
小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-21 网络整理 晴天


lesson 1 at the greengrocer’s
lesson 2 i’m hungry.
lesson3 what’s for breakfast?
lesson 4 help yourselves,please.
lesson 5 let’s go to mcdonald’s.
lesson6 what food do you like?
lesson 7 in the restaurant
lesson 8 what do you need?
lesson 9 the doctor’s advice
lesson 10 would you like to go outside with me?
lesson 11 what’s your hobby?
lesson12 a sports meeting
lesson 13  how often do you go hiking?
lesson 14 have a good habbit.

lesson 1 at the greengrocer’s
本课通过在水果蔬菜店水果蔬菜选购,学习表达自己的一些喜好及一些水果蔬菜的名称。学会说what do you want?询问别人的需要。会说  we want some vegetables.i would like cherries.等句型来表达自己的需要。掌握单词和短语greens , celery , cherries , nice and sweat。归纳字母a在重读开音节中的读音规则。
教学目的 :
 what do you want?
   we want some vegetables.
i would like cherries.
  greens  celery  cherries  nice and sweat
1.教师准备一张水果蔬菜店的张贴画,画中尽量多地画出各种水果蔬菜 。
2:准备 greens  celery  cherries  nice and sweat 的单词卡片。
6. 学生准备纸和水彩笔。
1. 热身(warming up)
t: look at the picture.is it beautiful?
ss: yes.
t: what is it?老师边指着张贴画边慢慢地说: it’s a greengrocer’s. what’s in the greengrocer’s? let’s have a look. oh. what are these? 老师先指着学生们学过的某种蔬菜问,让大部分学生都能立刻答出来。
ss: they are….
t: do you like them?
ss: yes/no.
t:what are those? 老师再指着学生们学过的另一种水果或蔬菜问,让学生集体回答。
ss: they are… .
t: are they nice?
ss: yes,they are./no, they aren’t,
t: that are those? do you know? 老师再指着学生们学过的另一种水果或蔬菜问,让学生个别回答。
s: … .
2. 新课展示(new presentation)
  1)老师展示蔬菜水果店的张贴画介绍生词:this is a greengrocer’s. it is beautiful, isn’t it?
but what is a greengrocer’s?
   a greengrocer’s is a kind of shop .  we can buy kinds of  fruits and vegetables in it.
   老师出示词卡,师生拼读拼写单词green-gro-cer’s  greengrocer’s
greengrocer’s 是一个合成词,由green和grocer “供应商,杂货商”两个单词构成。’s这种所有格形式通常用来表示 “某人的家,某人的店”等意思。12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
如:医生的诊所the doctor’
理发店 the barber’s
我叔叔的家 my uncle’s
 要去买水果蔬菜,我们可以说:we are going to the greengrocer’s.
 在买水果蔬菜,就说;we are at the greengrocer’s.    
   2) 老师自问自答:what can we buy there?
 we can buy fruits there. we can buy bananas, apples, peaches, grapes. watermelon and cherries. (出示各种水果,最后出示没学过的水果樱桃 ) 
老师出示词卡,师生拼读拼写单词 cher-ry cherry 樱桃.
look.these are cherries.small,red and round. they are nice and sweat.i like them.
3) nice and sweat.又甜又好吃。我们常用这个短语形容好吃的水果。
the appls are nice and sweat.
the grapes are nice and sweat.
what about the peaches ? wow! they are nice and sweat.
the watermelon is nice and sweat.
   4) now i want to cook.i want some vegetables.我想做饭,想要一些蔬菜。
   复习单词 vegetable 蔬菜,注意纠正个别学生的发音,不要把第二个音节中的/  / 读成/  /。
5)what do you want? i want some greens.
出示图卡和词卡 ,学习单词green 。我们学过这个单词,问问学生是否记得是什么意思。
   6)what are these? they are celeries.
老师指着张贴画上的芹菜自问自答 。
出示图卡和词卡 ,学习单词 ce-le-ry  celery 芹菜。这个单词按音节很好记。师生一起从小声到大声重复单词四遍。
7)i want some celeries, too. but celeries are expensive.
    出示词卡,学习单词ex-pen-sive  expensive 形容词,贵的。这个单词按音节很好记,但要注意,这个单词的重音在第二个音节上。师生一起从小声到大声重复单词四遍。
the coat is nice but expensive.
the bananas are not expensive, but the cherries are very expensive.香蕉不贵,但樱桃很贵。
let’s listen to the dialogue,then answer the questions.
1)where are they?
     (they are at the greengrocer’s.)
2)what do they want?
     (they want some fruit. )
3)what does tom want?
     (he would like cherries.)
4)are cherries expensive?
      (yes,they are.)
5)what about dad? what does he want?
      (he wants celery.)
6)would they buy some?
      (yes.they are expensive but nice and sweat.)
2)group work.说说演演:
让全班学生自由结合分成三到四人一组的小组,每个小组选一人当水果蔬菜店的售货员,其他同学当顾客,到店里买各种水果蔬菜,老师可以在活动前先引导学生复习一下我们学过的蔬菜水果(让学生看卡片或实物快速说出各种水果蔬菜:洋葱,胡罗卜,西红柿,黄瓜,茄子,青菜,芹菜,苹果,香蕉,樱桃,草莓等。  ),然后规定好必须要说的几个句子,还可以拓展到价格的商谈,如:how much is it? it is…. how much are they? they are…. 先让学生分组准备,然后再按组表演。
 what do you want?
 i want....
 i don’t want....
 …is/are expensive.
 it is/they are nice and sweat.
5 语音学习:
老师先引导学生复习元音字母a在重读闭音节,也就是以辅音结尾的音节中的读音规则,读短音/ /,如:flag  map  cat  fat  bad
然后老师再给出另一组单词,引导学生归纳元音字母a在重读开音节中,也就是以元音结尾的音节,或以不发音的字母e结尾的音节中读长音,即: /  /  ,如:name  face  lake  cake  plane
读读下面的单词:late  tape  date  snake  page
lesson 2 i’m hungry.
前面我们学习了一些蔬菜水果及自己的喜好方面的话题。本课我们要继续学习食物方面的话题, 学会说i’m hungry. i’m thirsty.来表达自己饥,渴的感觉。会说 what do you want to eat? i like….i don’t like….这些句型来询问对方想吃什麽,回答自己喜欢吃什么。在食物这方面的话题中掌握更多的单词和短语:beef  soup  coke  chocolate  beer  chicken
教学目的 :
i’m hungry. i’m thirsty.
what do you want to eat?
 i like….
i don’t like….
 beef  soup  coke  chocolate  beer  chicken
2.准备beef  soup  coke  chocolate  beer  chicken  的单词卡片和图片。
3.准备一些实物, 如:巧克力,可乐,啤酒等
2. 热身(warming up)
t: look at the picture. what’s on the table? 老师指着画面提问,让学生观察。
ss: there is some food. 老师引导学生观察,说话。
t: yes.there are some delicious dishes and some nice drinks. 老师在边展示画面边慢慢地描述完之后,向学生a 提问what do you like,a?
sa: i like….老师启发学生尽量多的说出自己喜欢吃的食物,把学生说出的食物在图中指示出来,图中没有的话可通过画片或实物等方式展示出来。12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
t: do you like them,b? what else do you like?
sb :i like …. but i don’t like…  
t: 老师先说出自己喜欢的与学生相同的食物,然后再慢慢地说出本课要学习的新内容。i like … and …,too. but i also like to eat beef  and chicken.they are delicious. i like to drink soup , coke and beer . they are nice ,too. 
2. 新课展示(new presentation)
1)    老师边咽口水,装出很饿的样子,一边说话:
i’m hungry .i’m very very hungry.
然后看着张贴画高兴地说:dinner is ready. (展示张贴画) look. we have a lot of nice food on the table.饭好了。桌子上有好多好吃的。
let’s  see.oh,what is it?
老师指着图中的牛肉慢慢的重复: beef, beef, beef.
出示词卡 ,师生一起拼读单词beef, beef, beef。
ee是个常见的字母组合,读/  / 。
2)老师指向桌子上的鸡肉缓慢而神秘的说出i like beef.but i also like chicken.从小声到大声重复三遍chicken chicken, chicken 
出示词卡 ,师生一起拼读单词chi-cken chi-cken chicken
 这是一个双音节词,ch 是个常见的字母组合,读/  / . ck字母组合读/  /.
3) game: beef or chicken?通过这个活动来巩固一下单词。
  老师先通过发指令让喜欢吃鸡肉的同学站起来,大声地说三遍这个单词,然后再发指令让喜欢吃牛肉的同学站起来,大声地说三遍这个单词,最后分别由喜欢吃鸡肉和喜欢吃牛肉的同学对抗,大声地说句子:we like…. we don’t like….
t: who likes chicken? please stand up. say “chicken” together three times.
 t:who likes beef ? please stand up. say “beef” together three times.
 ss:we like chicken. chicken, chicken, chicken .
we don’t like beef. beef, beef, beef .
 ss:we like beef. beef, beef, beef . 
we don’t like chicken. chicken, chicken, chicken .
4) dinner is ready.
  5) 老师指示图中的蔬菜喝汤说:there are vegetables and soup. they are delicious.好吃,美味。
出示词卡 ,师生一起拼读单词 soup  注意其中的字母组合读。
  出示词卡 ,师生一起拼读单词 delicious美味。de-li-cious 有三个音节,重音在第二个音节,最后一个音节中cious读/  / delicious 
说说这些句子:the food is delicious.
i like the delicious soup.
my mother often cooks delicious food for us.
6) 老师满足的拍着肚皮,但做出要喝的样子说:
 now i’m full but thirsty.   i want some drinks.
     i like coke(指着图中的可乐) and beer(指着图中的啤酒). 
     出示词卡 ,师生一起拼读单词coke 。
 出示词卡 ,师生一起拼读单词  beer  字母组合 eer 读/  /.12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
如:what drinks do you like, water,coke,coffee, tea, milk,spring or beer? (出示各种饮料 )
       i like water or tea.i don’t like coke or spring .我爱喝水或茶,我不爱喝可乐或雪碧。
7)i like…. i don’t like….我喜欢…。我不喜欢…。
       如:i like beef.i don’t like chicken.
my grandpa likes tea.he doesn’t like coke.
miss white likes milk.she doesn’t like coffee.
    8) now i’m full.我吃饱了。full 满的。在这里指吃饱了。
a:let’s listen to the dialogue,then answer the questions.
1)what’s on the table?
     (a lot of food.)
2)is snow white hungry?
    (yes,she is.)
3)what does she like?
     (she likes chicken.she doesn’t like beef. she likes the soup,too. it’s delicious.)
4)is she thirsty?
     (yes.she wants some drinks.she likes coke.)
5)whose home is it ,do you know?
     (it’s the seven dwarfs’home.)
b:wonderful美的,好的,精彩的。这是一个形容词,用来对某个事物表示赞赏。 如:it’s a wonderful party.那是一个精彩的晚会。
the dinner is wonderful.这顿饭很好。
   do a survey and talk in groups:做个调查,调查的对象可以是家人、朋友或同学,把他们喜欢的吃的、喝的填入列表中,然后在小组内说说各自的调查结果。
  likes dislkes
lesson3 what’s for breakfast?
我们学习了一些蔬菜水果食物饮料及自己的喜好。本课我们要继续学习食物方面的话题,学习一日三餐要吃什么。学会说what’s for breakfast/lunch/dinner(supper)? we have….等句型,掌握更多的饮食方面的词汇:sausage  hot dog  milk  juice bread  restaurant。
学习字母 e在重读闭音节中的读音规则。
教学目的 :
what’s for breakfast/lunch/dinner(supper)?
we have….  
   sausage  hot dog milk juice bread  restaurant
1.教师根据11页的两张主图中的内容做两个简单的课件, 再根据13页的上面的一幅图中的内容做个简单的课件。
2.准备sausage  hot dog  milk  juice  bread  restaurant
3. 准备一些实物。火腿肠,热狗,牛奶,果汁,面包等。准备更多的食物饮料的图片。
4.准备一组含有字母e在开音节中读长音/  /的单词,再准备一组含有字母组合ee读/  /的单词,准备一组含有字母组合ea读/  /的单词。12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
3. 热身(warming up)
(课件中的两个人物.a是男孩 b是妈妈)
a:mum, i’m hungry.what’s for breakfast?
  b:we have milk,eggs and bread.
a:mum,i’m hungry and thirsty.what’s for lunch?
  b: come and have a look.
  a:oh,sausages and hot dog.and juice,too. i like them.thank you,mum.
2. 新课展示(new presentation)
1)         what’s for breakfast?早餐我们吃什么?也可以这样问:what do we have for breakfast?
复习单词 breakfast 。 break-fast 是一个双音节词,第一个音节中的字母组合ea读/  /,非重读音节中的元音字母a读轻音/  /,这样记这个单词就容易了。
2)        出示词卡 ,师生一起拼读单词milk(示词卡 )牛奶,bread(示词卡 )面包
  这两个单词都符合读音规则,milk是重读闭音节的单音节词,其中的元音字母读其短音/  /。而bread中的字母组合ea同breakfast中的读音,读/  /。
   中国人的早餐很丰富,除了牛奶,鸡蛋,稀饭、饼、馒头等也常是中国人的早餐。因此,老师是可以根据学生的接收情况补充一些词汇,如:porridge,pancake,steamed bread,stuffed bun等。
a:what do you have for breakfast?
    b:i don’t have milk or bread.i have porridge and pancake. 稀饭,饼。
    a:do you have bread?
    b:no. i don’t like dread. sometimes i have stuffed bun.i have milk in the evening.
老师播放第二个课件,继续教授句型词汇。 (课件中是主页下图中的两个人物.a是男孩 b是妈妈)
a:i’m hungry,mum. what’s for lunch?
  b:we have sausages and hot dog.
a:i like them. thanks,mum. and i’m thirsty. i want juice. 
b:all right.here you are.
3)what’s for lunch? 午餐我们吃什么?也可以这样问:what do we have for lunch ? i like sausages and hot dog.
出示词卡 ,师生一起拼读单词sausage 香肠  hot dog   热狗 juice 果汁。
  sausage sau-sage 是个双音节词,字母组合au 读/  /,非重读音节中的元音字母a读轻音/  /。ge读 /  /.
  注意juice的读音。j读/  /,ce读/  /,中间的元音ui读/  / 。
sausage sausage sausage
hot dog  hot dog  hot dog
juice  juice  juice
老师播放第三个课件,继续教授句型词汇。 (13页上图中的两个人物.a是男孩 b是爸爸)
a: what’s for dinner?
  b: let’s go to the restaurant.12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
4) what’s for dinner?
dinner正餐,晚饭,也叫 supper。由于现在很多人午饭时间短,正餐就在晚上吃,所以晚饭也是正餐,叫做dinner 。
出示词卡 ,师生一起拼读单词 restaurant餐馆    res-tau-rant  多音节词,注意单词重音,按音节拼读。
let’s listen to the dialogue,then answer the questions.
1)what do they have for breakfast?
     (they have milk,eggs and bread.)
2)what do they have for lunch?
     (they have sausages and hot dogs.)
(1)    老师把今天学过的词汇图片面向着学生,背对着老师举在面前,提示学生问老师:
what’s for breakfast?
what’s for lunch?
what’s for  dinner/supper?
we have sausage?
 we have hot dog?
we have  milk?
 we have juice and sausage ?
 we have bread and milk?
 we have sausage ,milk and bread?
what’s for breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper?
what do we have for breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper?
we have….
we have … and ….
we have …,… and ….
(3)和以前学过的食物类词汇图片做let’s practise(ii). 根据表格所示,看看他们在餐馆吃什么。 
mum:i like juice and bread for dinner.
dad:i like milk and sausage for dinner.
tom: i like hot dog and eggs for dinner.
5 语音学习:
学习字母 e在重读开音节中的读音规则。
字母e在重读闭音节中 , 也就是以辅音结尾的音节中, 读   /  /  。
如:red  leg  bed
   在重读开音节中,也就是以元音结尾或以不发音的e 结尾的音节中, 读   /  / ,ee字母组合也读/  /, ea字母组合有时也读/  / 。
如:  she  me  we  need  green  sea
   these theme beef  keep meat read  team  leader beat  heat
lesson 4 help yourselves,please.
我们学习了一些蔬菜水果食物饮料及自己的喜好。本课通过句型what’s your favorite…? 继续学习食物方面的话题,学说自己喜爱的食物。学会请别人吃东西help yourself to…,用动词的单数第三人称likes,wants等谈论他人喜欢什么,不喜欢什么。掌握单词和短语grapes,  dates,  fish,  rice。
教学目的 :
what’s your favorite fruit ?
i like bananas.
help yourselves, please.12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
 help yourself to some fish.
 thank you.
  grapes  dates  fish  rice  
2.准备一张16页主图一家人用餐的张贴画,画中尽量多的画出各种饭菜 。
3.准备grapes  dates  fish  rice  的单词卡片。
4. 热身(warming up)
老师展示课件,课件中的两个人物a是男孩 b是妈妈。 对话内容如下:
a:i’m hungry,mum. what’s for lunch?
  b:we have fish(闪动 ) and rice(闪动).
a:they are my favorite food. i like them. thanks,mum. and i’m thirsty. i want juice.  juice is my favorite drink.
b: here you are. help yourself to some vegetables. and you must have some fruit after lunch.
a:all right.
2. 新课展示(new presentation)
 1) 老师利用一张一家人用餐的张贴画,师生进行对话引出本课话题。
t: look at the picture. what’s on the table? 老师指着画面提问,让学生观察。
ss: there are some fruits. 老师引导学生观察,说话。
t: yes.there are some  nice fruits. 老师边展示画面边慢慢的描述:i like bananas. banana is me favorite fruit.
之后,向学生a 提问:
what do you like,a? what’s your favorite fruit?
sa: i like….
my favorite fruit is ….
t: do you like them,b? 老师再转向另一个学生。what’s  your  favorite fruit?
sb :i like …and ….  老师引导学生说话 …and … are my favorite fruits.
2)they are my favorite food.这是我最爱吃的食物。
 juice is my favorite drink.果汁是我最爱喝的饮料。
 favorite 形容词 喜爱的,爱吃的。
我们可以这样问:what’s your favorite …?来了解某人的喜好。回答可以是:
   my favorite… is….
   i like….
 (1)t:do you know my favorite color?
 ss: your favorite color is red/green/purple/yellow/blue…
t:… is my favorite color. i like ….
 (2)t: what’s my favorite subject?
ss:your favorite subject is chinese/maths/arts/english…
t:… is my favorite subject. i like ….
(3)y:what is my favorite animal?
   ss:your favorite animal is ….
    t:… is my favorite color. i like ….
3)    grapes are my favorite fruit .  and i like dates,too. they are nice and sweat.
出示词卡 ,师生一起拼读单词grape,   date 。12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
 what’s your favorite fruite?
 my favorite fruite is….
 i like….
  4) my favorite food is rice(示该词图卡).and i like fish (示该词图卡)very much.
   出示词卡 ,师生一起拼读单词 rice , fish 。
这两个单词也都符合读音规则,而且都是很正规的含有元音字母i的开音节和闭音节的单词,让学生联想一下前面学过的i在重读闭音节中的读音规则,看他们能不能按照读音规则一下子就记住fish 这个单词。再介绍一下i在重读开音节中的读音规则,看他们能不能按照读音规则记住rice 这个单词。
5)    help yourselves,please.吃吧吃吧。
help yourself to some vegetables.吃点蔬菜吧。
 help yourself to…请别人吃东西,吃点…吧。常在餐桌上用这样的话来招呼别人吃东西。回答可以说:thank you.之类的话。
yourself 是反身代词,也叫自身代词,你自己。 yourselves 是复数。其他的此类代词还有:
myself    ourselves
himself  herself   themselves
let’s listen to the dialogue,then answer the questions.
1) what’s the grandma’s favorite fruit?
     (she likes bananas.)
2)what about the grandpa?
      (he likes dates.)
3)does sam like grapes?
      (no,he doesn’t.his favorite fruit is pineapple.)
4)what does billy like,do you know?
      (apples,i think.)
  1)whose favorite?
  t:(拿出一张鱼或其他任意一张图片问)whose favorite food(drink) is it?
  s:(喜欢这种食物或饮料的同学要迅速站起,并大声说)fish is my favorite food(drink). i like it very much.
  t:(图片给这个学生)help yourself to some fish.
  s: thank you.
his/her favorite a b c
 a, b,c分别为三个采访对象。
 what’s your favorite…?
 my favorite… is…./ i like ….
 xxx’ favorite… is….
 he/she likes….
lesson 5 let’s go to mcdonald’s.12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
中餐很美味,你吃过西餐吗?mcdonald’s是全球最大的西餐快餐店之一,在那里吃个汉堡,来块鸡翅,喝杯可乐,还可以吃个冰激淋,不错吧。学习在mcdonald’s里吃东西。学习句型:what can i do for you? what would you like? i’d like a hamburger and an apple pie .掌握词汇:hamburger,  french fries , strawberry, ice cream,  apple pie,  coffee,  tea学习字母 i在重读开音节中的读音规则。
教学目的 :
what can i do for you?
what would you like?
i’d like a hamburger and an apple pie . 
  hamburger  french fries  strawberry ice cream  apple pie  coffee  tea
3.了解字母i 在重读开音节中的读音规则。
2:准备hamburger  french fries  strawberry ice cream  apple pie  coffee  tea   的单词卡片。
4.准备更多的食物饮料类的图片。如:火腿肠,热狗,牛奶,果汁,面包,  汤,可乐,水,果汁等 。
1. 热身(warming up)
(a:boy b:mum)
  a: hi, mum .i’m hungry. what’s for lunch?
  a:sorry.i don’t know.
b:let’s go to mcdonald’s .
  a: mcdonald’s . that’s great.i like the hamburger and apple pie. and the strawberry ice cream is my favorite.
  b:that’s ok.let’s go.
2. 新课展示(new presentation)
waitress: (热情的招呼客人) hello.what can i do for you?
mum: (转向儿子) what would you like, dear?
boy:(回答妈妈) i’d like a hamburger and an apple pie .
mum: (转向服务员)two hamburgers, an apple pie and some french fries.
waitress: (服务员抬头再问)what else?
mum: a coke and a strawberry ice cream.
waitress: is that all?
mum: yes.how much?
waitress: forty yuan.
mum:here you are.
waitress:thank you.
1)    what can i do for you?
this is a sentence a waiter or waitress often uses in the market or restaurantto greet the customer.服务用语,我能为你做点什么呐?/你要点什么?常用的服务用语还有: can i help you?
 the answer can be: i’d like….我想要点….
 what would you like? 你想要点什么?the sentence is often used to ask somebody what he/she wants to eat,drink or get.常用来询问对方喜欢吃什么,喜欢喝什么,喜欢要什么东西。
  the answer also can be: i’d like….我想要点….
  t:what can i do for you?(给学生出示一张图片,引导学生按图回答)12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
  ss:i’d like ….
  t:here you are.(把图片教给学生)
  ss:thank you.
2) i’d like a hamburger and an apple pie . 通过图卡让学生认识这两种食物。
出示词卡 ,师生一起拼读单词 hamburger  ham-bur-ger 多音节词,让学生分成三个音节来记拼写。声音从小到大再从大到小分别重复三遍hamburger hamburger  hamburger
出示图卡、词卡 ,师生一起拼读单词apple pie     pie 派,馅饼。字母组合ie 读/  /。pie 根据其馅的不同有 strawberry pie   apple pie 等。 
出示图卡、词卡 ,师生一起拼读单词 french fries  薯条。
french法国的 fries油炸品。 french fries  法式土豆片,薯条。 french  ice cream 法式冰激凌 ,french pastry 法式点心
3)we have many drinks,like coke,juice and milk. and coffee and tea,too. 出示词卡 ,师生一起拼读单词cof-fee(图示)coffee  
常喝咖啡的人都知道, 有人喜欢喝black coffee不加奶的咖啡,有人喜欢 white coffee 加牛奶的咖啡,有人喝咖啡要加糖coffee with sugar  有人喝咖啡不加糖 coffee without sugar 。
出示词卡 ,师生一起拼读单词 tea(图示)茶。字母组合ea读/  /.
many chinese like tea.
coffee or tea?来问客人是要喝咖啡还是喝茶。
4)出示词卡 ,师生一起拼读单词a strawberry ice cream (图示)草莓冰激凌。  strawberry :a kind of fruit ,red ,sweat and sour.草莓。strawberry  是个合成词:straw稻草 berry浆果可以让学生分开记忆。
 ice, frozen water 冰。 cream奶油。 ice cream 冰激凌。
i like ice cream very much.it is nice and cool.
5)is that all?就这些吗?可用来询问别人:说完了吗?要的东西就是这些吗?
  回答可以是:that’s all.就这些了。
6)any  more?还有别的吗?还要什么吗?
  回答可以是:no more./that’s all.没别的啦。
7) how much? 多少钱? this is a way  to ask for price.
let’s listen to the dialogue,then answer the questions.
1) what would the boy like?
    (he would like a hamburger and an apple pie .)
2)what about the mother?
    (she wants a hamburger and some french fries.)
3)what else do they want?
    ( a coke and a strawberry ice cream.) 
4) how much is the food?
   ( forty yuan.)
    词汇巩固游戏:what’s missing?
    老师把今天所学的单词图片一个一个给学生看,大家一起说一遍,然后老师把这些图片贴在黑板上,再让学生看图说词,当学生已经能够顺利的说出所有单词时,老师突然去掉一张图片,问学生:what’s missing? 让学生想想,是什么不见了。学生猜出的顺利时,老师可以一次去掉两张图片,甚至三张,及时增加难度,直至老师把全部的图片都拿掉,学生也能把今天学的单词全部说出来为止。12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
字母i 在重读闭音节中,也就是以辅音结尾的音节中, 读短音/  /。
如:pig  film  milk 。
在重读开音节中,也就是以元音结尾的音节中, 读长音,也就是字母音/  /。
如 kite mike  bike  nice
给出更多的单词,包括一些生的单词让学生试着读出,帮助他们掌握这个读音规则:write  ice   polite  knife  pie  kite  shine  fine  ride
lesson6 what food do you like?
    各种美食,各地的风味。这一课我们来了解不同国家的人们不同的饮食习惯。 你是哪儿人?你喜欢吃什么口味?本课学习掌握这些句子:where are you from? i come from america. i often eat hamburgers.学会这些词汇:dumplings  vegetables  noodles  fried chicken 
教学目的 :
where are you from?
where does he come from?
 i come from america.
i often eat hamburgers.  
   dumplings  vegetables  noodles  fried chicken 
3.复习一些国名,了解更多的地名,复习方位词in the south/north/west/east of…。
1.教师准备课件,课件中一个中国小伙子与一个外国小伙正在麦当劳同桌进餐,一起交谈。对话内容参照 warming up 。
2:准备dumplings  vegetables  noodles  fried chicken 的单词卡片。
4. 准备一些国家的国旗:中国4面,美国,英国,日本,法国国旗各一面。
2. 热身(warming up)
a: where are you from, mrs smith?  are you english?
b: no.i’m from new york. i’m an american.
  a:do you like hamburger?
b:yes. we often eat hamburgers. where are you from?
a:i’m a chinese.i’m from changsha.
b:where is changsha?
  a:it is in the south of china.
b:do you often eat hamburgers?
  a:no.we like rice.
2. 新课展示(new presentation)
 1)i’m from the north of china.
i come from america.
i’m from japan.
i’m from england.
(1)be from sp./come from sp.是一个用来表示某人来自某地,某人是某地人的句型。后面可以跟国名或地名。
mr.black is from new york .it’s in the east of america.he is an american.
she comes from japan. she is a japanese.
rose is from france. she comes from paris. she is  french.12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
i’m a chinese. i come from xi’an.
i’m not from england. i’m not english.
     国名                  某国的,某国人
england                 english            london
    america                 american           new york
china                   chinese            beijing
  france                  french             paris
japan                   japanese           tokyo
  (2)in the east/west/north/south of 在某个范围的某个方位。
where is shanghai/ lasa/ guangzhou/shengyang?
it’s in the east/west/south/north of china.
2)linda and billy are from america. they often eat hamburgers.
she comes from japan. she likes fish and vegetables.
robin is from france.he is a french .he likes fried chicken.
li gang is from changsha. she likes rice.
zhang dan comes from beijing.he often has noodles and dumplings.
huang hai is from xining. he often eats mutton and beef.
i’m from xi’an .i like porridge,pan cake and stuffed buns.
3) 出示词卡 ,师生一起拼读单词 ve-ge-table vegetable(示图卡)多音节词,按音节来记,注意要读准单词重音。
there are many vegetables on the farm. look.what are they?
there are greens,tomatoes,carrats, and celeries.
what’s your favorite vegetables?
i like ….
4)出示词卡 ,师生一起拼读单词 fried chicken. 
fried油炸的。 chicken鸡肉。
fried chicken (示词卡 ) fried chicken
5)i’m from changsha.  changsha is in the south of china. we often eat rice.   we don’t like noodles.12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
出示图卡、词卡 ,师生一起拼读单词noodles 面条
注意这个单词中的字母oo组合读/  /。 
the people in the south of china like rice.
the people in the north of china like noodles and dumplings. people in beijing,tianjin, xi’an likes noodles very much. and they often eat dumplings.
 6) 出示图卡,词卡 ,师生一起拼读单词 dump-ling  dumpling , dumplings
这个单词是个双音节词,第一个音节为中都闭音节,元音字母u读短音/  /。ing字母组合读/  /。
3. 巩固活动:
 xining,tianjin, changsha,shanghai
(1) 指着地图上的美国问:
  t:look! look! what is it?
  ss:yes.yes. it is america. who is from america?
  s1:i’m from america.
  ss:what do you like to eat?
  s1:i like to eat humburger.(如果该同学答不出来,老师可以拿出一张或几张该地区代表性的食物,帮他回答问题)
  t:what does he like to eat?
  ss:he likes to eat hunmburger.
  t:look!what is it?
  ss:it’s beijing.
  t:where is it?
  ss:it’s in the north of china.who comes from beijing?
  s2:i come from beijing.
  ss:what do you like to eat?
  s2:i like to eat noodles and dumplings.
  t:what does she like to eat?
  ss:she likes to eat dumplings.
let’s listen to the dialogue,then answer the questions.
1)what do people in the north like ?
2)do americans often eat noodles?
(no.they often eat hamburgers and fried chicken.)
   3)what about japanese?
    (they like vegetables.)
lesson 7 in the restaurant
    在餐馆就餐,我们首先看看菜单,这里有什么饭菜,价钱怎样,再决定自己吃什么。这些句子能帮你顺利的在餐馆就餐:may i have the menu? i’d like some salad.shall we have some meat?  这一课的生词有: pork  meat  salad  menu学习字母 o 在重读开音节中的读音规则。
教学目的 :
may i have the menu?
i’d like some salad.
shall we have some meat?
we have pork but no chicken today.  
 pork  meat  salad  menu
3. 准备前几课学过的的食物饮料的图片和词卡。如:火腿肠,热狗,汉堡,牛奶,果汁,面包,米饭,面条,饺子,汤,鸡,鱼,大肉,牛肉,蔬菜,可乐,果汁,咖啡, 茶等。    12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
4.了解字母o 在重读开音节中的读音规则。
1.    根据对话内容,参找31页主图做一个课件。课件中的对话参照句型词汇学习中的内容设计。
3.准备pork  meat  salad  menu  的单词卡片。
3. 热身(warming up)
手偶a:tom b:mum 对话引出话题:
a:mum,i’m hungry and thirsty. is lunch ready?
  b:just a minute,please.
a:may i have a banana?
a:may i have an ice cream.
b:sorry.you may have it after supper.
  a:shall we have  fish?
  b: no.we have beef but no fish today.
2. 新课展示(new presentation)
  a是一位服务员。 b,c,d分别是顾客 。
 a:what would you like? can i help you?
  b:may i have the menu?
a:here you are.
  b:i’d like a hamburger and some salad .  sa-lad  salad(示词卡 )沙拉 salad
c: i’d like a hot dog and a sausage.
a: a hamburger and some salad for you. and a hot dog and a sausage for you.
 what about you? sir?salad? apple salad  pineapple salad  what salad would you like?
  d:shall we have some  chicken?
  a:sorry.we beef but no chicken today.
  d:ok.i want some beef.
1)    may i have the menu? 我看看菜单好吗?
  may i have …? 我可以要点……吗?
常用已提出请求,在餐厅是顾客向服务员提出要求的用语。certainly./sure./ok.或sorry,you can’t.
 如:may i have an ice cream,mum?    ok.
     may i have a look ? sure.here you are.
 2) shall we have  ...  ?一种客气的请求或是在同伴之间的提议,我们可以来点 ……吗?回答也是certenly./sure./ok.或sorry,you can’t.
  如:shall we have a break?我们休息一下好吗?
      shall we have dumplings for lunch? 午饭我们吃饺子好吗?
3)me-nu  menu 出示菜单说几遍之后,拿出词卡拼读  menu
  餐厅服务员可以这样帮顾客点餐:what would you like?   here is the menu.please have a look.
这是一个符合读音规则的单词 meat 中的字母组合ea读/  /。
billy likes meat very much .he is fat.
sue doesn’t like meat. she is thin.
shall we have some meat? 
5)the pork here is nice  
出示图卡和词卡拼读 pork  pork  pork
老师可以介绍一下字母组合or读/  /的现象。
 6) i’d like some salad.
 salad(示词卡)沙拉有各种水果切成小块加奶油拌成。sa-lad 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
3. 巩固活动:
ss:may i have some salad?
   s:sure.here you are.
   ss:thank you.
   ss:may i have xx,xx,and xx?
sorry.we  have beef but no pork today .
ss:shall we have tea?
s:sorry.we have coke but no tea today.
let’s listen to the dialogue,then answer the questions.
1)what would nancy like ?
2)what about bruce?
(he likes some meat.)
   3)do they have any pork?
     (yes.they have pork but they don’t have chicken.)
复习字母o在重读闭音节中,也就是以辅音结尾的音节中, 读短音/  /的现象。
fox  box  dog  cock top  clock  mop
o在重读开音节中,也就是以元音结尾的音节中, 读长音/  /。
如:nose home  those
 hole  coke  rose  note  pose vote yo yo  hole
lesson 8 what do you need?
我们用餐时,常根据各人不同的口味调不同的调料。中餐,西餐需要不同的餐具。这一课我们要学学调料和餐具。本课要学的句型:what do you need? i need some ketchup. pass me the knife,please.要掌握的单词:picnic  ketchup  sugar  salt  knife  fork  chopsticks  spoon
教学目的 :
what do you need?
i need some ketchup.
 pass me the knife,please. 
  picnic  ketchup  sugar  salt  knife  fork  chopsticks  spoon
3.了解中西方的不同饮食方式,掌握一些饮食文化 。
1.教师准备一张孩子们野餐的的张贴画,画中尽量多的画出食物、调料、水果和餐具 。
2:准备picnic  ketchup  sugar  salt  knife  fork  chopsticks  spoon  的单词卡片和图片。12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
3.准备一些食物、调料和餐具 。
4. 准备一些有缺失部分的词卡。如:p_cn_c  s_gar  sug_ _  ke_ _ _up
   s_ _t  _ _ife  kn_fe  f_ _k  _ _opsti_ _s  ch_pst_cks   sp_ _n  
5.根据对话内容,参照主图准备一段孩子们进行野餐的课件,展示本课话题。课件中的对话内容参照句型词汇学习 。 
4. 热身(warming up)
  t: look at the picture. what are they doing, ?
    ss: they are having a picnic.
t:oh, what a big meal! wat are thay eating?
    ss: they are having sausages,bread,milk….(老师引导学生尽量多的说出图中的食物。)
t:do you like milk? it’s good to your health.
t:i like milk. but i need some sugar in the milk. i like mike with sugar.
2. 新课展示(new presentation)
老师播放课件。 课件中的人物分别是本课主图中的maggie, billy ,bruce, alice和linda
 maggie:oh.i’m hungry.let’s have our picnic. billy,what would you like?
   billy: i’d like some sausages, and i need some ketchup.please pass me the ketchup and a spoon.
   bruce: ok.here you are.what do you need,alice?
   alice: bread and milk. pass me the knife,please.
   bruce: here it is!
   linda: you can have some sugar in the milk. i like milk with sugar.
1)a:what a big meal!真是一顿大餐!这种感叹句学生们以前应该见过,是what+名词构成。名词前也可以有形容词修饰。比如下列句子:
what a nice gift!
what a day!
what a lovely girl!
2)let’s have our picnic.我们来进行野餐吧。
出示图卡和词卡拼读 pic-nic picnic 野餐 这是一个双音节词,按读音规则很好记。
短语 have a picnic  进行野餐。
 we’ll have a picnic in the park this sunday.
 3) i’d like some sausages. i need a knife and a fork.我需要一付刀叉。need 动词,需要。
  如:what do you need?
      i need an umbrella. it’s raining hard.
      i’m very busy.i need your help.
      he is tired.he needs some rest.
4)出示图卡和词卡拼读 knife 
  这是一个重读开音节的单音节词,其中的元音字母i读长音/  /。辅音的字母组合kn也很常见,读/  /。
其中的字母组合or是个r音节,在重读音节中读/  /.
a knife and a fork 一幅刀叉,吃西餐时常用的餐具。
i need a knife and a fork to have the beef.
  5)please pass me the spoon.  请给我一把勺子。
pass me ... 递给我,传给我。这是一个祈使句。相似的句子还有:
give me…   给我…12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
show me…   给我看…
bring me…  给我拿来…
回答说:here you are.或 here it is. 给你。
出示图卡和词卡拼读spoon 注意字母组合oo 读/  /。比如说:
i need a spoon for the soup.我要个勺子喝汤 。 here you are.
6) i need some ketchup.
   出示图卡和词卡拼读ke-tchup ketchup 番茄酱
 i’d like the bread with  ketchup.我想要面包加番茄酱。  
7)and i can have some sugar in the milk. 我可以给牛奶加糖。
   出示图卡和词卡拼读su-gar   sugar 注意其中的s读/ /不读/ s /。
 have some sugar in  sth.给 …里放点糖。
比如:i’d like to have some sugar in the tea.
would you like to have some sugar in the coffee?
比如:tea with sugar
coffee with sugar
water with sugar
8) i need the chopsticks to have noodles. and i need some salt in it .
出示图卡和词卡拼读chop-sticks  chopsticks  筷子。这是一个合成词,由chop砍,切断,和stick 棍子两个单词构成。一般用复数。
出示图卡和词卡拼读 salt 盐。
i need some salt in the noodles. please give some salt.  
   1)老师拿出准备的有缺失部分的词卡。如:p-cn-c s-gar  sug--  ke---up  k-tch-p  s- -t  --ife  kn-fe  f- -k  --opsti- -s  ch-pst-cks   sp- -n
准备的调料图片有: 果酱,糖,盐
 请一个同学上来任意抽取一张食物的图片,这个同学根据抽取的图片(比如是面条)说:i’d like some noodles.what do i need?,全班同学接着说he’d like some noodles.what does he need? 下面的同学来抢答:he needs some salt. he needs chopsticks.
let’s listen to the dialogue,then answer the questions.
1)what  would billy like ?
2)what does mike need?
(he wants the ketchup and he needs a spoon.)
   3)does alice need a spoon?
    (no.she wants some bread and need a knife.)
lesson 9 the doctor’s advice
  美食固然诱人,但有的人贪食,也有的人厌食。怎么样合理饮食,我们来看看医生的建议。通过这一课的学习,使学生懂得怎样健康饮食。学习句型:  the doctor gave them some advice. he can eat /drink...  he can’t eat/drink...掌握单词和短语:worried  thin and weak  the doctor’s  sweats  hot  healthy12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
本课我们要接触到动词的过去时态,要学生初步了解这种时态的构成及意义。学习字母 u 在重读开音节中的读音规则。
教学目的 :
 the doctor gave them some advice.
 he can  drink milk every day.
he can’t eat many sweets.
   worried  thin and weak  the doctor’s  sweats  hot  healthy
3. 初步了解这种时态的构成及意义。
4.了解字母u 在重读开音节中的读音规则。
1.教师准备一张健康饮食的饮食计划 。
2.准备worried  thin and weak  the doctor’s  sweats  hot  healthy 的单词卡片和图片。
4. 录音机及录音带;
1. 热身(warming up)
(   a:一个朋友  b:一个瘦子)
a:you look thin and weak. what’s the matter?
  b:nothing serious.i just don’t feel like to eat.
  b:i don’t feel hungry.
a:you’d better go to the doctor’s. the doctor can give you some advice.
2. 新课展示(new presentation)
   1)jack is thin and weak.his mother is worried.
   thin and weak又瘦又弱。  thin瘦的,和fat 为反义词。weak弱的,和 strong为反义词。
you are tall. you look tall.
  xx is tall. he/she looks tall.
you are fat. you look  fat.
  xx is  fat. he/she looks  fat.
老师找出班上 又瘦又矮的同学,只是这他的瘦瘦的身体,对着他说:
you are thin. you look thin.
  xx is thin. he/she looks thin.
you are  short. you look  short.
  xx is   short. he/she looks short.
  billy is fat but his sister is thin.
billy is tall but his sister is short.
billy is strong but  his sister is weak.
2) his mother is worried.
be/feel worried 担心,忧愁   be worried about 为 …担忧。
 比如:don’t be worried about me .i can make it.别为我担心,我能搞定。
mum is worried about his health.妈妈为他的身体担心。
3)they went to the doctor’s.
   went-go去。 went是 go的过去式。让学生初步了解过去时态:英语中要陈述过去的事情时,动词要用其过去式,称之为动词的过去时态。而经常性的行为才用一般现在时态。12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
如:i go to school  every day. i went to school yesterday.
mother often goes to the greengrocer’s. she went there this morning.她今早去菜市场已经是过去的事了,就要用一般过去时态。
the doctor’s 医院,诊所。 the hospital or the clinic  
go to the doctor’s 去看病。
 如:my uncle’s 我叔叔家
     mir smith’s 斯密斯先生家/的店
     the barbar’s 理发店
i don’t feel well today. i’m going to the doctor’s.我今天感到难受,我打算去看医生。
4)the doctor gave them some advice.
   gave-give 给。 gave 是 give 的过去式。
 dad gave me a birthday gift that day.it was lovely. and my uncle gave me a nice gift ,too.
advice 不可数名词,建议的意思。注意这个单词的重音在第二个音节。第二个音节为重读开音节,i读长音/  /。字母组合ce读/  /。
give sb.some advice给某人一些建议。  follow one’s advice听从某人的建议。
i’ll give you some advice on the game. would you follow it?我给你一些玩这个游戏的建议,你愿不愿意照着玩?
5) he can’t eat too many sweats. he can’t eat hot food. then he will be healthy.
  hot热的,辣的。 hot food 辛辣食物。如:sichuan food is very hot.
   health名词,身体,健康。 heath-y形容词,健康的。 healthy life, healthy food
3. 巩固活动:
  thin and weak    fat and strong
  be worried
  go to the doctor’s
  give sb. good advice
you can eat/drink….
you can’t eat/drink….
let’s listen to the dialogue,then answer the questions.
1)why is mrs king worried ?
   ( because her son is thin and weak..)
2)where did they go?
(they went to the doctor’s. )
   3)did the doctor give them any advice?
   (yes,he did.)
复习字母u在重读闭音节中,也就是以辅音结尾的音节中读 /  /的现象,如:bus  cup  duck
u在重读开音节中,也就是以元音结尾的音节中, 读长音 /  /,如:
 puple  student  excuse
读读下面的单词: tube  use  huge stupid
lesson 10 would you like to go outside with me?
    如果你想建议别人干什么,你怎么说呢? 如果别人很客气的建议你干什么,你又怎么答复呢?学习句型:would you like to go outside with me? that’s a good idea.i’d like to,but i must do the house work.学会这些词语:parents   drawer   string   find     go outside12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
教学目的 :
would you like to go outside with me?
that’s a good idea.
i’d like to,but i must do the house work.  
  parents   drawer   string   find     go outside
2:准备parents   drawer   string   find     go outside的单词卡片。
3.准备一些户外运动的图片  如:游泳,放风筝,踢足球,打乒乓,跳绳,打篮球,打排球,划船,爬山等。再准备一些活动类图片和一些空白卡片。 
4. 准备俩个手偶,一个是妈妈,一个是女儿。
2. 热身(warming up)
  老师用手偶进行对话介绍本课主要内容。b是妈妈, a是女儿。
a:it’s sunny today.mum,would you like to go outside and  play with me?
  b:i’d like to,but i must do the housework now.
a:would you like to talk with me?
  b:that’s a good idea.
2. 新课展示(new presentation)
  (today is saturday.it’s sunny and windy.tom doesn’t need to go to school.he gets up early.he wants to go outside to play with his parents.)放着这段录音,画面上的汤姆早上起来,看看日历是星期六,再看看外面的天气,先跑过去找妈妈:
  tom:mum,i want to fly a kite.i need some string.
  mum:it’s in the string.can you find it?
  tom:yes. can you go outside and play with me?
  mum:i’d like to,but i must do the house work.
tom:dad,would you like to fly a kite with me?
dad:that’s a good idea.
  tom:mum,please join us.we can help you do the housework.
  mum:that’s great.
1)    go outside 出去。 outside表示位置的副词,在外面,与 inside相反
go/play outside   be outside
come/go inside    be inside
i’m waiting for you outside.我在外面等你.
 look outside the window.朝窗外看。
 2)parent父或母的任意一方 parents父母双方
   i live with my parents in the new flat.
   mir smith often comes back to see his old parents in the village.
   alice went to england with her parents.
3)where can i find a string? it’s in the drawer.
 find 动词,找到,注重于找的结果。
look for 寻找,注重于找的过程。
比如:i look for my pen in my bag,but can’t find it.
the students find some new words in the text.
you can find the grass under the tree.
the old man can’t find his cat.
4) string线   注意/s/ 后面的清辅音/tr/ 要发生浊化现象,读成相对的浊辅音/  /.字母组合ing读/  / 。12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
a long/short string   
5)drawer 抽屉
my bag is in the drawer.
he puts his clothes in the drawer. 
where is my ruler? it’s in the drawer.
6)would you like to go outside with me?
    would you like to ...? 是一种客气的建议或请求。请你…好吗?
 would you like to talk with me? 跟我说说话好吗?
 would you like to play with me?  
would you like to listen to me?听我说好吗?
that’s a good idea.   ok.    all right.
否定的答复可以这样客气的拒绝,说:i’d like to,but... 我很愿意去,但是 …
  i’d like to,but i must do my homework now.
 i’d like to,but i must do my homework .
 i’d like to,but must wash the clothes.
7)please join us.
  join 参加,加入 . join sb. 跟我们一起去吧。跟我们一起玩吧。跟我们一起喝吧。
we are going to play football after class. zhang tong,please join us.
  we are drinking .please join us.
  we are singing. please join us.
8)we can help you do the housework.我们可以帮你做家务 .
help sb. do sth.帮某人干…
do you often help your mother do housework?
li meng is helping tong tong clean the classroom.
  would you like to go swimming with us?
 i’d like to ,but i must do my homework.
 that’s a good idea./ok.
let’s listen to the dialogue,then answer the questions.
1)what day is today?
(it’s saturday.)
 2)does tom need to go to school?
    (no, he doesn’t.)
3)what does he want to do ?
    (he wants his parents to go outside to play with him?)
4)what would they play?
    (they would fly a kite.)
lesson 11 what’s your hobby?
   你喜欢什么活动?你不喜欢什么活动?你有什么喜好吗?这一课我们学习: what do you usually do after school? reading is hobby. i like going shopping with my mother. peter likes drawing picture. he doesn’t like music at all.学会这些单词和短语:do some reading   an album    collect stamps  do sports   play computer games 通过学习,使学生懂得,生活中我们应该形成良好的兴趣爱好。12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
教学目的 :
  what do you usually do after school?
reading is hobby.
 i like going shopping with my mother.
peter likes drawing picture.
he doesn’t like music at all.  
  do some reading   an album    collect stamps  do sports   play computer games
2:准备do some reading   an album    collect stamps  do sports   play computer games   的单词卡片。
3.准备更多的业余活动的图片 如:爬山,放风筝,钓鱼,野餐,划船,阅读,唱歌,跳舞等。
3. 热身(warming up)
a:hello,chen haonan. where are you going ?
  b:i’m going to the library. i’m going to do some reading there.
  a:do you often read?
  b:yes.i like reading.and reading is my hobby. what’s your hobby?
a:music.i like listening to the music.
2. 新课展示(new presentation)
1)what do you usually do after school?
    usually 叫频度副词。通常,经常。
    we usually play football after school.
    what does tong tong usually do at the weekend?
    he usually goes swimming with his father.
    sometimes 有时    often 经常   always  总是
    seldom 很少  rarely 难得,很少
2)i usually do some sports.
do some sports  做些运动。
sport  中的字母组合or读长音/  /。注意,在重读音节中的/s/后的清辅音要发生浊化。
do you like sports?
sports meeting 运动会
3) i like playing ping-pong. ping-pong is my hobby.
  拼读单词 hob-by  hobby  hobby 喜好,爱好
   for example,
   what’s your hobby?
   i like singing and dancing.
   drawing is my father’s hobby.
   mir lin has a hobby of fishing.
like sth.喜欢某事或某物。
for example,  like music   like sports   like football
  like doing 喜欢做某事。
for example,    like swimming  like reading  like drawing pictures
 i like going shopping on saturday or sunday. 
like going shopping 喜欢购物。
4)i like drawing in my free time.有空时喜欢画画。
in one’s free time 在…的空闲时间
for example,
miss wang likes drawing in her free time. drawing is her hobby.
5)and collecting stamps is my hobby. it’s fun to enjoy the beautiful pictures on the stamps.12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
collecting stamps集邮。
拼读单词 col-lect collect收集 
collect money集资  collect information收集信息
拼读单词stamp 邮票 
 the stamp of monkey king is very beautiful.这张猴票很漂亮。 
6)    shall i look at your albums? 我看一下你的集邮册好吗?
shall i …?  表示一种请求的语气。
拼读单词al-bum  album集邮册,相册。 
7) billy likes playing computer games. he doesn’t like reading.
    拼读单词computer电脑,计算机  com-pu-ter computer 多音节词,重音在第二个音节上。第二个音节为重读开音节,u读长音/  /。
拼读单词 game比赛,游戏。
the 29th beijing olympic games
play computer games 玩电脑游戏 
many students have the hobby  of playing computer games.it’s interesting.i like it ,too.
 8)i also do some reading in my free time.
do some reading 读点书,进行阅读。
reading is my hobby. i often do some reading in the library .
3. 巩固活动:
  what’s your hobby?
  my hobby is doing sth.
  i like doing sth.
   my hobby is doing sth.
   i like doing sth.
   doing sth. is xx’s hobby.
   he/she likes doing sth.
my hobby is 
let’s listen to the dialogue,then answer the questions.
1)what are li shan’s hobby?
   ( reading.and she likes going shopping with her mother.)
2)what about han ping?
  (she likes drawing in her free time.and collecting stamps is her hobby.)
3)why does han ping like stamps?
  (it’s fine to enjoy the beautiful pictures on the stamps.)
5.let’s practise(ii).
reading time.tick right or wrong after reading.
lesson12 a sports meeting
你们一定开过运动会吧。运动会上那激烈的比赛还记得吧。我们看看这场运动会上都进行什么比赛。这一课学生要学会说一些有关比赛的句子: the relay race has begun. what sport are you in?   which class will win? we are neck and neck with class 1.学会这些词汇:a sports meeting  win  neck and neck  the marathon  player
the relay race has begun.
what sport are you in?
 which class will win?   
a sports meeting  win  neck and neck  the marathon  player
2:准备 greens  celery  cherries  nice and sweat 的单词卡片。
3.准备更多的体育运动的单词卡片。 如:滑雪,滑旱冰,游泳,跑步,划船比赛,自行车赛等。
4. 热身(warming up)
t:do you like sports?
t:what is your favourite sport?
sa:i like…best.
sb:i like… best. playing… is my hobby.
  t:i like sports ,too.playing ping-pong is my hobby.
  i wish i can take part of the olympic games in beijing.
2. 新课展示(new presentation)
   sa: look.the relay race has begun.which class will win?
      sb:i’m sure our class will win.
      sa:what class are you in?
      sb:i’m in class 2.look! we are neck and neck with class 1.come on,class 2!
      sa:good luck to you!
 1)a sports meeting 运动会 
召开运动会我们说:have a sports meeting
2)look.the games have begun.
have/has begun 已经开始
the class has begun.已经上课了。
the game has begun.比赛已经开始了。
the meeting has begun.会议已经开始了。
3)    the relay race has begun.
 relay race接力赛 relay接替,换班。重音在第二个音节。
 race 名词  赛跑,竞赛。
run a race 赛跑   ride a race 举行赛马
 row a race  划船比赛  sail a race 帆船比赛
4) which class will win?
win 赢,胜。
win the game 赢了比赛  
you have won me.你算把我说服了。
i’m sure we will win.我肯定我们会赢。
will+do (原形)是动词的将来时态,用来描述将来会发生的事。will是助动词,可以用于各种人称。shall也是将来时态的助动词,但常用于第一人称。
for example
we will have a sports meeting next week.我们下周将开运动会。
you will mop the floor and i shall clean the window.你拖地,我擦窗户。
he will go to middle school next year.他明年就要上中学了。
it will be fine tomorrow.明天会是个好天气。
be going to do sth.结构也是将来式,主要用于口语中,用来表示某人有什么计划或打算。
   here are some examples
i’m going to help my mother do the housework this afternoon.
li jing is going to do some shopping.12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
the students are going to ask the teacher to play with them.
5)what class are you in?
be in 在…   参加…
what group are you in?
what sports are you in?你参加哪种比赛?
i’m in the running. 我参加跑步。
6) 拼读单词ma-ra-thon   marathon马拉松。
which athlete is in the marathon?
zhang yingjie is in the marathon.
7)look.class 1 is neck and neck with class 2.
  neck 脖子    be neck and neck with sb.和某人肩并肩
 now billy is neck and neck with jackson .but i’m sure he will win.
8)come on.加油。在比赛中给运动员加油,当某人遇到困难时需要鼓励,这些时候这是一句很确切的话。
9)good luck to your class.
  good luck to 祝 …好运。
good luck to you.
good luck to us all.祝我们都好运。
10)good luck to the players.
 player 运动员  由play加er构成。player 的意思同  athlete
what is going on?
the skiing/skating/swimming/relay race/boating/ riding.
who will win?
good luck to him/her!
let’s listen to the dialogue,then answer the questions.
1)what is going on?
   (the relay race.)
2)which class will win?
    (not sure.)
(class 1 is neck and neck with class 2.)
lesson 13  how often do you go hiking?
    其实,除了参加运动会,我们平常还有许多有益的户外活动。你常进行什么样的户外活动?学习句型:how often do you go hiking? i go hiking once a week.这些句子用来描述你进行某项活动的频度如何。学会词语:go skateboarding   go bike riding   go hiking  go roller skating  小结频度副词在一般现在时态中的应用。
how often do you go hiking?
i go hiking once a week.   
   go skateboarding   go bike riding   go hiking  go roller skating
2.准备go skateboarding   go bike riding   go hiking  go roller skating
4. 准备一些实物。钓竿,背包,滑板,旱冰鞋,风筝等。
1. 热身(warming up)
t:  what’s your hobby,a?
sa: my hobby is watching tv/playing computer games/…老师引导学生说出自己的喜好。
t:do you like…,b? what’s your hobby?  老师在边展示图片边向学生b 提问what do you like ,b?
sb: i like….老师把学生说出的活动的图片找出来,学生不会用英语说的话,老师可提供帮助。
t: do you  often go/play…?
sb :yes.?no.  
t:how often ?once a week? twice a week? three times a week or every day?
2. 新课展示(new presentation)
ben:  what’s your hobby?
   david:i like sports.and hiking is my hobby. i go hiking with my friend on saturday.
ben:  how often do you go hiking?
   david: once a week. what do you like?
   ben:  i like bike riding.and i always go bike riding after school.
   billy:i never ride bike to school.i like roller skating. i often go roller skating in the afternoon.
alice:but i like skateboarding. sometimes i go skateboarding in the afternoon.
1)tomorrow is saturday.let’s go hiking.
        hike 徒步旅行  而 walk 是指一般的走路。
go doing去干什么,去做某项运动。常见的短语有:
go fishing  go swimmimg
go skating  go hunting 
do you often go hiking?
yes.hiking is my hobby.
   2) how often do you go hiking?
 how often多久一次?常用来对某种行为的频度进行提问。
for example
 how often do you go to see your grandma?
how often does he come home?
how often do they go fishing?
3) once a week.一周一次。对于频度的提问,常回答在单位时间里进行的次数是什么。如:
once a month. 一月一次
 twice a day. 一日两次  
three times a  year.  一年三次
 six times a season. 一个季度六次
4)sometimes  often  usually always  均为频度副词,表示某一行为在一个单位时间里发生的次数有多少。sometimes 有时  often 经常  usually通常 always  总是   而 never  是一个完全否定的副词,表示从来没有。这些频度副词用于一般现在时态,常放在行为动词之前。
for example:
i sometimes go shopping with my mother on sunday.
do the students often have lunch at school?
what do you usually do after work? 下班后你常干什么?
i usually do some sports . i often go bike riding. sometimes i go roller skating.
my father always rides his bike to work.
mir smith doesn’t like swimming.he never goes swimming with betty.
 5)ride  骑   常用的短语有:12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
ride a horse   ride a bike   go bike riding     
 6)roller 滚转的东西    go roller skating 去滑旱冰  
go skateboarding 去滑滑板
do you often go skateboarding?
no,never.but i go roller skating three times a week.
3. 巩固活动:
menu of this week
  monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday
breakfast porridge/cake milk/bread milk/bread milk/cake milk/bread
lunch rice/chicken cake/fish rice/beef rice/fish cake/beef
supper noodles/fruit rice/fruit dumplings/fruit porridge/fruit rice/fruit
 the children ________________________________ for breakfast.
 the children ________________________________ for breakfast.
the children ______________________________________________.
they______________________________________ for lunch.
 they______________________________________ for lunch.
______________________________________________ supper.
how often do you…?
how often does he/she…?
  you your mother your father
take a bath     
brush the teeth     
clean the room     
play computer games     
go shopping
watch tv     
do sports     
let’s listen to the dialogue,then answer the questions.
 1)what day is tomorrow?
  (it’s saturday.)
 2)what would they  do?
    (they would go hiking.)
3)how often does mike go hiking?
    (about once a week.)
   4)what about tom?
    (he goes hiking once a week.)
lesson 14 have a good habbit.
良好的生活习惯有利于我们的健康,因此,不管是工作,还是学习和生活,我们都应该养成良好的习惯。学习这些句型来给别人一些建议:you shouldn’t read in bed. it’s bad for your eyes. read at the table. you should have a good habit.学会词汇短语:read in bed  talk in the library   make a noise   keep quiet12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
教学目的 :
you shouldn’t read in bed.
it’s bad for your eyes.
 read at the table.
you should have a good habit. 
  read in bed  talk in the library   make a noise   keep quiet
1.    教师准备三段课件:
1)老师正在上课,一个学生迟到了,老师与这个学生之间的对话 。
2.准备read in bed  talk in the library   make a noise   keep quiet
2. 热身(warming up)
1)老师先提问一两个学生 what’s your hobby?
引导学生用学过的i like…. 或doing sth.is my hobby.这样的句型回答出自己得喜好。
针对学生的答案,老师进行评述,如:hiking is good for your health. fishing is interesting. flying a kite is not easy.等。
do you get up early?
do you have breakfast everyday?
 针对学生的回答 ,老师进行评述,如:
that’s a good habit./ that’s a bad habit.
it’s good for your health./it’s bad for you health.
3) 老师再提问:
do you like playing computer games?
how often do you play?
 you shouldn’t play too much. it’s bad for your eyes.
4)    what’s your father’s hobby?
does he  often  drink much?
does he like smoking?
it’s a bad habit.he shouldn’t drink too much. it’s bad for his health.   
2. 新课展示(new presentation)
   s:sorry.i’m late again.
t:you shouldn’t be late for  school. it’s a bad habit.
s:i’m sorry. i got up late.
   t:you should get up early and come to school on time.you should have a good a good habit.
   s: all right.i’ll try .
1)you shouldn’t be late for  school.
 you should get up early and come to school on time.
you should….你应该…
you shouldn’t…. 你不应该…
samples are
you shouldn’t tell him about it .
 he should be here on time.
 you should have more vegetables and fruits.
  2) late晚的,迟。 be late for 干某事迟到。
samples are
he is often late for work.12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
 don’t be late for school.
3)you should have a good habit.
拼读单词 ha-bit  habit 习惯
have a good habit养成好习惯    have a bad habit 养成坏习惯
for example,
children should have a good habit.
they shouldn’t have  bad habits.
 4)we should go to school on time 。
on time按时 
go to work on time  按时上班
mum:  linda,what are you doing?
linda:i’m reading.
mum:  oh,dear.you shouldn’t read in bed.it’s a bad habit.it’s bad for you eyes.
linda:but i’m tired.
mum:  if you are tired,stop reading. read at the table.you should have a good habit.
1)you shouldn’t read in bed. it’s bad for your health.
 read in bed    in bed 躺在床上
here are examples
you shouldn’t eat in bed. it’s a bad habit.
where is tom? he is still in bed.他还没起床呐。
2) it’s bad for your health.
it’s bad for...这...对有坏处。
it’s good for....这...对有好处。
for example,  
you should do some sports.it’s good for your health.
you shouldn’t read in the sun.it’s bad for your eyes.
3)if you are tired ,stop reading.
     if 如果,用来引导条件状语从句。常用来表示如果…就…的意思。
    for example
      if you are happy,clap your hands.
      if i know,i’ll tell you.
i am/feel tired.  
 stop doing停止干某事。  stop talking 别说了。  stop fighting 别打了。 stop laughing 别笑了。  stop crying别哭了。
4)read at the table. 
 at the table 在桌旁。
for example,
li dong sits at the table doing his homework.
mr green is a writer.he often works at the table at night.
ss:(talking in the library.)…
t: stop talking.you shouldn’t make a noise in the library.
t: you should keep quiet. you should have a good habit.
ss: ok.
1)    noise噪音,嘈杂声。 make noise 嘈闹
   don’t make noise at night. 
  the radio makes a big noise at night. please turn it off.
2) keep quiet 保持安静
please keep quiet.the baby is sleeping.
 we should keep quiet in the hospital or library.
   you should …. it’s a good habit.it’s good for your….
   you shouldn’t….it’s a bad habit. it’s bad for your….
let’s listen to the dialogue,then answer the questions.
  1)what is linda doing?
   (she is reading in bed.)
2)should she do that?
  (no, she shouldn’t.it’s a bad habit.)
   (it’s bad for her eyes.)
4)what should she do?
   (she should read at the table.)



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