unit1using language|Unit1Useyoureyes!Lookandread

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-19 网络整理 晴天


unit 1 use your eyes!look and read
教学目标 知识与技能:using adjectives to describe objects
using the simple present tense to express simple truths
            using prepositions to indicate position
过程与方法:locate specific information in response to simple instructions or questions
            use modeled phrases and sentences to communicate with teachers and other learners
教学重点和难点 using the simple present tense to express simple truths
asking questions to find out position
using prepositions to indicate position
教学媒体 pictures, an electic torch, a model of the block,
课前学生准备 english book   reading the text
教学流程 pre-task preparation
1.daily talk.
2. use the torch to explain the movement of the sun during a day.
3. teach the new word: shadow /(using the new word and picture card) the block’s shadow  / rise/go down/in front of/behind
4. phonetic symbol
while-task procedure
1. (use the torch) t: look , the sun rises in the morning. is the shadow long or short? where is the block’s shadow?
2. t: it’s afternoon. how is the shadow? where is the shadow?
3. t: the sun goes down. is the shadow short? where is the block’s shadow?
4. play the cassette. students listen and follow.
5. play again. listen and repeat.
6. review the prepositions: behind, in front of, in, on, beside.
  e.g. ** is behind /beside/in front of the desk.
7. read the text.
post-task activity
1. read: read and answer.
   ask the questions about each of the three pictures.
2. work book page1: complete the sentences.
 grammar practice book page1

板书设计  module 1 using my five senses
unit 1 use your eyes!
                 morning      afternoon     evening
the sun          rises         high          goes down
block’s shadow   long         short         long
                 behind        beside        in front of12
教学效果的反馈 本节课教授的是太阳,楼的影子以及影子的方位随着时间的变化而不断的变化。跟日常生活切贴,孩子们有亲身的感受,接受起来不是很困难,但也易错,尤其是影子的方位。音标学生掌握起来较难。/e/读音需巩固。在默写中出现the sun is goes down in the evening的错误。在练习中还会出现孩子们不看所给的单词就急着去填空,错的较多需引导指正,课文需巩固加强,尤其是音标部分。



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