6a充电线和5a的区别_6a Unit 4 Revision and check

小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-05 网络整理 晴天


the first period(6a第四单元第一教时)
step 1  warming-up (3’)
t: ok, boys and girls, let’s sing two songs with the music.
the first song is about numbers, are you ready? t plays the song: numbers
ss: yes. ( ss sing the song.)
t: good, you sing very well. let’s go on the other song, that is: the days of month
  please sing loudly.
step 2  revision 1 (7’)
a: games for spelling the words
t: now it’s time for us to play a game.
  first you should review the words, from partb of 3 units. i will give your 5
minutes. t try to explain the game to ss in chinese.
把三个单元所学到的新单词(b 部分的单词) 综合起来,让学生复习一下。然后将学生分成几组,各组按顺序报一下数。教师念一个单词,念一个号。每组中同号的人必须跑向黑板,快速拼写下单词,教师给最快的组记分。
game: t:  are you ready?
ss: yes:
t:  ok. let’s start. the first word is: “不准吸烟!”  the number is 4.if you are no4, please runto the blackboard quickly. i hope you can do a good job.
ss: …
b: free talk
1 借助相关的单词图片和实物进行单词复习及对话操练复习。
t: ok. boys and girls. we will look at some pictures together and try to answer my questions.
t:   what’s this in english?
t:   what does it  mean?
t:   what does that mean?
2 进行日常交际对话
t:  now i want to ask you some questions,are you ready?
ss: yes.
t:  what day is it today?   
t:  what day was it yesterday?
t:  what date is it today?  
t:  what date was it yesterday?
t:  when’s the teacher’s day?   
t:  when’s your birthday?
t:  what would you like as a birthday present?
step 3  revision 2 (20’)
talk about the pictures on page 30-31 of book 6a
t:  boys and girls, i have some pictures on the computer, let’s look at the pictures
 together, ok?
t show the pictures for ss.
a 根据图片设计几个问题:b  让学生读出对话c  根据对话内容和图片进行排序
picture 1
t: boys and girls, please look at two pictures carefully, then try to answer my
1.what can you see in the picture?
2.what colour is the woman wearing?
3.where’s the bag?
picture 2
t: boys and girls, please look at two pictures carefully, then try to answer my
1.what sign can you see on the left picture? what does it mean?
2.what sign can you see on the right picture? what does it mean?
picture 3
t: boys and girls, please look at two pictures carefully, then try to answer my
1.how many months are there in a year?12
2.when’s your birthday?
3.when’s the girl’s birthday in the picture?
picture 4
a 根据图片设计几个问题:
t: boys and girls, please look at two pictures carefully, then try to answer my
1.can you see a bag in the picture?
2.what colour is it ?
3.where’s the mobile phone?
step 4 consolidation (9’)
a: work in pairs
1 让学生打开书,翻到30页,让他们看四组图片。将学生分成两人一组进行对话操练和巩固。
2 学生两两练习。
3 请几个学生上台表演。
4 表扬优秀小组。
b: exercises
1  t: boys and girls, let’s do some exercises. please take out your workbooks(补充习题册). we will do the listening parts. look at the exercises carefully then we will do them.. there are two parts of exercises on the book.(完成补充习题上的两道听力题)
parta  listen and judge
part b  listen and match
2 t chooses two pictures from the exercises. let them talk about in pairs. then t gives ss a model.(选择a部分图片中的两张,让学生做对话扩展练习。)
for example: picture1
a: when’s your birthday?
b: it’s on the 3rd of july.
a: do you usually have a birthday cake on your birthday/
b: yes, and i usually have a birthday party.
t: you can do like me, can you do like me?
ss: yes.
step 5 homework (1’)
1 复习学过的单词、词组、句型和对话
2 熟读书上30-31 页上的对话。
6a unit 4 revision and check 来自。 12


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