[unit]Unit 5 On the farm第一课时

小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-04 网络整理 晴天


1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词: milk, a cow, taste, pull up及其中动词的过去式。
2、能听懂、会说、会读单词 yesterday,  a farm, a carrot, collect.
1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词: milk, a cow, taste, pull up及其中动词的过去式。
2、能听懂、会说、会读单词 yesterday, a farm, a carrot, collect.
step 1 free talk
1. what’s the date today?
what day is it today?
what was the date yesterday?
teach: yesterday
   drill: it was the 23rd of october yesterday.
 it was there yesterday.
they were there yesterday.
2. do you like stamps?
  can you play football?
  what do you usually do on sundays?
step 3 presentation
1.t: yesterday was sunday, some children went to the farm.
show a picture. teach:  farm
2.t: what can they do on the farm?
teach: on the farm
read : unit 5 on the farm
3.t: let’s have a look.
t: what is she doing?
s: she is cooking.
teach: cook  make a phrase: cook food, cook rice, cook dinner,    cook a nice lunch
4.同上教学下列动词并组词, 边学边做动作。
milk    milk cows   milk sheep
pick     pick oranges     与 ‘pick up’区分
water     water trees    water flowers
pull up    pull up carrots
collect    collect eggs    collect stamps
taste     taste oranges
5.read after the tape
6.a game:look and say 做做说说;listen and act听听做做
7.read together
step 4 presentation
1. t: it’s monday today.  it was sunday yesterday. i cooked food yesterday.
teach: cooked
同上教学 milked  picked  watered  pulled   collected  tasted
2. 小结:规则动词的过去式词尾变化及发音。
3. read the words.
step 5 作业布置
1、copy the words and phrases: yesterday  farm  cook food  collect eggs  milk cows  pick oranges  water flowers  taste oranges  pull up carrots
2、read and recite part b.
3、prepare part c.


    本课的主要内容是能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词: milk, a cow, taste, pull up及其中动词的过去式。 能听懂、会说、会读单词 yesterday,  a farm, a carrot, collect. b部分所包含的动词很多学生都已经学习过,如collect,pick , cook等,但是词性有所不同,如以前学的water,milk,cook都是名词,本课所要学的是动词,需要和学生说明,避免翻译错误。而pick的词义有所不同,之前学的是捡、拾,本课的意思为采摘。本课的难点是一般过去式的读音,加ed很简单,但是读音方面需要教师反复教授。12

    本节课的主要内容是教授b部分的七个动词及其组成的词组,并将他们转变成过去式。动词原形的教授难度不大,只有taste和pull两个单词学生没有接触过,其余学生早已接触过,但是词性不同,所以在课上我强调了其词性的变化,让学生清楚其不同的用法。然后根据b部分图片要求学生将动词组词组,如cook food,collect eggs等,并通过游戏复习巩固。由原形过度到过去式最难的不是如何转变,而是如何发音,ed有三种发音/t/,/d/,/id/,单词不同其发音就不同,所以在课上我花了较多的时间进行发音练习,最终绝大部分学生都能正确发音。



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