【6a充电线和5a的区别】6A Unit 4 Review and check复习课备课笔记和配套试卷

小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-05 网络整理 晴天











step1. free talk

1.      sing some english songs. “ the signs in the park.” “happy birthday to you!” “where’s my diary?”

2.      greetings

t: who’s on duty today?

  what’s the weather like today?

  what day is it today?

  what date is it today?

  when’s your birthday?


step2. look match and say.

1.      t: (多媒体显示john ) look, this is my new friend, john. let’s say “ hello, john. welcome to our classroom!”

ss: hello, john. welcome to our classroom!

john:(多媒体播放声音)thank you. nice to meet you.

ss: nice to meet you, too.

t: i know your birthday. but we don’t know john’s birthday. so we can ask john…

ss: john, when’s your birthday?

john: today is my birthday. it’s on the … of ….

t& ss: happy birthday, john!

t: let’s give some presents to john. john, would you like a toy car as your birthday present?

s1: would you like … as your birthday present?

s2: what would you like as a birthday present?

t: today is john’s birthday, and it’s sunny today. shall we go to the park?

say a chant: go , go , go to the park.

          let’s go to the park.

          stop , stop, stop here.

          we are in the park.

2.      (屏幕呈现公园全景)

t: now, we are in the park. (画面出现草地上的公共标牌) what does this sign mean?

s1: it means “keep off the grass.”

t: what does that mean?

s1: it means we shouldn’t walk on the grass.


3.      (画面定格在花红柳绿的公园一角)

t: oh, beautiful flowers. let’s take some photos.

ss: (学生顿时兴奋起来)ok, miss dai.

t: (作寻找动作焦急地问)i can’t find my camera. where is my camera?

s1/s2: is it in/ on…?

t: (根据学生提供的地方寻找)no, it isn’t here. /yes, it’s here. thank you. let’s take photos.(按下相机拍照发现没胶卷)oh, dear. where’s the film? help me, please.

操练句型:where’s the film?

          it’s in/ on ….

          it isn’t there now.12345678

          it was there a moment ago/just now.

          is it in/ on …?

          yes, it is here. /no, it isn’t here.

4.      指导学生完成a部分look, match and say.

5.      引导学生校对答案,并分析主要错误及其原因。

6.      分角色读一读、演一演本部分小对话。

step3. consolidation.

1.      四人小组设计“询问生日”“去公园玩,认识标牌”“丢失物品,寻找物品”等系列情景,围绕某一主题进行对话表演。

2.      完成练习册c look, read and write.

3.      拿学生的练习册在实物投影仪上校对答案,分析错误原因。

step4. homework.

1.      抄写本课复习的四会句型。

2.      完成b部分看图说话


板书设计               unit 4

                 review and check

when’s your birthday?

what would you like as a birthday present?

would you like … as your birthday present?


what does this sign mean?

it means ….


where is/ are …?

it’ s/ they’ re in/on ….

it isn’t /they aren’t there now.

it was /they were there a moment ago /just now.




一、听录音,给下列图标上正确的序号(听两遍)( 8分)


   (    )        (    )          (    )        (    )



(    )       (    )          (    )         (    )


二、听录音,判断所听内容是否与图意相符,相符的用“ t ”表示,不相符的用“ f ”表示(听两遍)(6分)

1.              2.                 3.                                 12345678


   (    )           (    )               (    )



4.                  5.               6.


    (    )            (    )              (    )


(   )1. a. it is on the desk.

b. it was on the chair.

c. it was on the desk.

(   )2. a. it means we shouldn’t make noise.

       b. it means we must make noise here.

       c. it means we should make noise.

(   )3. a. it’s on the first of october.

       b. it’s on the fourth of september.

       c. it’s on the eighth of december.

(   )4. a. yes, it is.

       b. no, it isn’t.

       c. yes, it was.

(   )5. a. all right.    b. ok, let’s go.   c. that’s ok.



1. a:         your birthday?

  b: it’s                                 august.

2. a: what               sign       ?

  b: the sign says “no cycling”. we can’t              .

3. a:                my         ?

  b:                the sofa.

五、判断下列单词划线部分读音是否相同,相同的画打“√ ”,不相同的打“×”(5分)12345678

1.  here            2.   tiger           3.    tap       

there               orange               table           

4.       thank           5.  room

think              classroom


1. 问我一些问题               2. 他的生日                      

3. 在四月                      4. 六月二日                    

5. 什么日期                    6. 寻找她的手机                

7. 刚才                        8. different things                 

9.a ten yuan note                10. should ‘be quiet’              

11. blow out the candles                   

12. pick up a roll of film for su yang



(    )1. it’s six thirty. it’s time          breakfast.

        a. to              b. have          c. for12345678

(    )2. you     ‘keep off the grass’. you     walk on the grass.

        a. must; should    b. must; shouldn’t     c. should; must

(    )3.ben’s      a birthday party.

        a. having           b. haveing           c. have     

(    )4.would you like to watch a film?


        a. yes, i’d like.     b. yes, i like.      c. yes, i’d like to.

(    )5.i’d like a cake     lots of       .

        a. have; strawberrys     b. with; strawberrys  

c. with; strawberries

(    )6.don’t          your classmate in class.

        a. talk to          b. talk about        c. talk with


(    )7.             is it today? it’s wednesday.

        a. what day       b. what date        c. what day

(    )8.there aren’t         glasses on the table.

        a. some          b. any             c. the

(    )9. where      a pair of glasses?  it     on the desk just now.

        a. is; was             b. are; is     c. are; was

(    )10. we sing and dance      a music lesson.

        a. at                b. on         c. in12345678

(    )11. which is the eleventh month of a year?

a. december            b. november     c. august

(    )12.different signs      different things.

a. means               b. mean         c. is

(    )13. what is the man’s job?

a. he’s jack.           b. he’s a park keeper.   

c. he’s my cousin.

(    )14. we       here. grandma is sleeping.

a.     shouldn’t keep quiet

b.     shouldn’t make noise

c.    must make noise

(    )15.this is su yang’s diary. pick      up for her.

        a. them     b. my         c. it


1. -      your glasses there?( be )

-no, they weren’t.

2. ben likes       (watch) japanese cartoons.

3. -       he like this toy dog?

  -no, he        . ( do )

4. jim usually      (have) a birthday party.

5.the cartoon is very          .the students are very         .( excite )

6. now the children              . ( dance)

7. let’s       the new words. ( read )

8. look at the          ( box) . they are nice.


(   )1.what would you like as a present?  a. yes.

(   )2.would you like a camera?         b. i’d like a violin

(   )3.was it there just now?            c. it means ‘ do not touch’

(   )4. what date is it today?            d. i like masks.

(   )5. when’s your birthday?      e. friday.       

(   )6. are they behind the door?    f. yes, it was.12345678

(   )7.where are your earphones?   g. no, they’re not there.

(   )8.what day is it today?        h. it’s the 8 th of december.

(   )9.what does it mean?         i. it’s on the fifth of december.

(   )10. what do you like?         j. they’re behind the door.


1.      see, park, we, some, public, in, the, can, signs


2.      on, he, sees, grass, the, something


3.      can, we, when, watch, cartoon, the


4.      over, the, the, pear, bear, was, under, tree, there


5.      diary, ago, was, my, where, moment, a



1.they were beside the door a moment ago.

2.ok, but where are my shoes?

3.oh, yes, they are.

4.it’s time to go to school, nancy.

5.but, they are not there now.

6.are they behind the door?



today is the 5 th of august. it’s my birthday. i get a lot of presents from my friends and family. they’re in nice boxes.

my father gives me a yellow box and there is a book in it. jack, one of my friends, gives me a long box. what’s in it? it’s an umbrella. my sister gives me a round box. i think it’s a big cake, but it is a basketball. i like playing basketball very much, so i’m happy to have it.

(   )1. i get a lot of presents from       .

a. my family           b. my friends      c. a and b

(   )2. my sister gives me       as my birthday present.

a. a big cake          b. a basketball           c. a football

(   )3. there’s      from my parents.

     a. a box             b. an umbrella       c. a book

6a unit 4 review and check复习课备课笔记和配套试卷 来自。 12345678


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