pepper_PEP Book 7 Unit 3 What are you going to do?A. Let’s read LiuYun’s weekend plan

小学六年级英语教案 2019-04-30 网络整理 晴天


一、教学目标:1、         知识目标:(1)能够正确理解短文内容。(2)能够写出提纲式的liuyun’s weekend plan,并能用第三人称she进行复述。(3)能熟练运用be going to 句型去讲述自己的周末计划。2、情感目标:合理安排自己周末活动。3、能力目标:阅读策略和能力得到培养和提高。二、教学重点:教学目标1和3。三、教学难点:1、知识目标(2)和能力目标。2、对busy ,that will be fun!单词与句子的理解。四、教学准备:教师:准备课件、录音机和录音带、相关词组卡片、students’worksheet。学生:课本,文具。五、教学步骤:(一)warm-up     lets sing(p36)what are you going to do?      (1)t:good morning, you remember the song”what are you going to do?”please stand up and clap your hands.let’s sing together.     (2)t:a nice song, right?today let’s have a competition between boys and girls,ok?let’s see who will be the winner.(设计意图:让学生站起来拍手唱,能有效地组织英语课堂学习,课前明确分组竞赛任务,能提高学生参与课堂的积极主动性。)(二)revision   free talk( t & s): (1)t:what are you going to do this weekend? s1: i’m going to … .t :(在学生回答时适时加入oh, that will be fun.)what about you?s2: i’m going to ….(2)t:wow, your weekend plan sounds nice.look, this is my friend liuyun,please guess what is she going to do on the weekend?   ss guess: she is going to …(设计意图:让学生开口练说,复习be going to句型,并通过猜一猜,引起学生对liuyun’s weekend plan 的好奇心.)(三)presentation/practice  1.(the first reading:read and choose the right pictures)   t:er, maybe.that’s what we are going to learn today.(出示课题:unit 3 what are you going to do? a.let’s read liuyun’s weekend plan.)let’s read the text quickly and choose the right pictures.attendion, you only have 1 minute.when you finish,put up your hand.let’s see who is the fastest.(设计意图:通过限时阅读选图片竞赛引起学生阅读的兴趣,同时培养学生快速浏览短文获取关键信息的阅读能力。)check the answers.2、(the second reading:read and judge)t:wow, you‘re smart. next, i have something more challenge for you, do you want to do? ok, please read the text again,find some informations to help you to judge yes or have 3 minutes. when you finish,put up your hand. (  )1、liuyun is going to be busy this weekend.                         (  )2、liuyun is going to the library on saturday.          (   )3、liuyun is going to buy some story-books in the bookstore.                   (   )4、liuyun and her mother are going to the supermarket after                breakfast.           (   )5、liuyun is going to watch tv with her aunt on sunday evening.        check the answers.(设计意图:第二遍阅读目的是培养学生获取信息、处理信息的能力。通过理解课文的主要内容和细节信息,让学生根据短文内容判断句子的对错,借以检测学生的理解程度。)3、1234(the third reading: read,underline and write)t:good,let’s see how to write down liuyun’s weekend plan here. let’s do it step by step.first,read the text slowly,underline some words,give them a number,then let’s check whether you’re right or have 3 minutes to underline and number.check the answers. 用投影仪来检查学生做的效果, 根据答案,老师边把短语词组贴在黑板上。liuyuns weekend planon saturdayon sundaygo to the bookstorego to the supermarketbuy a new cd and some story-booksvisit her auntread the new bookswatch tvt:please write it down after class. when you write, remember here is “go”,not “going”,and here is“visit her  aunt”.understand?(设计意图:第三次阅读的目的是指导学生对阅读材料进行归纳总结,培养学生良好的学习策略和学习习惯。)4、t:wow, excellent!now please read the text by yourselves and circle the words you don’t know.让学生提出不懂的词或句。(理解busy,that will be fun!等。) 5、t:good! next let’s follow the tape. 跟录音机读1次。t:great!let’s read it again.全班齐读1次。6、retell the text引导学生利用提纲式的表格用第三人称she进      行复述。(1)t:now,close your books,please.can you tell me about liuyun’s weekend plan?look here(指着板书),hi, this is my friend liuyun. she’s going to have a busy weekend. on saturday, she’s going to…ss接上:the bookstore).t:she is going to… ss:buy a new cd and some story-books.t:…they’re going to watch tv together.that will be fun! (2)t:next please practice in your group, do it one by one,clear?when you finish,raise your hands.2 minutes for you.     then check 1 group.(设计意图: 指导学生利用关键词对短文进行复述,培养学生良好的学习策略。另外通过小组成员接力复述的形式,培养学生的合作能力。)                                       (四)extension/consolidation/moral education.              (1)t: liuyun is going to have a busy,too. look,this is my weekend plan. saturdaysundaymorninggo to the parkgo shoppingafternoonplay sportsclean my roomeveningread bookswatch tvt: hi, i’m coco.i’m going to have a busy weekend.on saturday morning, i’m going to the the afternoon,i’m going to play sports with my the evening, i’m going to read books.on sunday morning, i’m going to go shopping.then, in the afternoon,i’m going to clean my the evening, i’m going to watch tv at home.that will be fun!what about you?do you have a weekend plan? (2)t:now,please write down your weekend plan,then talk about it with your partner.5 minutes for you.  my weekend plan saturdaysundaymorning  afternoon  evening  1234pair-work:hi, i’m _______ .i’m going to have a busy weekend.  on saturday morning,       in the afternoon,in the evening,on sunday morning,in the afternoonin the evening,that will be fun!         (3)check one student’s weekend plan,say it out.t:wow, can go out to play,and you still remember your homework. it’s a good weekend plan, isn’t it? please write down your wonderful weekend plan after class. when you finish,please check it with your friends. i’m sure they can help you a lot.(设计意图:在小练笔之前先让学生通过教师提供的模式在口头上说一说,组织语言的顺序,提供一个范例给中下层学生去模仿,适当减低他们写作的难度。同时通过老师的点评,引导学生意识到在计划周末活动时,要娱乐与学习兼顾。)                      ( 五) summer up;                                                    (1)t:today we learn about liuyun’s weekend you think she is going to have a happy weekend? yes,why? because she has a good planning.remember this,”well begun,half done”.we can also say “well planned, half done”.                                                 (2)t:oh, look here, today’s winner is … group.             (六)homework 1、              read the text loudly and fluently. 大声、流利地朗读课文。2、    write down liuyun’s weekend plan. 3、    finish the writing work. 完成小练笔。                                                                              1234(七)板书设计                      unit 3 what are you going to do?       ? new words          a. let’s read            boys  girlsbusy          liuyun’s weekend plan that will be fun!      p30 提纲式表格1234


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