[unit6]Unit6 Holidays

小学六年级英语教案 2019-05-03 网络整理 晴天


一、教学内容:part bc
⒈ 掌握单词、词组:easter, may day, children’s day, national day, dragon boat festival, eat a lot of delicious food, dress up in costumes, watch the moon.
⒉ 进一步巩固掌握句型:when’s...? it"s in ... what do people usually do at/on...? they ... did you ... last...? yes, i did. / no, i didn"t.
2、进一步巩固掌握句型:when’s...? it"s in ... what do people usually do at/on ...? they ... did you ... last...? yes, i did. / no, i didn"t.
step1 warm up
1. greetings
t: good morning, boys and girls.
ss: good morning, miss zhao.
2. free talk:
t: today we are going to learn unit 6 holidays. let"s begin our class, ok?which holiday do you know? 你所了解的节日有那些?
step 2. presentation
1. part b  ( show the word cards )
a.  t: what festival is this? it’s children’s day (拿出卡片)now please look and read after me.
t: when’s children’s day?
ss: it’s in….
t: when you talk about children’s day, what can you say? 当谈论儿童节时,你能说出哪些相关的词或词组?
t: maybe “happy, play games, have parties, sing and dance, beautiful clothes, , no school…”
t: what do people usually do on children’s day? 在儿童节中,孩子们通常会做些什么事情呢?
s1: they usually……
teach: what do people usually do on……:
they usually……
b. (同样方法学习新词new year’s day, may day, national day,)
t: talk about these festivals with your partners.
2. t: what traditional chinese festivals do you know?
teach: spring festival and mid-autumn festival.
a.show the word cards: spring festival
t: when’s spring festival?
ss: it’s in…
t: what do people usually do at spring festival?
ss: they usually have delicious food, buy new clothes and so on.
t: did you buy new clothes last new year’s day?
ss: yes, i did/ no, i didn’t.
teach: did you…?  yes, i did/ no, i didn’t.
b.同法教授mid-autumn festival, eat moon cakes, watch moon
c. there is another traditional chinese festival. 今天我们将要介绍另外一个中国传统节日。dragon boat festival,教读新词。 简介:农历五月初五,是中国民间的传统节日——端午节,也叫龙舟节。每到这一天,家家户户都挂艾叶,赛龙舟,饮雄黄酒…… 关于端午节的由来,说法甚多,其中之一就是纪念历史上伟大的民族诗人屈原。在这一天人们会煮糯米饭投入江中,以祭祀屈原,因而吃粽子的习俗才流传至今。粽子,rice dumpling, 端午节这天,赛龙舟是人们最爱看的节目,龙舟,dragon boat, 端午节因此而得名。1234567
t: what do people usually do at dragon boat festival?
ss: they usually eat rice dumplings.
t: did you eat rice dumplings last dragon boat festival?
3.t: dragon boat festival是中国传统节日,西方国家也有自己的传统节日 。
a. 教授新单词 easter. do you know when easter is? you may ask me.
s: when’s easter?
t: it’s in march or april. 复活节是在每年春分月圆后的第一个礼拜天。复活节,是庆贺耶稣复活的日子。复活彩蛋、复活兔是easter的象征。师介绍复活节的来源
s:what do people usually do at easter?
t: they usually colour eggs.
did you make easter eggs last easter?
s: no, i didn’t.
ss read after t.
b. t: look, what holiday is this? 这是什么节日呢?
t: yes, it"s christmas. 圣诞节。my favourite holiday is christmas. when"s christmas? 圣诞节是什么时间呢? 
t: right, it"s on the 25th of december. it’s in the december.
t: what do you usually do at christmas? 你通常在圣诞节做些什么事情呢?  what do people usually do at christmas? 人们通常在圣诞节做些什么呢?
ss: they……
t: maybe they buy christmas presents, have a big lunch, go to a party, sing and dance ...
teach: have a big lunch
t: did you go to a party last christmas? 上个圣诞节你去聚会了么?
c. 同法教授: halloween, dress up in costumes.
step 3 practice
1. t: now let’s play a game: quick respond 快速抢答。在老师的描述中,比比谁最先猜到是哪个节日。ready? go.准备好了吗,现在开始。
t: eat moon cakes and watch the moon. (答案是mid-autumn festival 中秋节
t: eat rice dumplings. (dragon boat festival端午节)
t: go to parties and dress up in costumes. (答案是halloween )
t: 现在你能不能像老师一样,出几道题考考你的同桌?
   2.  part c
a. t: boys and girls, now liu tao is asking gao shan about his spring festival last year. 刘涛正在询问高山有关他上个春节的事情。(出示挂图) what are they talking about?让我们一起来想想他们有可能用到哪些句型呢?当我们在谈论节日时,常用到的句型是:
a: when’s …?
    b: it’s in ...
    a: what do people usually do at/on … ?
    b: they …
    a: did you … last …?
    b: yes, i did./ no, i didn’t.
  liu tao: when’s spring festival?
gao shan: it"s in january or february 
liu tao: what do people usually do at spring festival?
gao shan: they eat a lot of delicious food.
liu tao: did you eat a lot of delicious food last spring festival?
gao shan: yes, i did.
t: 好,同学们,下面请你也来仿照他们编一编刘涛和高山之间的对话。这里还有3幅图,请你任选其中的几幅来编对话,注意你所用到的句型是… ok, you can begin.1234567
b. let’s check the answer.
step 4 consolidation
t: boys and girls, i have a calendar here. can you make dialogues according to the date? 你能不能根据所给出的日期编个小对话呢?可以用上我们学过的句子。请你先来看看下面的例子。
step 5 homework
1. copy part b and c
2. talk to your classmates about your favourite holiday
unit 6 holidays
children’s day  may day   new year’s day     national day
mid- autumn festivaldragon boat festival     spring festival
christmas  halloween   easter
when’s...? it"s in ... what do people usually do at/on...? they ... did you ... last...? yes, i did. / no, i didn"t.

一、教学内容:part de
⒈ 掌握单词、词组:popular, beaches, race, rice dumplings, dress up in costumes, watch the moon.
⒉ 进一步巩固掌握句型:when’s...? it"s in ... what do people usually do at/on...? they ... did you ... last...? yes, i did. / no, i didn"t.
2、进一步巩固掌握句型:when’s...? it"s in ... what do people usually do at/on ...? they ... did you ... last...? yes, i did. / no, i didn"t.
step1 warm up
1. greetings
2. free talk:
t: 在本单元中,我们已经学习了一些节日名称,请你先读一读下面各个节日的名称,再说出相应的节日人们都做些什么。let’s begin. (指halloween图)the first one, what holiday is it?
t: yes, it’s halloween. people usually dress up in costumes and go to parties.
did you...?  yes, i did. / no, i didn’t. 请你也来像老师一样说说这些节日,开始吧。
(参考)new year"s day:people usually go to parties and have a big lunch with their family.
easter: people usually make colorful eggs.
may day: people usually have a long holiday.
children’s day: people usually put on beautiful clothes。
national day: people usually have a long holiday.
mid-autumn festival: people usually eat moon cakes and watched the moon.
dragon boat festival: people usually eat rice dumplings.
spring festival: people usually visit their relatives and friends, and eat lots of delicious food.
step 2 presentation
1.part e
t: boys and girls, su hai is writing about some holidays in china for a class project. could you help her write the names of the holidays? here’s her work. first read it by yourself. here are some new words: popular(流行的),beach(海滩),race(比赛)。
t: now can you give me the answer. let’s check the answer. (spring festival, may day, children’s day, dragon boat festival, mid-autumn festival)
t: 现在请你来告诉大家为什么你会给出这样的答案。哪些是你做出判断的key words.1234567
t: i think you can read this passage well now. 现在就请你自己再大声朗读一遍,完成书上第51的练习—填表格。
t: ok. good job. now can you say something about these holidays with your own words? the more, the better. have a try! 请你用自己的话来描述一下刚刚写下的几个节日,试试看。
t: which is your favourite holiday? write down and tell me why? 哪个是你喜欢的节日呢,请试着写下来。
2. part d
a. t: boys and girls, now mike is reading a letter from his pen friend danny to his mum. first, look at the following three pictures and read these sentences, then guess what he is going to talk about. you may write down the key words and phrases. 先看图,仔细阅读课本所提供的文字,结合起来猜猜将要听的短文会涉及到哪些内容,可能会出现哪些词语,可以把猜测到的词语写下来,为听录音做准备。
b. t: now listen to it, then answer my questions:
1、where did danny go with his friends? (the park.)
2、how did they go there? (by bus)
3、where did they have lunch? (under a big tree.)
4、what did they do in the park? (played games.)
5、what did they want to do in the grass? (catch grasshoppers.)
step 3 practice
 t: 现在请你和同桌合作完成下面的问题:中外分别有哪些传统节日呢,讨论后各列举三个例子。(参考答案:spring festival,mid-autumn festival,dragon boat festival/ easter,christmas, halloween)
t: 在这些节日中,what"s your favourite holiday? 哪个是你最喜欢的节日? and tell us why, 并说出原因。
step 4 homework
hello, i am … i am from china (america, england …). today, i’ll tell you about a holiday in our country.
unit 6 holidays
when’s...?   it"s in ...    what do people usually do at/on ...?

一、教学内容:part a
⒈ 掌握单词、词组:christmas, halloween, new year"s day, spring festival, mid-autumn festival, people, didn"t, had, relative, delicious, favourite, dress up, went, moon cake.
⒉ 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:christmas is coming. what"s your favourite holiday? my favourite holiday is halloween.
三、重点、难点:初步了解并掌握句型:when"s ...? it"s in ... what do people usually do at/on ...? they ... did you ... last...? yes, i did. / no, i didn"t.
step 1 warm up:
t: hello, boys and girls.
ss: hello, miss zhao.
2.free talk:
t: last lesson, we learned something about holidays. do you remember them?
review part b, c
step 2 presentation
1.  what"s your favourite holiday? my favourite holiday is….
a. t: there are many holidays. my favourite holiday is christmas because i can receive some christmas presents and go to parties. what’s your favourite holiday? 你最喜欢什么节日? (教授favourite 最爱的,慢读,示范发音。简单释义:your favourite: person or thing is the one that you like the most.) 请跟我读:what’s your favourite holiday?(2遍)you can answer: my favourite holiday is …1234567
s1: my favourite holiday is …
t: why:
s1: i can….
b.t: please talk to your partners about your favourite holiday.
step 2 part a
1. 前言
t: boys and girls, look, the students are having an english lesson. mr green is their english teacher. now please read this passage, then answer my questions. 请你听录音看文字,试着找出这些问题的答案。
q1: what date is it?
q2: which festival is coming?
q3: how are the teachers and the students?
q4: what is mr green doing?
t: ok, now can you tell me: what date is it? (it’s the 18th of december.)
t: the second question: which festival is coming? (christmas is coming.)
  christmas is coming. that means: 圣诞节快要到了。那么,“万圣节快要到了”用英语该如何表达呢?(稍停)对了,halloween is coming. 同样的,“国庆节快要到了”又该怎么说呢?请你来试试看。
t: good. 回答的很好。national day is coming.
t: well. the third question: how are the teachers and the students? (they are getting very excited.)
t: the last question: what is mr green doing? (he’s talking to his students about holidays.)
t: now can you read it by yourself? have a try. please.
a. t: ok. now we know mr green is talking to his students about holidays. 现在我们已经知道 mr green 正在和他的学生们谈论有关节日的话题。what holidays are they talking about? ready? let’s go. ss listen to the tape.



new year’s day

spring festival


mid-autumn festival

b. t: when’s ….?

s: it’s in….



new year’s day


spring festival

january or february



mid-autumn festival

september or october


t: are you right? 相信你也一定答对了吧。well, what do people usually do at those holidays? 人们通常在以上节日中会做些什么呢?now please listen to it again, and then answer my questions. 请仔细听对话,试着完成表格第三栏。



what do people usually do?

new year’s day


go to parties

have a big lunch

spring festival

january or february

visit relatives and friends

eat delicious food



dress up in costumes

go to parties

mid-autumn festival

september or october

eat moon cakes

play with lanterns

watch the moon

t:你完成的怎么样?让我们来看看正确答案。请跟我读这些词和词组delicious,relatives,dress up, moon cake, watch the moon 简单解释词义)relatives, that means members of your family. 亲戚。delicious, that means very pleasant to taste or smell.可口的,美味的。 dress up,装扮,for example: dress up in costumes, 教读)

c. t: now work in pairs. make dialogues like this 现在,请仿照下面的例句做对话:a: when’s new year’s day?

b: it’s in january.

a: what do people usually do on new year’s day? 1234567

a: they go to parties and have a big lunch.


c.       t: please read the text ,answer these questions:

q1: did david go to parties last year? david ( no, he didn’t. he had a big lunch with his family last year. 教have的过去式had.)

q2: did su hai visit her relatives and friends last spring festival? ( yes, she did. )

q3:t: did ben go to a party last halloween? ( yes, he did. he went to a party last halloween. went是go的过去式。)

q4:  did yang ling watch the moon last mid-autumn festival? ( yes, she did. )

d. t: good job. 同学们回答的很好。通过刚才这张表格,我们已经对课文有了比较详细的了解,现在,请你用自己的话,说一说每位同学都在哪些不同的节日里做了什么事 for example: david had a big lunch with his family last new year’s day. it’s your turn. have a try.(su hai visited her relatives and friends last spring festival. ben went to a party last halloween. yang ling watched the moon last mid-autumn festival.)

t: ok. now let’s listen and repeat. (放录音请学生逐句跟读,注意其发音。)

t: please read it by yourself. 请你自己读一读课文。注意本课生词。请跟我读 people, didn’t, had, relative, delicious, favourite,dress up,moon cake.

t: then work in groups. read the text by roles. 请以小组为单位,进行角色分配,按角色共同完成课文的朗读。please.

step 3 consolidation

t: ok. we have known a lot about the holidays. 我们已经了解了不少有关节日的知识,and now mike is telling his sister helen what his friends did on different holidays last year. 现在mike正在告诉helen 他的朋友们都在去年的节日中做了什么。please join the dots. let’s see if you have a good memory. 请你根据课文内容连线,看看你的记忆力好不好。

t: let’s check out the answer.你的答案正确么。

step 4 homework

 listen to the tape and read the text


unit 6 holidays



what do people usually do?

new year’s day


go to parties

have a big lunch

spring festival

january or february

visit relatives and friends

eat delicious food



dress up in costumes

go to parties

mid-autumn festival

september or october

eat moon cakes

play with lanterns

watch the moon



一、教学内容:part fgh
⒈ 掌握单词、词组: also, tangerine.
⒋ 会说小诗 it’s spring festival again
⒌ 能综合运用本单元所学的单词、句型和日常交际用语。
step 1 warm up:
2.free talk
review the sentences:
what’s your favourite holiday?1234567
my favourite holiday is….
what do people usually do in / at…?
they usually…
did you ….
yes, i did. / no, i didn’t.
step 2 presentation
1. h部分 say a rhyme
t: now boys and girls, listen and guess what holiday this is. it is a popular holiday in china. it is in january or february. people eat a lot of delicious food. they usually spend time with their relatives and friends.
t: yes, it’s spring festival. ok, we are going to learn a rhyme about spring festival.先听你来听一听。first listen.
t: 这个歌谣中有个新单词,let’s learn. tangerine, 橘子 (教授,带读)
t: now let’s listen to it again. this time you can try to read.  接下来让我们跟着录音逐句朗读。再分小组练习朗读歌谣。
2. f部分 play a game
t: (接上个板块中一句话) did you have a lot of delicious food at spring festival? now let’s play a game, ok? 现在让我们一起来做一个游戏吧。how to play? look, the children are playing the game ‘bingo’ now. first you can read it.
t: 请你先来看看图,读一读这些词组。接下来我们看看如何玩这个游戏。 now play with your partner. 现在跟你的同伴玩一吧。
3. g部分 listen and repeat
t: ok. so much for the game. 游戏我们先做到这里。now please read these four word. 请你来读读这四个单词 (too, zoo, afternoon, balloon, cartoon, room)
t: good. 这里字母组合oo的发音是∕u:∕
t: now can you put these words into one or two sentences? 你能把以上几个单词放到一到两个句子中吗?和同学们讨论一下吧。
t: can you read it by yourself? 请你自己来读一读。
step 4 homework
unit 6 holidays
too,  zoo,  afternoon,  balloon,  cartoon,  room

一、 教学内容:《补充习题》讲解
二、 课时目标:
1. 能将本单元单词句型灵活运用于练习
2. 认真订正练习
1、 听录音,完成听力练习
2、 讲解练习
3、 指导订正
4、 homework:
三、 教学内容:《练习册》讲解
四、 课时目标:
1. 能将本单元单词句型灵活运用于练习
2. 认真订正练习
3. 听录音,完成听力练习
4. 讲解练习
5、 指导订正
6. home work

unit6 holidays 来自。 1234567


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