[unit12management style]Unit12MYFAVORITESUBJECTISSCIENCE.

七年级英语教案 2017-03-12 网络整理 晴天


unit 12 my favorite subject is science.
(the 1st period section a 1a – 2d)
teaching aims (教学目标)
1. learn to talk about ss’ favorite subjects and give reasons.
2. revise some adjectives. (复习一些形容词。)
language points(语言点)
1. 要求掌握以下句式:
(1)--- what’s your favorite subject?
--- my favorite subject is …
(2)--- why do you like …?
--- because it’s …
2. 要求掌握以下词汇:
(1)名词:subject, p.e., science, biology,teacher
difficult points(难点):
science, history, biology等课目名称的读音和记忆
teaching steps(教学步骤)
1. warming – up and revision(课堂热身和复习)
t: how are you today?
s: we are fine.
(show a picture of chinese teacher)
t: who is this woman/man?
s: she/he is miss/ mr …. she/he is our chinese teacher.
t: do you have a chinese lesson today?
s: yes,…./no, ….
t: do you have a math lesson today?
s: yes, …./no,…
t: who is your math teacher?
s: ….

2. presentation(呈现新知识)
t: chinese and math are subjects. what other subjects do we have today?
t: do we have math/art/ music/pe/science/ history/ biology lesson today?
s: …
t:what subjects do we have tomorrow?
s: …
t: what subjects do we have in junior one?
s: we have math/english/chinese ….
t: what subjects do we have in our school?
s: we have math/english/chinese….
3. work on 1a(完成p71 - 1a)(放大图片)
t: look at the pictures on p71. please match the words with the pictures.
s: picture c is a p.e class.
picture d is an art class.
picture b is a science class.
picture e is a music class.
picture a is a math class.
picture f is a chinese class.
4. work on 1b(完成p71 - 1b)
t: let’s listen to the tape and circle the subjects in 1a you hear.
s: now let’s check the answers. the boy’s favorite subject is science. and the girl likes art and math, but her favorite subject is music.
5. listen and repeat.(听音跟读)
t: listen to the tape and repeat.
a: what’s your favorite subject?
b: my favorite subject is science. what’s yours?
a: hmm. well, i like art and math. but my favorite subject is music.
6. work on 1c (完成p71 - 1c)(ask and answer)
t: the boy’s favorite subject is science. and the girl’s favorite subject is music. what about you? what’s your favorite subject?
s: my favorite subject is…
t: what’s tom’s favorite subject? ask him, please.
s: what’s your favorite subject, tom?

now talk about your favorite subject.

1)s1: what’s your favorite subject? 12345678910111213
s2: my ….
s1: why do you like…?
s2: because….
2)t:is … your favorite subject?
s: no, ….
t: why don’t you like …?
s: because it’s difficult/ boring….
6. work on 2c,2d(完成p72 - 2c, 2d)
t: i think english is interesting. what do you think?
s: ….
t: what about other subjects?
look at your books, match the subjects with the description words.
t / s: what do you think of these subjects?
s: i think art is interesting.
t / s: so is it your favorite subject? s: yes, you’re right.
t / s: what do you think of science? s: ….

8. work on 2a (完成p72 – 2a)
t: look at the four sentences in the picture. now listen and put the conversation in order.
9. work on 2b (完成p72 – 2b)
t: the girl likes p.e., because it is fun. how about the other subjects? now listen again and match the subjects with the description words you hear.
t: what’s the girl’s / boy’s favorite subject? why does she / he like it?
s: her / his favorite subject is p.e. / music, because it is fun / relaxing.
10.listen and repeat. (听音跟读)
t: now let’s listen to the tape and repeat. please try to read like the tape.
a: what’s your favorite subject?
b: my favorite subject is p.e.
a: why do you like p.e.?
b: because it’s fun. how about you? what’s your favorite subject.
a: hmm. my favorite subject is music.
b: really? why?
a: because it’s relaxing.
11. group work(小组活动)
s1:what’s your favorite subject?
s2: my favorite subject is …
s1: why do you like …?
s2: because…. what about you?
s1: ….
(s3和s4 做类似的对话)
s1:what’s s4’s favorite subject?
s3: his/ her ….
s1:why does he/she….
s3: because…
(s2和s4 做类似对话)
12. homework
oral homework:
a) listen to 1b and 2b, read them and recite them.(听读背诵1b和2b的对话)
b) make up your dialogues with your partner and polish it.
written homework:
a) copy the words in 1a twice.
b) finish workbook p46
c) search the information about parents’ favorite.

展示学生各任课教师上课的图片----利用学生熟悉的身影来复习已学过的课程,也很自然地在下面引出要学的新学科单词,同时让学生初次接触who is your…teacher 的句型

让学生多说各科单词,出示相应的图片,重点练习science , biology进行强化,加深单词印象。然后提供功课表帮助学生回答。

播放录音。如有需要,老师可播放录音两遍。尽量让学生说出答案,教师在必要的时候给以提示. 12345678910111213

板书“---what’s your favorite subject? --- my favorite subject…提问过几位同学之后改变人称,随意性的链式练习活动, 让学生熟悉运用此句型以及各种人称的用法,四、五人一组,巩固your, my, his, her ,their各种形容词性物主代词
给学生一分钟时间,然后以对话的形式给出答案, 不同的学生可有不同的答案。老师当堂检查两到三组同学对话,其余同学课后到老师那里表演。



(the 2nd period section a 1a – 2d)
teaching aims:(教学目标)
1. learn to talk about ss’ favorite subjects and give reasons.
2. learn to talk about ss’ favorite things and give reasons.
language points(语言点)
1. 要求掌握以下句式:
(1)--- what’s your favorite… (subject, color, city …)?
--- my favorite … is …
(2)--- why do you like … ?
--- because it’s …
(3) --- who is your … teacher…?
--- mr / miss …
3. 要求掌握以下词汇:city, mom ,dad
teaching steps (教学步骤):
1. warming-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)
1)daily greeting and revision.
t: how are you today?
s: i am fine.
t: how many subjects do you have today?
s: seven.
t: what are they?
s: they are chinese/math/english .…
t: what’s your favorite subject?
s: my favorite subject is ….
t: why do you like it?
s: because it’s ….

′what’s your ′favorite ′subject?
my ′favorite ′subject is ′science.
′science, ′science, ′science.
′why do ′you ′like ′science?
it’s ′interesting, ′interesting, ′interesting.
2. game (语言运用) -- grammar focus(语法点p72)
t: i think games are interesting. let’s play a guessing game. a come here and have a look at a note in the box. then ask others questions: what’s mary’s favorite subject? why does she like it? others try to find the answer by guessing like this: is … her favorite subject? is her favorite subject …? …
a: what’s mary’s favorite subject?
s1: is chinese her favorite subject?
a: no, it isn’t.
s2: is english her favorite subject?
a: no, it isn’t.

s: is math her favorite subject?
a: yes, it is. why does she like it?
s: because it is relaxing?
a: no, it isn’t.

s: because it is interesting? 12345678910111213
a: yes, it is.
t: what’s your favorite subject?
s: my favorite subject is (math)?
t: why do you like (math)?
s: because it is (interesting).
t: i’m your english teacher. who is your math teacher?
s: mr/ mrs/ miss…is my math teacher.
t: ask your friend about his /her favorite subject and teacher, please.
s1: what’s your favorite subject?
s2: my….
s1: who’s your …teacher?
s2: mr/ mrs/ miss…is my math teacher./ my … teacher is ….
s1: what’s s3’s favorite subject?
s2: …
3. work on 3a(完成p73 – 3 a)
t: how about this girl in our book? now complete the conversation. you can use the words in the box. then tell me something about the girl.
s1: what is your favorite subject?
s2: my favorite subject is art.
s1: who is your art teacher?
s2: my art teacher is mrs jones.
t: now tell me something about the girl. what’s her favorite subject and who is the teacher?
s: the girl’s favorite subject is art. her art teacher is mrs jones.
4. work on 3b (完成p73 – 3b)
t: how about your partner? ask and answer with your partner.

t: do you know want to know about your classmates? now ask your classmates questions and complete the chart, then give a report.
name: favorite subject reason teacher description of teacher

my name is __________. my favorite subject is __________
because it is ________. my ________ teacher is _________.
i like her/him very much. she/he is really ___________.
______’s favorite subject is___________.
5. pairwork.
t: i know your favorite subject is …. but what’s your favorite city? is linhai / hangzhou / shanghai… your favorite city?
s: my favorite city is …
s1: …
s2: …

t: now i’d like you to talk about your favorite things in pairs.

6. survey (完成p73 – 4)
t: now we know a lot about our classmates. but do you know
anything about your mom and dad? complete the chart with their favorite things. then talk about them with your classmates.
favorite city favorite food favorite color favorite tv show
s1: what’s your mother’s favorite city?
s2: her favorite city is …

report like this:
s: _______’s mom’s favorite city is ________. her favorite food is _________.______________________________________________
but her/his dad’s favorite is ____________, ____________________ 12345678910111213
7. homework
oral homework:
a) read 3a and recite it.(朗读背诵3a的对话)
b) read the sentences in grammar focus.(朗读grammar focus的句子)
c) prepare for the one-minute talk about your favorite and reasons.
written homework:
a) finish workbook p47- 4, 5
b) do a survey about classmates’ parents’ favorite and write a
c) bring a wall calendar to the class.



chant和做游戏是对grammar focus 知识点的展示和综合巩固。(给学生a看 事先准备好的小纸条,上面写比如mary —math--- interesting 由a学生发问:what’s mary’s
favorite subject? 其他学生猜问is … her favorite subject?或is her favorite subject … ?,a答用yes或no回答。猜对后,a再问why does she like math?其他学生猜问because it is … ?a答yes或no直到猜对答案为止。)在游戏中复习学科单词和描写学科的形容词,并且复习her, his等形容词性物主代词。

在教师的引导下,学生由两人对话过渡到三人一组的链式操练, 然后到结束的时候教师会提问一些同学的favorite subject 及teacher 的情况, 促使全体学生在练的过程中集中注意力。

最后让学生以第三人称来说同伴的情况, 培养说简短的语篇的能力。


在最后一个学生报告完毕后,通过问他一个问题来引出同学谈论喜欢的东西,如:food, color, sports, songs, movies…。学生两人一组相互问答。先让三到四对同学表演对话,最后让个别同学以语篇的形式说出自己和同伴的最喜爱的东西。


(the 3rd period section b 1a – 2c)
teaching aims(教学目标):
1. learn to talk about ss’ favorite subjects and give reasons.
2. learn the seven days of the week.(学会说出一周的七天。)
language points(语言点):
1. 要求掌握以下句式:--- when do you have (math)?
--- on monday.
--- when does he/she have …?
--- on …
2. 要求掌握以下词汇:一周七天(一周七天已在前面daily greeting中第一次非正式出现)sunday,monday,tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday
difficult points(难点):
sunday,monday,tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday的读音和记忆
teaching steps (教学步骤):
1. warming-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)
one-minute talk. (学生一分钟演讲)topic: my favorite 12345678910111213
(e.g.: i have many subjects at school, they are … my favorite subject is …. i like it because it is … and … is my … he/she is … i like him/her very much, too. my favorite city is …, because it is….)
after the talk get the students ask and answer questions about it.
2. presentation(呈现新知识)
1) daily greeting and revision
t: …(name) just says you have many subjects at school.
t: what classes do you have today?
s: we have english/chinese,/science .…
t: oh, so many classes today.
t: what’s the date today?
s: it’s (january 7th).
t: today is (january 7th). it’s (friday).
t: then what day is january 8th?
s: it is saturday.

2)quick response
t: there are seven days in a week. but which day is the first day of the week? is it monday?
s: no, it’s sunday.
t: good! the first day of the week is …
s: the first day of the week is sunday. the second day of the week is monday. the third day of the week is tuesday. the fourth day of the week is wednesday. the fifth day of the week is thursday. the sixth day of the week is friday. the seventh day of the week is saturday.
t:which is the 2nd day of the week?
which is the 6th day of the week?

3)t: let’s say the days of the week quickly, clapping our hands.
4)t:now let’s sing the song: days of the week.
3. work on 1a (完成p74 – 1a)
t: now look at 1a. these days are out of order. please put them in order by numbering the boxes 1 – 7.
s1: no. 1. september 30. s2: sunday.
s3: no. 2. october 1. s4: monday.
s5: no. 3. october 2. s6: tuesday.
s7: no. 4. october 3. s8: wednesday.
s9: no. 5. october 4. s10: thursday.
s11: no. 6. october 5. s12: friday.
s13: no. 7. october 6. s14: saturday.
4. work on 1b (完成p74 – 1b)
t: quite good. there are seven days in a week. and we come to school five days a week. in these five days we have to study at school. what subjects do we study? now check the subjects in 1b quickly.
t: what subjects do you study at school?
s: we have art, science, music, math, p.e. and chinese. but we don’t have history or biology now.
5. work on 1c. (完成p74 – 1c)
t: when (what time) do you have art?
do you have art on monday?
s: yes, we have art on monday morning. / no, we have art on tuesday afternoon.
t:when do we have english?
s: we have english on monday, tuesday…./we have it every day.
t: ok. look at the chart ask and answer about the time of subjects in pairs.
6. work on 2a. (完成p74 – 2a)
t: we have different subjects on different days. what about ming, selina and ken? what subjects do they study? please listen to the tape and write down the school subjects they talk about in the tape. 12345678910111213
t: what subjects do they talk about?
s: biology, history, art and science.
7. work on 2b. (完成p74 – 2b)
t: what subjects do ming, selina and ken like? when do they have these subjects? listen again and fill in the chart of 2b.
8. listen and repeat. (听音跟读)
t: now let’s listen to the tape and repeat. please try to read like the tape.
boy1: are you ok, ming?
girl1: no, i’m not. it’s tuesday and i have biology.
girl2: and you don’t have biology?:
girl1: no, it’s so boring.
boy1: so, what’s your favorite subject?
girl1: oh, history! it’s such fun. i love friday because we have history in the morning. how about you, selina?
girl2: art, i guess. it’s really relaxing.
girl1: when do you have art?
girl2: on monday and wednesday. how about you, ken? what’s your favorite subject?
boy1: science. it’s really interesting. i have science class this afternoon.
9. work on 2c. (完成p74 – 2c)
t: now we know something about ming, selina and ken. please make a conversation about them. you can use the information from the chart. you may make up dialogues like 2c on p74. (what’s … favorite …? why…? when…?)
10. following up. (知识拓展)
make a survey:
t: now it’s your turn to make up your own dialogues. please work with your group (four students in one group) and finish this chart.
name subject doesn’t like why? when? favorite subject why? when?
a: hi/hey,… what subject doesn’t… like?
b: he/she doesn’t like …
a: why doesn’t he/she like…
b: because …
a: when does he/she have …
b: on …

in my group, there are _________ ________ and _________.
_________ doesn’t like _________, because _____________.
he/she has __________ on ___________. but his/her favorite
subject is __________. _________________________________
11. homework.
oral homework:
a) listen to 2b, read and recite it. (听读背诵2b的对话)
b) go on making up your dialogues and polish it.
written homework:
a) copy the new words twice.
b) finish workbook p47-5 and p48.
c) finish the report.

topic可以是my favorite
或者my mom’s /dad’s favorite


老师板书 friday.跟读数遍

在学生按顺序说完后,教师随意打乱顺序来让学生快速回答。 12345678910111213


when do you have…?
we have … on ….







(the 4th period section b 3a - 4)
teaching aims:(教学目标)
1. improve the ability of reading(提高阅读能力):
a. learn to grasp the keywords and then to pick up the information needed. (学会抓住关键词并通过关键词抽取所需信息 )
b. learn to find the information from the passage. (在短文中查找信息 )
c. master the skill of finding the mainline of the passage.
2. revise the forms of the letter. (复习书信的格式,学会如何更好地进行英文写作。)
3. learn to make a suitable timetable. (学会合理安排自己的作息时间。)
language points: (语言点)
1. 复习学科单词:p.e., science, history, biology, math, english, chinese.
2. 复习一周七天的单词:sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday
3. 学习及复习描述性单词:busy, tired, difficult, relaxing, interesting, fun, boring, strict.
difficult points(难点)
teaching steps (教学步骤):
1. warming-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)
1) chant:
the first day of the week is sunday. the second day of the week is monday. the third day of the week is tuesday. the fourth day of the week is wednesday. the fifth day of the week is thursday. the sixth day of the week is friday. the seventh day of the week is saturday.
2) a game: let’s say the days of the week in order quickly. (让学生全体站起来,边打节奏边按顺序说单词,每人说一个,谁跟不上节奏的就算输了就要坐下,此项活动可以以小组竞赛的形式展开,最后哪一组站着的人最多哪一组算赢.)
s2: monday

2. work on 4(完成p74 - 4)
t: when do you have science?
do you have science on wednesday?
s: yes, i do. / no, i don’t. i have it on…
t: is science your favorite subject?
s: no, it isn’t.
t: what’s your favorite subject?
s: it’s (math).
t: when do you have (math)?
s: on tuesday.
t: so tuesday is your favorite weekday? 12345678910111213
s: yes, it is.
t: tuesday is her favorite day because she has math on tuesday. what’s your favorite weekday?
ss: …
t: now, i’d like you to survey your classmates about their favorite weekdays and fill in the chart.
name favorite weekday why
e.g. scott’s favorite weekday is friday because he has art. he likes art. he thinks it’s …
3. work on 3a. (完成p75 – 3a)
t: scott’s favorite weekday is friday. what’s lin mei’s favorite weekday? is tuesday her favorite day? we don’t know. she writes a letter to jane about tuesday. let’s read and find out: what’s her favorite subject? what subject she doesn’t like?
s: …
t: good. what other things does lin mei like or dislike? read it again and underline the things she likes, circle the things she doesn’t like.
s: lin mei likes science, p.e., music and chinese history club, but
学生一般最喜欢周末,这里用weekday 更合适
she doesn’t like math, history or volleyball.
4. work on 3b. (完成p75 – 3b)
t: is tuesday a busy day for lin mei? why?
s: ….
t: is her volleyball teacher fun?
s: no, he’s very strict.
t: are your teachers strict, too?
s: …
t: who’s strict?
t: after volleyball class, how is lin mei?
s: she is very tired.
t: are you tired after school?
t: lin mei is very tired after school because she has many things to do. what things does she do? and when does she do them? now read again and finish her schedule.
time subjects like
/doesn’t like why? time
like/doesn’t like why?
8:00 to 9:00 math

12:00 to 1:00 lunch

9:00 to 10:00 science
1:00 to 2:00 music

10:00 to 11:00 history boring 2:00 to 4:00 volleyball
11:00 to 12:00 p.e. 4:00 to 5:00 chinese history club

1. what subject does lin mei have at 8:00?

1. does she like math?
2. what subject does lin mei have at 9:00?
3. does she like science?
4. why does she like it?
5. what subject does lin mei have at 10:00?
6. does she like history?
7. why does she like it?
t: can you say something about lin mei’s day according to the chart on the screen?
5. work on 3c. (完成p75 – 3c)
t: if you’re lin mei, do you like tuesday? do you like to be busy? 12345678910111213
s: no.(如果肯定问is tuesday your favorite school day?)
t: then what’s your favorite school day?
s: …
t: what’s your favorite day? now please write your schedule for that day, just like lin mei’s.

t: ok, now tell the reasons why you like it and give a report.
i like _________ best. it is the ________ day of the week. on that
day, i have______________________________________________
are my favorite subjects. in the ______class, we can _____________
and ___________________________________________________
(e.g. report: i like tuesday best. on that day, i have english, math, p.e. and music. english and music are my favorite subjects. in the english class, we can play games and we can also learn many things about foreign countries. we love our english teacher very much. p.e. is also my favorite subject. we can exercise and play basketball. we really like basketball and we can play together.)
6. groupwork.(小组合作)
t: i know some of you like monday, but some of you like other school days. different students have different favorite school days. so it’s difficult to make one schedule for all the students. please design your favorite timetable for one day and fill in the chart, then tell why you’d like a timetable like this, you can work with your group members. we will see which group is the best.

time things to do reasons
in the
morning (8:00 – 9:00) (have music class) (relaxing)

in the

my favorite day will be like this. in the morning, we ___________
in the afternoon, we ______________________________________
(e.g. report: my favorite day will be like this. in the morning, we
have english, math, science and p.e.. we can learn a lot about
english, math and science. the last class in the morning is p.e., it’s
relaxing and interesting. and we like ball games, we can exercise
and play balls in the p.e. class. in the afternoon, we have music and
art. they are our favorite subjects. after that at about4:00, our
school is over. we can do the things we like by ourselves.)
7. homework
oral homework:
listen to the tape and recite the letter.
written homework:
make a schedule about your favorite school day and do a report.

通过问左边的问题,可以让学生相互问答,也可教师问学生答,让学生把关键词填入表格,以便学生复述和仿写。 12345678910111213






unit 12 my favorite subject is science.
(the 5th period self-check)
teaching aims:(教学目标)
1. revise and consolidate the languages learned in this unit.
2. learn to reply a letter. (学习写一封回信。)
3. revise the important things by doing a small text. (通过小测验来复习本单元所学过的重点内容。)
language points:(语言点)
review the key words presented in this unit.
teaching steps (教学步骤):
1. warming-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)
1) read the chant in the grammar focus.
2) sing the song of weekdays
3) quick response: get the students answer quick in chain.
t: the second day of the week is_________.
s1: monday. the fifth day of the week is _________. s2!
s2: ….
2. work on 3 on p76 (完成p76 – 3)
1) listen to the tape about zhao jie’s studies and find the answer to the question.
t: well, today we are going to meet a boy. his name is zhao jie. he doesn’t think he is a good student. now listen carefully and find the answer to the question.
what is zhao jie’s favorite?
2) listen again and repeat.
3) read and write a letter to zhao jie.
t: please write a letter to zhao jie and tell him your school life. please write an outline with your partner first. then you can write about it.
4)have two students read their letters and ask other students to take notes and find the mistakes.
3. enjoy just for fun on p76 (欣赏just for fun)
t: we know different people have different favorite things. we can’t judge a person by his/her appearance. now read “just for fun”.
s:…(take a moment to read the story)
t: what’s the small boy’s favorite subject?
s: …
t: does he look like a hard-working student? why?
s: …
t: does he look like a sports player?
s: …
t: so why is the big boy very surprised?
s: …
t: yeah, different people have different favorite things. we can’t depend on what he looks like.
at last let’s have a dictation and a test for this unit.
i hope you can do a good job!
4. dictation:(听写下列单词和词组,时间为五分钟)
1.subject 2. favorite 3.science 4.because 5.teacher 6.city 7.sunday 8.thursday 9.be strict with 10.play with
5. grammar test (打在幻灯片上, 或事先印在纸上发给学生,时间为10分钟) 12345678910111213
1. at school my favorite s________ is math.
2. music is very r_________, i like it very much.
3. i like drawing a lot, so i join the a________ club.
4. mary has biology only on w____________.
5. on m_________, i don’t have science.
6. f________ is my favorite day of the week.
7. the third day of the week is ___________.
8. the last day of the week is ____________.
9. i like p.e., b________ it’s fun.
10. my father is always s_________ with me.
11. p.e. class is exciting, but it often makes me t________.
12. today is very b_________, i have many classes.
(key: subject, relaxing, art, wednesday, monday, friday, tuesday, saturday, because, strict, tired, busy.)
jack is my brother. he _________ up at 7:00a.m. and he __________ to school at 8:00a.m. he_________ science at 9:00a.m. and then he has math class at 10:00a.m. math is his ___________ subject. he __________ math ___________ it’s interesting. mr tan is his math __________. he is very __________ with jack. at 12:00 jack eats __________ and then he has music at 1:00p.m. he has history class _________ 2:00p.m. he __________ like history, because it is so boring. but jack really likes __________ art class. he has art class __________ wednesday at 3:00p.m.
(key: gets, goes, has, favorite, likes, because, teacher, strict, lunch, at, doesn’t, his, on)
6. homework
1) finish part 1 and 2 of the self–check.
2) finish the workbook p48.
第3环节要求学生除了写自己喜欢的科目外,还可以写自己的学习生活等,老师可以使用适当的中文进行要求讲解(操作建议:1.请学生注意写信的格式 2. 教给学生一些写作技巧,如逻辑性、层次性等。3.让学生先列出提纲。4.根据提纲写信)

unit12 (revision)teaching goals:
1. revise the subjects (chinese ,math,english , science ,history, p.e ,music .etc. )
2. revise seven days of a week and some new words (useful, boring,fun, interesting,relaxing, exciting.
3. revise the sentence patterns : what’s your/his/her favourite suject/day/sport.etc.?
my/his/her favourite suject/day/sport is …… .
why do you like/dislike math/music …… ?
because it’s usefuf /fun ……
focus : the new words and the sentence patterns .
teaching projector : cai
step1. revision
1) show some pictures of the subject books (chinese ,math,english , science ,history, p.e ,music .etc. )
ask “what’s this ?” “spell it, please”.
2) in the same way, revise the seven days of a week and the words ((useful, boring,fun, interesting,relaxing, exciting.)
step2 . ask and answer
ask and answer in pairs : what’s your/his/her favourite suject/day/sport.etc.? 12345678910111213
my/his/her favourite suject/day/sport is …… .
why do you like/dislike math/music …… ?
because it’s usefuf /fun ……
step3. interview and report
1) interview your group members about their favorite subjects and the reasons and also who are the teachers of the subjects. then report the results to the whole class.
(report :my favorite subject is english because it’s useful and interesting. my english teacher is mr. yang .i like him very much .he is funny. li xia’s favorite subject is …
name i student1 student2 student3
favorit subject english
name of the teacher mr.yang
reasons(s) useful,interesting

please design your favorite timetable for one day and fill in the chart .then tell your members why you’d like a timetable like this.
(report1. i like friday best. on that day, i have math, english , science, p.e ,music and chinese . english, math, music are my favourite subjects. in english class, we can learn many useful things about foreign countries and also play games. in math class, we can do some interesting problems . we have pe classes on tuesday and thuesday.it’s really relaxing and funny. i like basketball very much. …….
time things to do like /dislike reason(s)

in the morning have musicclass
8:00 ---- 8: 45
like interesting

in the afternoon

step4. practice
do some exercises.
homework :
1. write a letter to your pen pal and introduce your shool life .
2. chant the rhyme:
sunday 星期天,电视里看卡通片。
monday 星期一,小朋友们在一起。
tuesday 星期二,我们都是好伙伴。
wednesday 星期三,讲究礼貌不嘴馋。
thursday 星期四,不向妈妈要零食。
friday 星期五,认真学习不马虎。
saturday 星期六,动物园里走一走。



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