unit|Unit 2 Where is the science museum

小学六年级英语教案 2019-04-30 网络整理 晴天


1,能够听,说,读,写短语:turn left, turn right , go straight .
2, 能听,说,认读句型:“how can i get to the museum? go straight for five minutes. then turn left.” 并能进行关键词的替换操练。
3,能听,说,认读句子:“it’s east of the cinema. turn left at the cinema, then go straight. it’s on the left.” 并能在情景中进行应用。(let’s talk 的内容)
重点:turn left, turn right , go straight,it’s east of the cinema. turn left at the cinema, then go straight. it’s on the left
难点:it’s east of the cinema. turn left at the cinema, then go straight. it’s on the left
1,warming up and revision
   t: look at me ,what’s this
ss: hand
  t: yes, it ‘s a left hand. show me your left hand please.
  t: (show right hand) is this a left hand?
  ss: no, it’s a right hand (如果学生不会加上right老师要引导)
  t: touch your left ear……(通过指令活动让学生掌握left right)
game: simon says
  (用本游戏进一步操练left right ,并能提高学生的学习气氛,为本节课奠定了课堂氛围)
2,presentation and practice
1t: boys and girls, look! this is my left hand ,now i turn left(做动作,强调turn left)
  板书turn left 带读
 用同样方法呈现turn right
 操练:turn left, turn right
t:the whole class , stand up , turn left …..turn right…..
guessing game复习library, cinema 等学过的表示地方的单词,猜对的学生可以拿到表示地方的单词图片,并放到自己小组的桌子中间,等所有图片都复习完了,所有图片就到了各个小组中间,教师就成了一个小城市,有各种建筑物,为下一活动做准备。
t:i am a robot now , you can control me ,now, i want to go to the …….
ss: turn …   go straight ….
t:  (扮演成一个盲人,用红领巾蒙住眼睛) i want to go to the …….
ss: turn …   go straight ….
t: (教师事先把一些玩具藏在各个小组的桌子里) go straight , turn left at the cinema , go straight  turn right . you can find you dog.
叫一个学生上讲台:s1:go straight , turn left at the cinema , go straight  turn right . you can find you dog.(学生边走边说,走对了拿到宝物的,宝物暂时给该学生保存)
5呈现句子it’s east of the cinema.
  用图片复习方位词east west south north 并把它们贴到教室的四个方位,教师站在中间,教师指哪个地方,学生就大声读出这个方位。12
6教师站在教师的一个小组上t : where is mr chen?   ss: it is in the cinema.  教师这时用手指东边,ss: it’s a library.  t: so the library is in the east , it’s east of the cinema.(强调it’s east of the cinema.)
7录音呈现let’s talk 内容,老师带读
8呈现let’s talk 挂图。教师指定一个地方,让学生pair work 讨论怎么去到那个地方。
 t:now our classroom is a city. there is a …   there is a …  suppose you are a stranger, you do not know how to get to somewhere ,and your friend live in this city ,so talk with your friend .
4, home work
  copy the worlds and sentences in p19 and p20.12


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