pepper_PEP 3-Unit 5 What would you like? Part A- Let’s learn /Let’s play

小学四年级英语教案 2021-05-12 网络整理 晴天


let’s play
teaching aims and requires:
1.learn the words: rice fish beef soup noodles vegetable
2.using the sentence: can i have some noodles, please?
sure. here you are.
3.know how to buy the foods.
teaching important point:
words and the drills.
teaching difficult point:
1.the words :vegetable
2.the drills.
teaching tools:
cai  pictures  vegetable soup
teaching steps:
1. review the words: coffee  coke  tea  juice  water  milk
(1) t: what can you see?
( 用课件滚动出现六种饮料,一分钟后消失,让学生说说i can see… )
(2) t: oh, so many drinks. what do you like ?
   s: i like …
(3) let’s do.
2. review the words: hot dog hamburger bread cake chicken french fries
(1)t: well done. now, i want to eat something. let’s have a look. what can we eat?
(2)t: what do you like?
  s: i like …
(3)let’s do.
二.learn the new words.
1.learn the words : rice  fish  beef  noodles
t: do you know what dose miss pan like? i like chinese food. look! i like this.
(show the pictures of the words. let the students read.)
2.learn the word : soup
(1)t read the word. play the game: louder and lower.
(2) play “passing” game.
3.learn the word : vegetable
(1)t: (show the soup) look! what’s in the soup?
vegetable. (read the word)
(2) play the game: hide and seek.
4.practice these words.
(利用多媒体) what’s missing?
5.t: what do you like? (分发手中的图片给学生。)
三.learn the drills : can i have some… , please? sure. here you are.
1.learn: sure. here you are.
t: oh! i have no food now. but i’m hungry now. i want to eat some rice. who has got rice? can i have some rice, please?
(示意有rice图片的学生起立,并提示他说:sure. here you are.)
2.learn: can i have some …, please?
t: do you want to eat something? (show the menu.) look! i have many foods. you can ask me.
(让学生用:can i have some …, please? 来向老师买东西。)
利用多媒体,给食物订好价格,有些是free. 要钱的可用击掌代替一下.
四.practice the drills and the words.
play a game: find the foods.
t: look! there are six cards on your desk. but they are same. please find the other foods from others.


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