
小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-21 网络整理 晴天


(人教pep)五年级英语上册教案 unit3

课 题: unit3 what your favorite food? 第一课时
教学内容: let’s start main scene let’s chant a. let’s learn group work

be able to listen, say, read and write four-skills words: tomato, tofu, green beans  fish, potato, eggplant.
can recognize the words: cabbage, mutton, pork.
grasp the drill: what would you like for lunch?
can listen and chant. 
重点难点: four-skills words and sentences.. 
教具准备: recorder, tape, picture, cards, color pens, white papers.。 理论依据
教 学 过 程
 step i  warm  up
sing a song
review the words
review the structures: what would you like four lunch/…?
                     i’d like…
stepⅱ preview
listen and chant (book4 unit6 b. let’s chant)
let’s start
t shows the picture then says: i’m yummy to eat. i’m yellow and long. i grow on the tree. my name begins with the letter as “bee”. what am i?
(let ss guess: what’s this?)
stepⅲ presentation
let’s learn
a. guess: i’m yummy to eat. i’m red and round. i grow on the ground. my name begins with the letter as “tea”. what am i? – tomato
b. t shows the word card, reads the word“tomato”, ss read and spell it: t-o-m-a-t-o, tomato.
c. teach the other words.
play game: t: eggplant. ss: purple…
t: red.  ss: tomato…
listen to the tape and read the words: cabbage, tomato, tofu, eggplant, mutton, fish, potato, green beans.
have a race: spell the four-skills words quickly.
let’s chant
learn to chant: what would you like for lunch?
3. group work
step iv consolidation and extension
action 1: 编谜语
action 2: 做调查( what would you like for breakfast/lunch/supper…
i’d like…)
do exercises
listen and repeat 1.create a relaxed and active classroom atmosphere. let the students learn to communicate freely.

2.guide the new knowledge naturally from teacher and students’ communicating.

3.let ss understand and get to know the knowledge continuously,and learn the knowledge in the communicative activities.

思   单词和句型在第四册中都以接触过,学生掌握较快;在一些名词的单复数上问题较多,主要表现可数和不可数名词以及词的变化上。


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