,  a blouse.
           vehicles: a car,  a bus,  a bike,  a plane.
           places: a zoo, a park,  a cinema,  the great wall,  a supermarket.
           things in a room:  a door,  a windows,  a box,  a basket,  a light,  a tv,  a tap,  a walkman
           food and drinks: a cake,  a hamburger,  an egg,  juice,  an ice-cream,  tea,  coffee,  milk
           people: a man,  a woman,  a boy,  a girl,  tall,  short,  long,  fat,  thin,  big,  small
2、 日常交际用语:
look at        look,this is          look,that’s        
look at his/her      
it’s nice.       how nice!          great!
let’s go to     by           
all right.         ok.          let’s go            great, but how?
turn on          turn off         
i’m sorry.  all right./ok/good.
a/an   ?  some          ?
yes,please.        oh,no/no,thanks.
he’s/she’s       his/her       
教学内容: p70  a listen and colour
           p73  c look and say (1、what are they saying? talk to your partner(s).)1234
           workbook: p36-38 a、b、c
step1:   free talk:
(1) hi/ hello, i’m x x.
   nice to meet you.
(2) 复习 unit11中的自我介绍。
step2:  presentation.
1、 review colour words:
(1) t: what’s this in english?
s: it’s an apple.
t: yes, it’s a red apple. (呈现a red apple)
学生跟教师读          an apple       a red apple
顺带复习:an orange                  an elephant
再复习颜色: a green orange           a grey elephat
(2) 教师用颜色卡片呈现表示颜色的词,引导学生复习颜色。
(3) 用表示颜色的词和其它名词搭配成词组或句子操练。
t: (出示词卡) a bike       a black bike
s: yes, this is a black bike.
t(呈现词卡)what’s that in english?
s: it’s a basket.
t: it’s a black basket.
s: no, it’s a brown basket.
t: (呈现词卡) what’s this in english?
s: it’s a door.
t: what colour is it?
s: it’s blue.(注意,学生若回答成:it’s blue.,教师要给指正。)
(4) 完成listen and colour.
参考答案:1 a blue coat     2 a green apple    3  a black  car      4 a red blouse
          5 a brown basket   6 an orange plane   7 a yellow pear     8 a white box
2、 review some sentences
(1) look at……
t: what’s that in english?
s: it’s a t-shirt.
t: yes. what colour is it?
s: it’s white.
t:yes. it’s a white t-shirt. look at my new t-shirt.
s: it’s nice./smart.
引导出look at……
s-s pair work.          s: look at my……/look at this……/look at that……
                     s: it’s nice/ how nice./……1234
(2)、let’s go to ……
ok  /great/ but how?
by ……
t: look at this picture(呈现表示动物园的图)  where is it ?
s: zoo.
t: good. it’s a zoo. let’s go to the zoo, now.
s: ok. /great
t: by bike ?(呈现bike)
s: ok /no. by bus.
引导出:let’ go to ……      by …… ?
s—s pair work:
例如:s1:let’s go to dan yang ,now ?
s2:good ,but now ?
s3:by bike
s4:oh, no ,by bus
1、 picture a .b教师提示用“look at” 说,同时复习long/short
2、 picture c. d教师提示用“let’s go to ……”说
   完成练习册p36---38  abc

教学内容:p71   b listen and circle
          p73   c look and say (2. what are they saying  talk to your partner(s))
          work book:p39---40
step:1. free talk
1. j: hello. what’s your name?
s: i’m ….
j: nice to meet you.
s: nice to meet you too.
2. s: introduce your self
step: 2. prerentation:
1. rezien the word (文具、动物、服装、家电等)
j:let’s play a game.
a. 快速出示图片或实物
  s:抢答单词 (a ruler /a dog ……)
b. j: what’s missing? 出示数张图片,快速抽去一张。
c. j:类比,出示两张比较相似的物品图片
  (dog /cat ;door /window ;pen /ball pen ;telephone /walkman;….)
2.revien the words: (tall /short fat /thin)
a. j: 出示一把长尺 s: a ruler tall /short
出示一把短尺   a ruler big /small
j—s:a long ruler (长尺)     a short ruler 短尺
s: a long /short pencil
b. j:出示胖、瘦两只猫的图片
s:用形容词表达  a fat cat  a thin cat
c.同上用图片比较练习  tall/short  big /small
3. listen and circle
a. s: look and say (看图说一说各图表示物品)
b. s—s: (相互说一说)
c. 放录音,学生听内容并圈出
d. 全面重听一遍并核对
录音: 1. a short ruler   2. a tall zebra  3. a thin cat  4. a green window  5. an orange telephone  6. a white chial
4.rvien some sentences:
(1).   turn on /off ……
j: …… come here ,please.1234
s: ok.    j: turn on the light ,please.
s: all right .(打开车灯)。
j: turn off the light please.    s: ok .  
s—t. s—s : pair work (turn on /off ……)
(2):open /close
j: ok. class. let’s play a game .open your pencil—box /book.
s:ok. j: close your……
s: all right .
s—t .s—s : pair work
j: what’s this?(图片)
s: coffee. a cup of coffee.
j: a cup of coffee.
s: yes, please. / no, thanks.
s—s :a cup of tae? /a glass of milk / juice?
yes, please. / no, thanks.
j: some cake?   s: yes, please.
s: an ice—cream?  j: no, thanks.
s—s : pair work
(5). 完成 p73  what are they saying ?
a. picture a .b
b. picture c. d
step3. consolidation
完成练习册  unit12 d. e
step.4 homework
1、 读单词  p77—p78
2、 听磁带,读课文。uint7—uint12
blackboard design:
turn on /off the ……
open /close the ……               ok /all right
a cup of ……
some …… ? /an …… ?            yes, please. /no, thank you.



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