【牛津英语6a电子课本】牛津英语6A Unit 3 It was there! (PartB .C)

小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-05 网络整理 晴天


step1  organization
greet each other.
play a game.
t: boys and girls,first, let’s play a game. listen to the orders and follow them.now listen carefully. put your hand on the desk./in the book/near the book/behind the back/under the desk.
step2   revison
t:  now look here. where is the dog?(课件出示不同方位的介词)
step3   presentation
  一  单词教学
   (1)  diary 
t:  look, what’s on the chair?( 课件出示)
s:  it’s a book.
t:  there is a diary on the chair.(repeat “diary”twice)
ss  learn to read and spell it.
(2)a pair of glasses
 t(摘掉眼镜,拿出日记本):this is my diary. i want to read it but i can’t  see it clearly.
i need glasses .oh, where are they?
learn  the  word.
   (3)  a roll of film    
t:  ….wears a pair of glasses .come here ,please. read the word and phrases. let ss read after her.
   ….reads very good. let me take a photo for you.(拿出照相机,做拍照状)  oh i can’t take photos. what’s wrong with it? let me check it. there is no film in it.
 learn  film ----a roll of film---- two rolls of film.
(4)a cd walkman
由walkman 引出这个新单词。
   (5) earphones
   (6)a mobile phone
   (7)ss read all the new words and phrases together. then do an exercise.
二  句型教学
   1.  was的出示
t: what date is it today?  s1:  it is the 9th of october.
t: what date was it yesterday(昨天)? s2: it was the 8th of october.
t: what day is it today?   s3: it is thursday.
t: what day was it yesterday(昨天)? s4: it was wednesday.
课件出示  was  am  is 的过去式, 表示过去的时间里发生的事.
t: i’m in the computer room now. but i was in the office a moment ago.
2  a moment ago
ss learn to  read. (适当拓展)  two days ago     a week ago
3it isn’t there now. it was there a moment ago.
   课件出示t: where is the diary?  s: it is on the chair.
    t: it isn’t there now.   it  was there a moment ago.
a  t shows two pictures ,let them practise with their partners.
b  让学生用他们的学习用品进行练习。
c  看图练习。
step 4  consolidation
       t:  play a game.  眼疾口快  看谁看的准,说的对。look at me. i put my mobile phone on the desk./ near the book. / behind the back/ under the desk./on the head.  where was my mobile phone a moment ago?12
step5   summary
t: boys and girls, this class, we have learned some new words and phrases.  miss shi wears a pair of glasses every day.  if you want to write sth by yourselves, you can use a diary, if you want to call your friends ,you can use a mobile phone. if there is no a roll of film, you can’t take photos.oh, i want to listen to the music ,i use a cd walkman  and earphones.
   同时,我们还初步了解了如果要表达在过去的时间里所做的事,可用 was.
step6   homework12


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