6a充电线和5a的区别_6A Unit 7 Period 1

小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-04 网络整理 晴天


1.能听懂,会说,会读单词:a watch, a wallet, a teapot, a calculator, a skateboard, a comb, a mirror, a hairdryer
2. 能听懂会说:this … is from…. who are they from?
3. 了解东西方接受礼物的不同反应,培养学生良好的文明礼仪。
1. 本课时的教学重点是有关日常用品的8个单词和讨论谁送的礼物的有关语言,其中skateboard, calculator, hairdryer单词较长,发音也有一定难度,教师应重点指导。
2. 本课时的难点是:this …is from….who are they from? 这组句型,建议教师充分利用课文信息,让学生通过静听,在完成匹配题后逐步理解并达到输出。在操练时,教师可准备一些礼物,通过真实的送礼物的活动,让学生在情境中理解并掌握。
2. 学生准备:每人一张纸条和一份礼物。
step 1 words of dailythings
1) 学生观看录像,初步体会课文内容。
2)教师根据录像内容提问: what are the presents? 学生指着图片将文章中涉及的物品找出来: a …/…
3)根据学生找出的图片,教师进行单词教学:a watch, a teapot, a wallet, a calculator, a skateboard, a comb, a mirror, a hairdryer.
4) 教师示范朗读,学生跟读单词。重点指导calculator, skateboard,hairdryer的发音。在教学skateboard, teapot, hairdryer时,教师可借助单个单词和在一起的做法,帮助学生了解复合词,提高记忆的效率。
5) 单词巩固游戏:what is it?
t: i have a present. it’s no big nor small. man puts money and cards in it. what is it?
s1: it’s a wallet.
t: can you spell it? s1: yes, w-a-l-l-e-t, wallet.
step 2 drills: who is it/are they from? it’s /they are from….
1) t: jim’s family have got so many presents. who are they from?
2) 出示句型,教师带领学生朗读三遍。
3)t:who are they from? let’s listen to the tape then match.
4) 学生听课文录音,完成匹配题: grandfather grandmother father mother jim a watch wallet teapot hairdryer skateboard
5) 交流答案:
t:who is the watch from? ss: it’s from grandpa and grandma.
t:who is the wallet from? ss: it’s from grandma.
t:who is the teapot from? ss: it’s from grandpa.
t:who is the hairdryer from? ss: it’s from grandpa and grandma.
t:who is the skateboard from? ss: it’s from jim’s mum and dad.
t: who is the calculator from? ss: it’s from jim’s mum and dad, too.
6) ss齐读匹配结果:the watch is from jim’s grandpa and grandma./….
step 3 consolidation 1.
t: christmas is coming. everyone has a present for his friends. who are you going to send your present? let’s write a card.
2. 教师指导学生写卡片:dear … merry christmas and happy new year! from: ….
3. 学生写完后贴在自己准备的礼物上,然后将礼物集中在老师的礼物袋里,让一位学生扮演圣诞老人,给学生送礼物:hey! hey! merry christmas and happy new year! here’s a present for ….12
t: who is this present from? santa clause: look! ss: it’s from ….
这两个同学都上台,接受礼物的同学拆开礼物,教师在一边提示说:oh, it’s a …how beautiful! i like it very much.像这样演示5组,逐渐由老师带着学生表达过渡到学生自己表达。 2. 圣诞老人将礼物分派给5个学生,由这5个学生给大家送礼物:who is this present from? it’s from … open it. oh, it’s a … it’s ….。
3. 礼物送完后,大家齐唱:we wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year.
4. 做书上d部分练习。
1. 朗读记忆本课的有关日常用品的单词。
2. 根据课堂情景,用学过的语言写一篇短文:it’s christmas day. santa clause comes to our class. he gives us a lot of nice presents. …12


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