6a充电线和5a的区别_6A Unit 7 At Christmas教案

小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-05 网络整理 晴天


6a unit 7 at christmas教案
一、teaching content
 part b  look, read, and learn
 part c  look and say
二、teaching aims
1、  be able to listen, say and read the words “a watch,a wallet, a comb, a mirror, a teapot, a hairdryer, a calculator, a skateboard.”
2、  初步掌握名词性物主代词hers , his , mine , ours , yours ,theirs的用法。
3、初步掌握句型whose … is it / are they ?
                it’s / they’re mine / yours /his/hers /ours .
三、important points:
1、初步掌握名词性物主代词hers , his , mine , ours , yours ,theirs的用法。
2、初步掌握句型whose … is it / are they ?
                it’s / they’re mine / yours /his/hers /ours .
四、difficult points
1、  理解并掌握名词物主代词和形容词性物主代词的区别
五、teaching aids
六、teaching procedures
step1. free talk.
what date is it today? (the 23rd of november)
what festival is the 25th of december? (christmas)
step2. presentation and practice
1. today, we’re going to learn unit 7 at christmas.
read after teacher ‘unit 7 at christmas’
t: christmas is coming.
look, here’s a christmas tree.
learn the words: christmas tree, father christmas
suppose today is christmas. let’s say “merry christmas!”
   t: here are some presents for you.
2. t: what would you like a christmas present?
     would you like a …..?
s: yes, please (i’d like …)
t: this …is for you.
teacher give the present to the students.
3. look,what’s this?
s:a watch.
t: who would like a watch?
  give the watch to a student.
learn the word : watch.
learn the other words in the same way.
4. t: whose book is it?(ask several students)
s: it’s my book.
then one student ask the teacher:
s: whose book is it?
t: it’s my book. it’s mine.
learn the sentences: whose book is it? it’s my book, it’s mine.
teacher ask some students: whose …is it?
ss: it’s mine.
work in pairs:   whose …is it?
               it’s mine.
t: whose … is it?
s: it’s my … .
t: yes. it’s your … .it’s yours.
learn the word and sentences: it’s your … .it’s yours.
t: whose … is it ?
s: it’s yours .
learn the other words in the same way .
5. show the picture (part c look and say)
ask some students to talk about the picture .
   whose … is it ?
   it’s mine/his/hers/ours .
whose … are they ?
they’re mine/his/hers/ours .12
work in pairs
ask some students to practice
step 4 consolidation
1. work in groups of four
whose … is it/are they ?
it’s/they’re mine/his/hers/ours .
2. finish exercise one
 check the answer
 step 5 homework
1. copy the new words.
2. practice the sentence: whose …. is it/are they?
                    it’s/they’re mine/yours/his/hers/ours/theirs .
blackboard design:
unit 7 at christmas
whose …. is it/are they?
it’s/they’re  my …           it’s/they’re mine.
                      your….                    yours.
                      his……                    his.
                      her…..                    hers.
                      our….                     ours.
                      their…                    theirs.12


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