【牛津小学英语6a课本】牛津小学英语6A Unit6 Holidays教学实录

小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-03 网络整理 晴天


step 1:
a) greeting.
b) free talk
what day is it ? what date is it today?
what do you usually do at the weekends?
(设计意图: 在上课伊始,与学生亲切自然地相互问候,使学生快速进入英语学习的氛围,同时为下一步教学做铺垫.)
step 2:
1. 直接揭示课题: today we’ll learn unit 6 holidays and talk about some foreign holidays.
2.学生各抒己见,说说自己知道的各个节日what holidays do you know?
s: children’s day, teacher’s day, christmas, national day, halloween---
(1) 教学favourite
师问: do you like children’s day/ halloween---?
师: i like christmas, i like halloween, i like children’s day, but i like teacher’s day very very much. teacher’s day is my favourite holiday.
read: favourite
(2)practice: what’s your favourits holiday?
my favourite holiday is---
step 3:
1. 教学christmas
(1) 翻动日历
问: what holiday is coming?
(2) 教师让学生说他们所知道的关于圣诞节的知识,如圣诞老人,圣诞礼物,圣诞食品及圣诞活动,不限定学生全部用英语表达.
t: christmas is coming. do you know anything about christmas ,e.g. presents and food?
(设计意图: 用提问的方式引出即将学习的活动,并通过讨论让学生了解有关圣诞节的文化意识.)
(3) 教师用课件创设情景: christmas tree, santa claus, new clothes, stars, give presents to each other, play with friends..
the christmas is coming. please look at these pictures and talk about the following questions.
when’s christmas?
do you like christmas? why?
what do you usually do at christmas?
(4) 学生4人一组看图片,并根据问题讨论圣诞节.
(5) 个小组汇报他们讨论的情况,并通过投影呈现: 例如christmas is on the 25th of december. we like christmas because it’s interesting. there are many christmas trees and we can see them everywhere. we can also buy new clothes and give presents to each other.
(设计意图:这个活动对学生来说具有一定的挑战性,因为给学生的信息只是一些图片,但六年级学生已基本能把老师提供的信息组合成一句话,甚至能连成一段话.通过这样的活动可以让学生把所学的知识运用于实际,使不同程度的学生都有成就感,增强自信心, 增添学习英语的乐趣,变“要我学”为“我要学”,进而长久保持对英语学习的兴趣。)
(6) 教学what do people usually do at christmas?
t: just now i knew you ---at christmas. now what do people usually do at christmas?
read: people 人,人们
practice: what do people usually do at christmas?
they usually---
did you --- last christmas?
yes, i did. no, i didn’t.
c) 教学halloween
(1) 师过渡: christmas is very interesting. and there’s another funny holiday. that’s ---(师先不说)
(2) 课件出示一段外国人过halloween的情景,并配上一首chant:
halloween is here,
halloween is there
for every to enjoy and cheer,12
children in masks on the street,
yelling trick or trear
they run from door to door
getting sweets more and more
they’re now the king and queen,
for tonight is halloween.
(3) 全班学生分成若干小组,教师发给学生“外圣文化手册”,小组制作“外圣文化手册”.
the culture of halloween
when the people’s activity your activity

运用句型: when’s halloween?
what do people usually do at halloween?
did you ---?
(4) 各组在本组内朗读“外圣文化手册”上的内容,教师做相应的语言、语法指导.
(设计意图: 这一活动可以提高学生合作和语言表达的能力,还可以使他们在倾听的过程中丰富知识,开阔视野.)
(5) 教师汇集各组的“外圣文化手册”,课后装订成册,供全班阅读.
4. 教学easter
(1) 出示并朗读: eat, seat, tea, sister
guess: how to read “easter”
(设计意图: 先让学生读一读、想一想,在此基础上进行比较、发现、归纳,必要时还可给学生讨论的机会,以此唤起学生的主体意识,从而让他们自己获得知识、技能和方法。)
(2) 学生对easter不太了解,教师引导学生发问:
when’s halloween?
what do people usually do at halloween?
did you ---?
(3) 教师逐一回答,并通过图片介绍复活节知识,包括制作、隐藏和寻找复活蛋的活动.
5. 综合运用所学句型:
what’s your favourits holiday?
when’s ---?
what do people usually do at ---?
did you ---?
(设计意图:这是将语言形式与语言意义相结合的练习活动。通过操练,让学生学生学习和掌握本 课所学的句型,并从中进一步理解所学语言。)
6. 简单介绍其它外国节日
(1) thanksgiving day: 教师利用手型变化显示火鸡投影,并介绍感恩卡.
(2) mother’s day, father’s day
师问:what did you do for your mother on mother’s day?
what did you do for your father on father’s day?
(3) 学生试编儿歌:
mother’s day, father’s day,
we’re happy and gay,
we sing and dance,
we loudy say,
wish you happy every day.
(设计意图: 帮助学生了解目的语国家的语言文化和风土人情,实现跨文化交际是英语教学中拓展学生文化视野的要求.课文中仅仅介绍了3个外国的重大节日,其实生活中有许多不同于中国的节日.让学生多了解一些,可以让学生增强一点朦胧的英语语言文化意识.而且,像mother’s day, father’s day这种好的节日可以培养学生关心父母、关爱他人的优良品质.)
let’s write about your favourite holiday. (课件出示)
my favourite holiday
hello, i’m . my favourite holiday is .i usually .people often

step 4: homework
1. introduce the foreign festivals to your parents.
2. collect the information about chinese festival.
3. write about your favourite holiday.
(设计意图: 六年级学生已具备了一定的英语水平,听、说、读的能力较强。教师结合教学内容设计了一项关于自己最喜欢的节日的写作练习,使学生加深对所学知识的理解和巩固。让学生在听、说、读、写的基础上尝试写,以训练学生的写作能力,使其形成一定的综合语言运用能力。同时,作业也成为课堂教学的有益延伸。)



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