
小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-20 网络整理 晴天


module 6 travel
unit 2  it’s in the north of china.
(一) 语言知识目标:
1、掌握where did you go for your holidays? where is …?  it’s in the north/ south/ east/ west of china.等句型,能描述某个地方的方位。
2、新授单词:parent, rode, horse, climb, holiday
step1: warmer:
1. sing a song: oh, we love holidays.
2. talk freely.
t: i love holidays! i went to qingdao for my holidays.(出示教师去青岛旅游的照片) where is qingdao? it’s in the east of china. (出示单词卡片:east, west, south, north)
3、ask and answer.(pair work)
s1: where did you go for your holidays?
s2: i went to ..
s1: where is it?
s2: it’s in the… of china.
(设计意图:通过合作对话的方式操练本单元的重点句型,学会描述城市方位,培养学生的综合语言运用能力。) xkb1.com
step2:learn the text:
1.(出示新疆的图片)t: where is it? it’s xinjiang. there are many famous places in xinjiang. look, this is the tianshan mountain. and this is the tianchi lake. how beautiful! our friend---- lingling went to xinjiang last year. let’s have a look.
(课件出示问题) 1) who did lingling go with?
              2) where is xinjiang?
              3) did she have a good time?
播放1—2 遍录音,让学生边听录音边找答案。xkb1.com
2.listen and repeat。
3.read the text and find the difficulties。
1) listen to the tape.
2) write your travelling story.


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