[pep7年级英语上册]PEP7 Unit 5 PartB Let's learn 教案

小学六年级英语教案 2019-04-30 网络整理 晴天


step 1 warm-up
1.free talk.
t: hello, students,i am your new english teacher, miss he. i’m from beilun.beilun is famous for fenghuang park.have you been to fenghuang park?
let’s see some beautiful pictures.
t: ok ,we are not in fenghuang park,now, we are in the …?
ss: we are in the classroom.
2.sing a song: “in the classroom”
t:we are in the classroom,so what can you see?
s: there is/are…
t:yes, i can see many things, too.look, i spy with my little eye,something beginning with the letter w, haha ,w-i-n-d-o-w,it’s a window.i spy with my little eye,something beginning with the letter d,c,p,b
step 2 presentation
1.present (in,on,under)
t: i spy a box, it’s on the desk.what’s in the box? can you guess?
s: a ball? an apple?...
t shows the ball,and ask “ where is the ball?”
s: it’s in the box.(write in on bb)
t puts the ball on the box and ask where is the ball?
s: it’s under the box(write under on bb)
t: look,i have a magic box,what’s this?
s:it’s a football.
t:oh, where is my football now? can you guess?
s:it’s on/in/under the box.
2.present over,behind,in front of,near.
t:oh,is it on the box?
t:yes! it’s over the box. over(draw and write)
t: look, a book is over my hand, can you ?
t: ok,do with your partner.
t let a student to say …is over …
t: where is miss he now?
s: miss he is behind …
t: great!behind(draw and write.)
ask one group to say iam behind…
t: where is miss he now?
s: miss he is in front of…
t: well done! i am in front of…_(draw and write)
ask ss to say  she is in front of …
t: where is miss he now? am i in front of…? am i behind …?
ss: no! you’re near ….
t: yes,i am near …(draw and write)
2 play hide and seek.
3.chant !
4.ask ss to make a new chant with partner.
step 3 practice
tdraw a face and a body on the bb, ask ss to say and draw a monster.
put the three eyes on the face…..
then draw the monster on the bb
t look ,this monster catch tangseng and want to eat him, so  sunwukong find the monster.
cai show the dialogue between sunwukong and moster
w: wukongm: monster
w: hey!hey! ha!ha!
m: help! help!
w : monster, where is tangseng? tell me!
m:  oh,he is ____ my livingroom.
w: tell me!  ________is the key?  
m: mmm, it’s in my bedroom.
w: is it _____ the tv? 
m: i don’t know.
w: is it _______ the closet?
m: i don’t know.
w: is it ______ the end table?
m: i don’t know.
w: is it _____ the window? 
m : i don’t know.
w: haha! i see! it’s ______ the trash bin!
m: oh,no! don’t kill me!
ask ss to listen and finish the dialogue, then act it out!12
t: this is monster’s bedroom. it’s notclean, it’s too dirty.look, there is a rabbit on the floor and…?
ss there is …
t: please help wukong ,and  clean the bedroom, then you can get the key!
show examples.
t:ok,we help sunwukong find the key.he can find let’s open the livingroom,where is tangseng?
oh, he is on the sofa
step 5 homework
use the words (in/on/under/over/behind/near/ in front of ) to introduce your bedroom.12


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