【pepper】PEP Book5 Unit 2 . My days of the week

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-01 网络整理 晴天


      掌握句型:what do you do on saturdays / sundays?i often do homework, read books and watch tv. 要求学生能在真实情景中运用。
      what does he/she do on …?  he/she –s on … .
step 1. warm up
1. greetings.
2. spelling of the words: monday ~ sunday
3. daily questions: what day is it today?
                      what do you have on …?
                      do you like monday? why?
                      what do you have on …?
 step 2: presentation
      t: from monday to friday, we must study at school. but on saturday and sunday , we don’t go to school. what do you do on saturdays?
help them answer: i often … .
show the pictures: read books, watch tv, do homework , etc.
  step 3: pair work
  have them ask and answer in pairs.
  step 4: listen and read
  play the tape, read the dialogue.
  step5: let’s try
  出示本课时let’s try 部分的图片,让学生据图上内容,说一说这些人物的周末活动。
      t: look at these pictures , what does chen jie do ?(讨论图片,板书在黑板上)listen  to
      tape , and choose one picture .
        what does chen jie do on saturdays?
        what does mike do on sundays?
  step 6: practice
   have them make a plan for their weekend.


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