[牛津小学英语6a课本]牛津小学英语6A Unit4复习教案

小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-06 网络整理 晴天


step1. free talk
1.sing some english songs. “ the signs in the park.” “happy birthday to you!” “where’s my diary?”
t: who’s on duty today?
  what’s the weather like today?
  what day is it today?
  what date is it today?
  when’s your birthday?
step2. look match and say.
1.t: (多媒体显示john ) look, this is my new friend, john. let’s say “ hello, john. welcome to our classroom!”
ss: hello, john. welcome to our classroom!
john:(多媒体播放声音)thank you. nice to meet you.
ss: nice to meet you, too.
t: i know your birthday. but we don’t know john’s birthday. so we can ask john…
ss: john, when’s your birthday?
john: today is my birthday. it’s on the … of ….
t& ss: happy birthday, john!
t: let’s give some presents to john. john, would you like a toy car as your birthday present?
s1: would you like … as your birthday present?
s2: what would you like as a birthday present?

t: today is john’s birthday, and it’s sunny today. shall we go to the park?
say a chant: go , go , go to the park.
    let’s go to the park.
    stop , stop, stop here.
    we are in the park.
t: now, we are in the park. (画面出现草地上的公共标牌) what does this sign mean?
s1: it means “keep off the grass.”
t: what does that mean?
s1: it means we shouldn’t walk on the grass.
t: oh, beautiful flowers. let’s take some photos.
ss: (学生顿时兴奋起来)ok, miss dai.
t: (作寻找动作焦急地问)i can’t find my camera. where is my camera?
s1/s2: is it in/ on…?
t: (根据学生提供的地方寻找)no, it isn’t here. /yes, it’s here. thank you. let’s take photos.(按下相机拍照发现没胶卷)oh, dear. where’s the film? help me, please.
操练句型:where’s the film?
    it’s in/ on ….
    it isn’t there now.
    it was there a moment ago/just now.
    is it in/ on …?
    yes, it is here. /no, it isn’t here指导学生完成a部分look, match and say.
step3. consolidation.
2.完成练习册c look, read and write.
step4. homework.
板书设计   unit 4
     review and check
when’s your birthday?
what would you like as a birthday present?
would you like … as your birthday present?
what does this sign mean?
it means ….
where is/ are …?
it’ s/ they’ re in/on ….
it isn’t /they aren’t there now.
it was /they were there a moment ago /just now.
牛津小学英语6a unit4复习教案 来自。 12


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