[pep6年级上册英语电子课本]PEP6 Unit 3 My Birthday 单元测试

小学五年级英语教案 2022-03-01 网络整理 晴天


班级              姓名                得分 
listening part
ⅰ:listen and number.  听音,标号。(8分)

(       )            (       )           (       )           (          )


(       )      (       )               (       )            (          )
ⅱ:  listen and choose.   听音,选择,并将序号写在前面的括号里。(10分)
1(    ) a.  november         b.  december            c.  september
2. (     )  a.  january           b.  february             c. october
3. (     )  a.  august           b.  october              c. april 19th
4. (     )  a.  the second        b.  the third              c.  the first
5. (     )  a.  march 12th        b.  march 22th           c. marth 2th
6. (     )  a.  day              b.  date                 c.  today
7. (     )  a.  children’s day     b.  national day          c.  independence day123456
8. (     )  a.  june 9th          b.   july 9th              c.june 19th
9. (     )  a.  twelfth          b.  twentieth             c. twelve
10.(     )  a.  what about        b.  how about            c. now about
ⅲ:  listen ad answer. 听音, 选择相应的答句,并将序号写在括号里。(14分)
1(    )  a.  june 5th .                           b.yes.
2. (     )   a. novermber                          b. thank you!.
3. (     )   a.it’s monday.                          b it’s june 9th.
4. (     )   a. happy birthday !                      b. yes, it is.
5. (     )   a. yes she is.                            b. yes, she does.
6. (     )   a. october 1st                        b. august 1st.
7. (     )   a. july 1st .                              b. july 4th.
ⅳ :listen and judge. 听短文,判断对错。(8分)
1. (    ) lisa’s birthday is july  5th .
2. (    ) grandma’s birthday is december 3rd
3. (    ) dan and i like playing sports.
4. (    )uncle’s birthday is march 12th.123456

writing part(60%)
ⅰ: let’s find out. 找出不同类的单词。(16%)
1.(    )a.one            b.two              c. second            d.three
2.(    )a. monday        b.  novermber      c. december         d.february
3.(    )a. twelfth         b. twentieth         c.   second         d.twelve
4.(    )a. birthday        b.  children’s day   c. national day        d.tree-planting day
5.(    )a.spring          b. summer         c.  fall              d.season
6.(    )a.monday         b. tuesday         c. army day          d.sunday
7.(    )a.sister           b.  brother         c.  mother          d.friend
8.(    )a. the first        b.  the eighth       c.   the twelfth       d.nine
ⅱ:let’s choose. 选择,并将序号写在括号里。(10%)
1、(    )  my birthday is      march.
a. in           b.  on          c. at
2、(     ) when      is your birthday
a.is         b.  am          c. are
3、(     ) what       you doing
a.  do        b.  doing        c. are123456
4. (     )   a:  what’s the date
a.  in n overmber      b.  july 9th    c. 9th
5. (     )    my birthday is    
a.  in           b.  /            c. on
6. (     )           she have a computer?
a.  do          b.  is          c. does
7. (     )    then she won’t        able to see the card.
       a.  is             b.  be        c. am
8. (     )      a:                        
              b:it’s september 10th
        a.  what time is it?   b. when is the teacher’s day?        c. what day is it today?
9. (     )     a:                        
              b:it’s july 9th
        a. what’s it ?   b. when is your birthday?        c. what day is it today?
10. (    )      what is the national day?
a. october 1st      b.  august 1st              c.  july 1st
ⅲ.let’s match. 选择正确的答句,并将序号写在括号里。(6%)
(    ) 1.when is your birthday              a: it’s monday.123456
(    ) 2 does she have a computer?          b :my birthday is october 10th
(    ) 3. what’s the date                   c: it’s june 6th
(    ) 4. what day is it today                d:yes ,she is
(    ) 5. when is the national day            e: no, she doesn’t
(    ) 6. is her birthday in  july             f: october 1st
ⅳ:let’s arrange. 连词成句。12%
1. you   when      is     birthday   ?

2. what    date   the       is   ?

3. birthday   june  in     her     is ?

4. in   my    novermber     birthday    is      too

ⅴ: read and write .看图写单词8%
1.my             is in              
2.the national day is in          
3.father’s day is in              
4.in beijing, it’s spring from               to       
  winter is from           to       
ⅵ:read and  choose. 阅读理解。8%
hello, my name is liming , yesterday i made a birthday chart for my family.
my birthday is june9th , my mother’s birthday is june 14th, my grandpa’s birthday is june23th, my gandpa is in america, my grandpa lives with my uncle bill and aunt mary in america, so i usually make an e-card to him for his birthday.
there are 2 birthdays in november,  my father and my cousin alice. alice likes dolls, so i often send her some beautiful dolls .
my grandma’s birthday is in april , it is very warm and nice in april, then when her birthday is coming ,we often go hiking for her birthday. there is none in december.123456
this is my chart ,i love my family.
(    )1.how many people are there in liming’s family?
a.  6        b.   8     c.    9
(     )2.how many birthdays are there in june?
a.  2       b.    4    c.     3
(     )3 .how many birthdays are there in december?
a.  0        b.   2    c.    3
(     )4.what will liming do for his grandpa’s birthday?
a. send an e -mail         b. send an e-card    c.  send a birthday cake



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