6寸的蛋糕多大_6B《unit6 planning for the weekend》教学设计

小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-08 网络整理 晴天


一、教学内容:《义务教育课程标准实验教科书˙牛津小学英语》6bunit6第一教时二、教学目标:1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词plan,have school, 能听懂、会说、会读opera, i’d love to, by the way, concert2. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会写四会句型:what are you going to do...? i’m going to……3. 能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语is that gao shan? yes, speaking. what are you going to do...? i’m going to …. would you like to join me? yes, i’d love to.三、教学重、难点: what are you going to do...? i’m going to ...在教学中的运用四、课前准备:1  教具准备:多媒体课件,句子卡片,练习纸 2  板书准备:预先写好课题step1: warming up1. 课前播放(will you join me)音乐2.      greetinggood morning, boys and girls. good morning, miss zhu. what day is it today? what day is it tomorrow? 从中引出教授have schoolstep2: presentation1.      教授句型a. watch a video:t: what is he doing?  ss: he is flying a kite.t says: last weekend, i flew kites in changshu. and this weekend, i’m going to fly kites. what are you going to do this weekend?提示学生用i’m going to 来回答。师出示句子领读。b. practise学生两人小组操练。(在操练之前教师出示一些词组齐读)学生反馈(在学生反馈过程中教师问what is he/she going to do this weekend?)2.      just now we talked about our plans for the weekend. and today we will learn unit6 planning for the weekend(齐读课题,重点教授plan). ok, next let’s play a finding game:请学生看多媒体的呈现,找出正确答案,并且让学生之间用多种方式进行问答。3.      教授see a beijing opera, i’d love to, by the way师问生,然后学生问老师: what are you going to do this weekend? 师:i’m going to see a beijing opera with my family.(多媒体呈现让学生理解意思beijing opera,齐读,开火车读) would you like to join us? 提示学生用yes, i’d love to.来回答(出示卡片,齐读)。师再问by the way, what are you going to do tomorrow?(出示卡片读by the way)请学生开火车问答。4.      学生问老师,师:yes, i’d love to. but i want to go with my best friend,**. 用打电话的方式讨论。(师先示范)t: hello. is that …..?s: yes, this is …. speaking.t: i’m going to see a beijing opera with my family. would you like to join us?s: yes, i’d love to.t: shall we meet at one o’clock at school?s: yes/ok/sure.t: see you.s: see you.学生看着多媒体的呈现操练打电话用语。step3: consolidation1. comprehension of the dialoguea. 师说:david is calling gao shan, let’s listen, what are they talking about? 听录音,做判断。课文的第一段内容。b.      请学生再次拿出纸做引言部分练习。c.       请学生翻开书本,自己阅读,然后找出答案,跟读第二部分内容。d.      齐读课文。2. do a survey.请学生任选三个人,问what are you going to do this weekend?然后反馈。step4: homework1.总结归纳。2. homework. 附:练习和活动表格a finding game:  exercise it is __________ on saturday morning. it is warm and ________. the children do not ______ _________ today. david is calling gao shan. they are ________ about their ________ for the weekend.do a survey:nameactivity(活动)nancyfly kites      例子:nancy is going to fly kites.
6b《unit6 planning for the weekend》教学设计 来自。


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