[5a景区]5A Unit 2 第一课时

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-04 网络整理 晴天


1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a telephantla , a lamp, under, behind, in, on等。
2.继续巩固上一课所学词汇及句式is there/are there…?
3.四会掌握句式:what’s in /on/under/ behind…?there’s/there isn’t a/an… there are some/aren’t any…。
1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a telephantla , a lamp, under, behind, in, on等。
2.四会掌握句式:what’s in /on/under/ behind…?there’s/there isn’t a/an… there are some/aren’t any…。
教学难点:句式is there/are there…?
教学准备: 图片、实物、录音磁带等。
step 1warming up
  what’s in the …?
1. talk about the picture(房子结构图).
  there’s/ there are…(拼词结合其中)
  there isn’t/ there aren’t…
2. practise:
part f: find the differences. ( 每人说2句,能者多说)
there’s/there are… in picture 1/2.
there isn’t/ there aren’t… in picture 1/2.
step 2(presentation:利用图片和实物进行)
1.    methods of learning the prepositions.
1) behind ( 利用师生所处位置教、练)
t: i’m behind…( 学生姓名) 
s: i’m… ( 同上)
2. look and say ( 利用课文卧室图进行,目的:运用6个介词进行句式练习)
1) try to know the objects in yang ling’s bedroom.
  a lamp, a chair, a desk, a book, a map
  a telephone, toys, a bed, a window, wall(其中wall为新授)
2) answer: where’s…?
t: 指lamp
s: there’s a lamp on the desk.( 先分组交流,再检查 )
3. look and answer the questions.
t: what’s in your bedroom?
s: there’s a …(prep. phrase) / there are some…s (prep. phrase).
step 3 (pratise )
1. listen to the text. ( 课文后半部分)
2.answer the questions.
1) what’s…? there’s / there are some…
2) where’s…? it’s…( prep. phrase )
3) is there…? are there any…?
step 4 ( ask and answer: part c of “lesson 2”)
1. look, ask and answer.
t-s: what’s in /on/under /behind…?
there’s/there isn’t a/an… there are some/aren’t any…。
2.prepare in groups.
step 5(homework )
1. read and recite the text。
2. copy and write from memory: four-skill words and sentences.
unit 2 a new house
what’s in /on/under /behind…?      
there’s/there isn’t a/an…           
there are some/aren’t any…。


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