【6b4t】6B Unit5 The seasons

小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-10 网络整理 晴天


teaching aims: 1) to the expression of weather and activities about four seasons.2) to learn the new word : countryside3) to learn the textstructures: what’s the weather like in…?which season do you like best?   i like …          why?  because it’s … i can …language focus: 1) the al shift between nouns and adjectives.2) the way to talk about weather and activities.daily expression: what’s the weather like in …?teaching aids: pictures, aids, multi-media and blackboardteaching procedure:producescontentsmethodspurposepre-task     preparation1. greeting t: what day is it today? s: it’s … t: how many days are in a week. t: how many months are there in a year?  t: how about seasons?  have a free talk between the teacher and the ss.  自由谈论,融洽师生关系,调节课堂气氛,引出本节课话题。2.look at the tvhow many seasons make a year? what season is it now?what’s the weather is it today?in suzhou it’s ….do you want to know the weather in other cities.look at the map.which city can you see/what’s the weather like in…..? can you guess, is it…?i’m not sure. let’s listen to the weather report.3. we have different weather in different places. but we have the same four seasons. do you know the weather in spring in suzhou?what do people usually do? talk about summer, autumn , winter in groups.4. which season do you like best?why?go and ask your friends and teachers.ss listen to a song.  have ss to answer the questions and elicit the topic.     look at the mapguess and say.  listen and answer.       ask and answer.  work in groups    work in pairs用歌曲激发学生兴趣,复习上一节课所授的内容.通过小组活动和两人活动和一个天气预报的活动,复习前面学过的.while-taskproceduret: i like spring best. because i like to go to the countryside. look, this is a countryside. learn the word.i’m going to the country this weekend.i’m going to see the green grass and beautiful flowers.make sentences with be going to?ask and answer. 通过我引出所要新授的单词和本单元的难点, 帮助学生理解.2.my friend’s suyang is coming. where’s suyang’s dad going?listen and guess 通过听录音,回答问题,理解课文.3. does suyang know the weather in new york? she is asking ben. what’s the weather like in new york?listen   answer the questionsfill in the blackboard.利用板书,帮助学生掌握纽约的天气4.do you want to know which season ben likes best? why ?let’s go on listening to find the answer. have ss listen to a short passage and answer some questions. 训练学生的听力能力及口述能力,且对本课学习起练习巩固作用。post-taskactivities1.       read the text in groups two times.fill in the blanks.check the answer. group workdo by themselves.check by themselves.read together.训练学生的写作能力及小组合作学习能力,掌握课文的阅读能力.2.       listening. what’s the weather like in sydney?answer the questions. listen and answer.在学生已经了解前面两个城市的基础上,拓展到澳大利亚的气候,让学生进一步巩固所学的.assignment complete a table .  对课堂学习进行延伸和巩固。 板书:                          the seasons      seasons         12weather          activitiesspring       warm   rainy        go fishing   f ly kites  go rowing      summer      hot                 go swimming      autumn       cool   cloudy       go to farms    pick apples  winter        cold   snowy       make snowmen12


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